Hello there guys and gals!
So, I have an older android phone which is not multitouch (for example: cant press direction and action button at the same time), but I would still like to play some games on emulator.
Can you recommend me some games that does not have real time action?
I've already tried some rpg like Chrono Trigger or Breath of Fire but that's really not my genre (JRPG if i'm not mistaken), Pokemon and Sims on GBA were kinda good tho but I was easily bored with them.
Is there something similar like Heroes of might and magic or some point-n-click adventure games? I'm mainly looking for strategy (i prefer non-grand strategy) and adventure games. And maybe some good puzzle games.
The most imortant aspect is the game should not have actions that require more than 1 button pressed at a time.

!!! EDIT !!!!
Thank you sooooooooooo much for all the answers so far! I did not expected THAT amount of help! Love ya all ♥ keep em coming ;)

10 years ago*

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For a puzzle I really liked, Tetris Attack(it has characters from Mario games), for Adventure The Book of the Jungle or Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures all on SNES.

I even have the cartridges xd http://i.imgur.com/mJGQ6EH.jpg, I enjoyed most of this games.

10 years ago

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Wii DVD cases...almost as rare a sight as Dreamcast cases.

10 years ago

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Fire Emblem, but it's a SRPG.

10 years ago

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The first Ace Attorney game is on GBA and is perfect for mobile phones. There's even an Ace Attorney game for mobile.

If you're into SRPGs, someone already mentioned Fire Emblem but I'd also like to recommend Advanced Wars.

10 years ago

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I was thinking the same thing but it's Advance Wars not Advanced

10 years ago

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Sid Meier's Civilization for the SNES is a very nice strategy game. Might be a bit complicated, but if you read up on it online you'll figure it out.
There is also a gammed called Ygddra Union that is akin to Fire Emblem, pretty nice too.

10 years ago

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Point and click adventures, huh. How about the NES version of Shadowgate? Lots of fun times to be had.

10 years ago

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Much like shadowgate mentioned above Uninvited for NES was good.

10 years ago

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Much like shadowgate mentioned above Uninvited for NES was good.

10 years ago

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I also liked Deja Vu for NES, which has similar game play. I think there was a game boy or GBA game which includes Deja Vu 2 as well.

There is also an NES version of Maniac Mansion.

10 years ago

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The three games were made by the same company. They're great.

10 years ago

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Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Majide GBA

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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This!! Not currently playing it, but it´s an awesome game :)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Try Shadowrun (for SNES), IMO its much better then Shadowrun returns and Im not even talking about the piece of tripe shadowrun online

10 years ago

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strategy games of GBA:
-Final Fantasy Tactics advance and advance 2
-Fire emblem
-Advance Wars
Point and click GBA games:
-Broken sword

I dont know if you´d like them but other great games of GBA are:
-Golden Sun
-Kingdom hearts chain of memories
-Zelda the minish cap
-Mario Golf and Mario Tennis
-Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
-Megaman battle network 6

I dont remember other strategy and point-n-click adventure sorry

10 years ago

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This is a genesis game, but it should still run:
Shining Force

The Sequel is on GBA.

If your device is older, I would recommend rooting it and installing an app to allow you to connect a wii remote to it.

10 years ago

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Shining Force got a GBA remake, actually.

10 years ago

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GBA: Super Robot Wars Original Generation 1 and 2, Super Robot Wars J; Advance Wars; Fire Emblem; Final Fantasy Tactics can't remember any good puzzle games (Although SRWJ had some bonus puzzle levels, called "Puzzle Robo".) Pretty much every other game lintros said. Also, Rebelstar: Tactical Command, which is quite similar to the original X-Com

SNES: Ogre Battle; Clock Tower is a horror point n' click with 9 different endings; Super Robot Wars 3 (It wasn't as good as any other entry in the franchise, but still worth playing.).

NES: As some other guys said in this thread: Shadowgate; Uninvited; Deja Vu. Heard Venus Senki (or Venus War) is pretty good. There's also "Famicom Wars", which is part of the "Advance Wars" series, keep in mind it was a Japan-only title, and I don't know if there are any translation patches out there.

10 years ago

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I'm not sure what country you live in, but if you live in the US, there is a nice cheap Android phone that is actually pretty good. I used this phone temporarily before I got my Nexus 5:

Alcatel One Touch Evolve- usually costs around $50 (Tmobile Prepaid).

Check the black Friday sales. Sometimes prepaid android phones or tablets become very cheap.

10 years ago

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You could try Medabots RPG, kinda like Pokemon fused with mechs :)

10 years ago

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Advance Wars is amazing you should try

10 years ago

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If you want something similar to Heroes of Might and Magic, the game you should play is King's Bounty - The Conqueror's Quest for the SNES; this is a port of the game Heroes of Might and Magic was based on.

Beyond that, the NES has a lot of decent adventure games. I would recommend:

Deja Vu

...these are all simple and menu-driven, making them good for an emulator. Additionally, you might try The PORTOPIA Serial Murder Case (this will require a translation patch). Oh, and Bio Monster Jesus, another such game with a translation patch (yes, that is its real name.)

Famicom Detective Club 2 for the SNES (another game with a translation patch) is a similar menu-driven adventure game for the SNES, if you like those.

Other good SNES games (most requiring translation patches, but they're easy to find and apply):

Ball Bullet Gun, a squad-based strategy game based on paintball. Lots of weapons to unlock.

Taloon's Adventure and Shiren the Wanderer, very similar roguelikes.

Jutei Senki, an overhead turn-based strategy game.

Treasure Hunter G, an excellent strategy-RPG by Squaresoft.

Wonder Project J, an adventure game (similar to point and click ones, though controlled using a side view) where you raise a robot.

There are also a number of Yu-Gi-Oh games on the GBA; even if it seems a bit goofy to you, I recommend trying them -- they really do have more depth than almost anything else on the system due to the game's age and therefore the huge number of cards and mechanics available (even at the time.)

10 years ago

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Oh god, I forgot all about Deja Vu. I loved the crap out of that game, and it blew my young mind. So many possibilities in the story!!! I grew up loving Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Novels, and that was one of my first experiences playing one.

10 years ago

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tons of dr mario (tetris), advance wars (great stategy game), Shining force (old school jrpg.

10 years ago

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tons of dr mario (tetris), advance wars (great stategy game), Shining force (old school jrpg.

10 years ago

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An NES strategy game by the name of Just Breed. It's very similar to Fire Emblem, just make sure to get the fanmade english translation if you try it.

10 years ago

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Oh yes, Just Breed is excellent.

10 years ago

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The Adventures of Lolo

10 years ago

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