I've been experimenting with thousands of combinations, going AA, AB, AC, AD, etc., assuming 4th was a certain letter(since it seems to have multiple answers).
Never figured out the answer, and I've literally spent 8 hours on this puzzle.
You have bested me, sir.
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I'm afraid I've given up too. #2 is just too esoteric for me.
Honestly, I'm not at all interested in Darkness 2, just the puzzle. Which I've unfortunately failed. Great work, Henisho. And good luck to the ones who solved it.
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II ) Uploads s??u? ?a???? l?u? ?a??s ?ay
Count the letters.
Uploads - 7
s??u? - 5
?a???? - 6
l?u? - 4
?a??s - 5
?ay - 3
This sentence is supposed to have the same number of characters than a certain sentence that you can find in the lyrics, however it doesn't have the same number of characters...
Okay... it doesn't have the same number of characters than a certain sentence that I can find in the lyrics, but it is supposed to... Then I can say there's something wrong.
Only one of these words can't be converted into a word you that can find in the song...
Okay... Then I can say there are five words that can be converted into words that I can find in the song.
Let's take a look at our sentence again: Uploads s??u? ?a???? l?u? ?a??s ?ay - 7, 5, 6, 4, 5, 3
Now let's take a look at the lyrics of the song, and see if we can find a sentence where the arrangement of the number of letters resembles "7, 5, 6, 4, 5, 3". Remember that only one word can't be converted.
So here we go again - 2, 4, 2... - NOPE
You're opening your mouth before you think - 5, 6, 4... - NOPE
Your insincerities are clinging to me like the stench of your last drink - 4, 13, 3... - LOL NO!
Did I really hear you say youre sorry? - 3, 1, 6... - NOPE
Hard for me to believe - 4, 3, 2... NO! >:C
I don't get how you're buying your own story - 1, 4, 3... - NOPE
You're piss broke emotionally - 4, 4, 5... - NOPE
I'm watching - 2, 8... - NO
Listening - 8... - AND NO
The volume's always the same - 3, 6, 6... - AND NO!
Actions speak louder than words do - 7, 5, 6, 4, 5, 2... - AND NO... OH WAIT, OMG! HELL YES! FINALLY!
Which word can't be converted? And what is the letter that prevents you from doing so?
Let's see...
Uploads s??u? ?a???? l?u? ?a??s ?ay
Actions speak louder than words do
a -> u
c -> p
t -> l
i -> o
o -> a
n -> d
s -> s
If you apply this rule to "Actions speak louder than words do", you'll find "Uploads s??u? ?a???? l?u? ?a??s ?a", not "Uploads s??u? ?a???? l?u? ?a??s ?ay".
So, which word can't be converted?
What is the letter that prevents you from doing so?
y (this is the answer).
Eh... I hope this helps.
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Well, this is my first puzzle giveaway. I'm not really in the mood to create a puzzle, so I'm sorry if this is too easy:
I ) I - IV III
Pro tip: Every symbol can be converted into a number. I - IV III can be converted into 1 - 4 3, where and - are TWO different numbers. Also, - is a number higher than
Your goal is to convert the whole sentence into the character you're looking for... If there are two symbols left, then you have to use a numerical system that only uses two numbers. By the way, this is a very famous numerical system...
II ) Uploads s??u? ?a???? l?u? ?a??s ?ay
Pro tip: Count the letters. This sentence is supposed to have the same number of characters than a certain sentence that you can find in the lyrics, however it doesn't have the same number of characters... Only one of these words can't be converted into a word you that can find in the song... Which word can't be converted? And what is the letter that prevents you from doing so?
III) We are nothing but cosmic music played out on vibrating strings and membranes. Obeying the laws of physics, which is nothing but the laws of harmony of vibrating strings. But why 11? It turns out that if you write a theory in 15, 17, 18 dimensions, the theory is unstable. It has what are called, anomalies. It has singularities. It turns out that mathematics alone prefers the universe being 11 dimensions.
Now some people have toyed with 12 dimensions. At Harvard University, for example, some of the physicists there have shown that a 12-dimensional theory actually looks very similar to an 11-dimensional theory except it has two times, double times rather than one single time parameter. Now, what would it be like to live in a universe with double time? Well, I remember a movie with David Niven. David Niven played a pilot, who was shot down over the Pacific, but the angels made a mistake, he was not supposed to die that day. And so the angels brought him back to life and said, “Oh, sorry about that. We killed you off by accident; you were not supposed to die today.”
So in a great scene, David Niven then walks through a city where time has stopped. Everyone looks like this. And there’s David Niven just wandering around looking at all these people. That’s a world with double time. David Niven has one clock, but everyone else has a separate clock and these two clocks are perpendicular to each other. So if there’s a double time universe, you could walk right into a room, see people frozen in time, while you beat to a different clock. That’s a double time universe.
Now this is called F-Theory, “F” for father, the father of strings. It’s not known whether F-Theory will survive or not; however, M-Theory in 11 dimension is the mother of a1l strings. And that theory works perfectly fine. So to answer your question, in other dimensions, dimensions beyond 11, we have problems with stability, these theories are unstable, they decay back down to 11 dimensions, they have what are called anomalies, singularities, which kill an ordinary theory. So the mathematics itself forces you to 11 dimensions.
Also because this is a Theory of Everything, there’s more room in higher dimensions to put all the forces together. When you put gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear force together, four dimensions is not big enough to accommodate all these forces. When you expand to 11 dimensions, bingo, everything forms perfectly well.
IV ) -Thirty-Seven.Eight Four, One Hundred Forty-Four.Eight Nine Three Seven
Pro tip: when you don't know something, what do you do? C'mon you're on the internet, you can find almost everything.
V ) You better Pay attention to everything I say.
The giveaway will end Saturday - March 3.
The game is The Darkness II.
Format: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/xx#Xx, and # is a number.
Here it is
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