Both games I'd want to make would be more novelties than anything else.
The first one would be a spiritual successor of Snowboard Kids, with a spectator mode that has gameplay (yes, gameplay in spectator mode) like Pokemon Snap. Yeah, I dream big. Wee.
And the second game I'd make would be "Achievement: The Game" and would just be a game all about getting achievements, mostly ones that require micromanaging, fine control, trick moves, etc. Assuming that there would be none of the restraints you'd normally have, it would feature all types of genres in one, sports, racing, FPS, TPS, RTS, tower defense, puzzling, parkour/platforming, etc.
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you might like these flashgames,they are probably not that deep as you describe the seconde game,but they are a start:
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a zombie rts in which you command a survivor who can start an accampament , other survivor can join , everyone with his story , random generated maps , you can control all the people of the group in first or third person view , or normal rts commands , trough missions .
You can find like someone who say that there is a safe heaven in fort chinchilla and you can either go there or stay in your safe zone but the morale of the people will lower , and if the morale lowers they can either run away from you or commit suicide.
In the end something like Dayz with a good singleplayer mode ,Random generated maps , rts controls too .
There should be an arcade mode in which you control the hoard of zombies
And two multplayer modes : one that would work like dayz and the other like an rts only humans vs zombies.
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I really want a zombie survival shooter with an open world. Like GTA, Just Cause or Saints Row with zombies! Go wherever you want, drive cars/planes/choppers, fight with any possible weapons and try to survive.
I thought that Dead Island would be something like that, but as far as I know, I was wrong...
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custer's revenge 2.
id probably make something similar to bulletstorm. not saying id make bulletstorm 2 or anything, but i just think theres a huge lack of FUN games, that dont try to make their plots contrived with full of twists (just for their own sake), or are full of dull samey levels, overly serious scenarios and half-baked rpg elements. Id want to make a fun, loud, over the top, extreme first person shooter, that revels in fun levels and gameplay mechanics, a simple straightforward enjoyable story, with fun characters, performances and dialog, without too much seriousness to drag the whole thing down.
failing that, id love to make a story-based thriller game... one that actually puts gameplay second to telling a very intriguing and dark/spooky story. of course such a game would never sell, sadly.... not enough pew pew.
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I reckon if someone made a site for people to dump ideas which could be built upon through commenting and such, there'd end up being some real gold ideas in.
Would probably need some basic copyrighting or something so that a mentioning of the site or user is included to make it more attractive for people to put entries, but people love spewing ideas and building on them :)
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It's been in my head for a while, and your comment just brought it back up so I stopped to reply.
I just wonder if it's a proper idea why isn't it there yet.
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A sniper missions, going inside of building like an assasin, using the temperature, angles and etc to calculate when you have to shoot and shoot someone from 3 KM. Some really HARD and nice sniper game.
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Star Wars GTA, Star Wars Battlefront 3, Psychonauts 2,..
And own idea: A time travel game, where you kill all the bad people in order the make the world a better place and find that this only made it worse, because that held the world together.
You are a scientist with nice weaponry, but weak body, so you can't run much, if you get hit, you either die (based on where you got shot) or will be injured and get fuzzy.
And you can't take things with you while time traveling, so you woul have to build your guns in this time or steal them from others ^^
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A game that lets you pick your character (viewing the story from a different perspective) and has alternate endings
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The next 8 planned episodes continuing from Sin Episodes: Emergence.
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I have always dreamt of a huge post apocalyptic game with zombies. I know what you are thinking "OMG enough with zombie games" But I've had this idea since I was a kid and no zombie game has ever caught the complete feeling that I'm searching for. I'd say that The Walking Dead comes the most close to it. It should have the focus on survival, relationships and exploring. A huge open world with you and your friends vs the ruins of our world.
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Bah don't mix all of those games, or at least do not add Minecraft that game sux !
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A sandbox game with dinosaurs. Think Just Cause 2, but with dinosaurs in the jungle parts of the islands. Yeah, games don't have enough dinosaurs these days and we need more.
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Can't say I've heard of that before. There was a game being developed like what I want, but I think it was cancelled, can't remember the name for the life of me either.
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I remember that game. It was really good! Indeed with todays graphics it could be great.
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I'd like to make noir-style game about detective who has one little problem - only he can see demons in this world. He saw them in his childhood and now he takes some sort of pills, because it may be his mind problem. But this problem can help to solve crimes in his job (or interferes. Like shooting demons, where one of them was homeless guy who was innocent). I'd make it in "Fahrenheit" mechanics (I'd sad "Heavy Rain", but I didn't play it and don't know anything about it) and give to all gamers free choices like dialogs, taking pills (or not taking), to be in relationship, try to be nice guy or bad, or try heal his disease. Of course your choices will affect onto your ending. And nobody knows he is really crazy or not.
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new vegas/failout3/oblivion engine is shit for a fallout title.
you can imagine a badass muthafucka world in your head in original series, new engine forces you to not see alternatives, and I wont even talk about shitty dialogues , and devs must make a real easy game cause frakkin casual noob RPG generation, ffs I dont want to play RPG anymore
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I want a multiplayer Megaman game where I can be the stage boss waiting to kick Megaman's ass. And every tiny enemy robot in a stage is not an AI but is an actual player. And of course, you can edit your own power and every power must come with a weakness like ice vs fire etc.
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What would it be?
We'll assume there are no restraints on people, money, time, and technologies for making your game.
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