Helpful hint: every answer in each puzzle is one word. That one word is then fit into a crossword so there is only one correct answer. Use the wiki source given at beginning. After 30 min hint drops in showing first letter of word and how many letters in the word.
5/09/2016 FIXED a misspelling in Q1 the POTATO puzzle number 8... please go back and retry those who couldn't finish it.
5/09/2016 HINT for PUZZLE 26- 8 character order: Pay attention to the baseball player first. He is the key to crack it!
5/09/2016 FIXED Q6 of POTATO puzzle 08-- Adirondack not needed in crossword but new question points to correct word.
5/10/2016 IMPROVED Hidden Ith 7's word equation to be more clear.
5/10/2016 HINT for Puzzle 09 Grain crossword 8-character order! Use this link and find info asked for in the KEY
5/10/2016 HINT for Puzzle 06 RICE crossword 8-character order! here
5/10/2016 WORK-AROUND for Puzzle 27 crossword 8 character order need to find a video- if you get error view here
5/10/2016 Helpful HINT for Puzzle 05 - 8-character order See attached image in this comment below
5/10/2016 Extra Hint for Puzzle 12 - 8-character order "All-time table for champions" (table found on wiki page)
5/11/2016 SOLVERS OF Puzzle 21 EGGS will need to revisit and resolve Q7 and pick up another word to use at PINNACLE!
5/15/2016 Veg2: Bears hint look at this comment and at this pic hint
5/23/2016 Added CHAMPS link of so far 34 conquerors!
6/04/2016 Congrats for beating 60 conquerors of January's event! Will soon hit 1,500 comments! Awesomeness!
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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I forget - are ITH codes case sensitive? If so, how do we know which case each letter is.
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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I think so... Anyway I think I'm done for today...
It's almost 4 am here and I need to go to work about 10 am... And I need to drive safely, so I can solve puzzles after work ;) (ok, to be honest, I'm almost sure I'll do some puzzles during work... Just don't say anything to my boss :P )
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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Take the 10 words you have as answers and fit them into crossword... Then 8 letters will be colored... Then use hints to figure order of 8 letters to put into the web address of The L s is where put 8 letters
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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Once you have determined the 8 shared colored letters, solve with clues provided to find their order. Use the result and place in the link
Yes, but the ???????? is case sensitive, and with 8 letters, there is a lot of combinations...
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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The food puzzle was easy, although the 2 questions that troubled me a bit are:
Q7: I think you should add one more word into that.
Q10: It was a bit too simple to think of it, but also, you should change it to a noun. :(
Food master race. :B Thanks for the puzzles and the giveaways. :D
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Solved the water one too. Nice one. It's awesome to spread the knowledge. Also, I'm not sure if the first question was making any sense the way it was written:
Within the water cycle the process in which water travels from the oceans or rivers or anywhere water is on the earth's surface into the air is called what?
Specifically, I couldn't understand the part "or anywhere water is on the earth's surface".
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Solved the air one too. Everything's perfect there. Funny thing is that I didn't need a translator for Q4. :B And I'm done for today. :D
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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I jumped ahead to Puzzle 17 Meats just for fun, and now stuck on the second ITH, the one starting with Alpheratz. I'm sure there's a list out there somewhere, but brightness doesn't seem to be the answer. Any hints, or is it too soon?
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Potato seems to have a wrong answer in the first question.
Care to verify, please?
Edit: Vegetable (Part 1) has description of Grain, and the link directs you to Grains, if it was intended, don't fix it.
The free giveaways have the links broken (No links)
Puzzle 10 - Question 8: Hint is supposed to be 6 words, not 5.
Puzzle 14 - Question 6: Year is wrong, it's 2013, not 2012.
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I fixed the broken links in the free gibs, it was "on purpose" as jeff didn't have thread created yet when i went to bed. It's fixed now. As for the other part of your question, I'll let jeff check when he wakes up, thanks for pointing it out ;)
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Added more things wrong in the puzzles, so you can tell the puzzle master if I'm not on.
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Thanks for pointing them out. I can't fix them but i'll transmit to the puzzle master when he wakes up.
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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nice - but for not native english sometimes to hard
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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Thanks for the puzzles..tried 01 (air) and flamed out on the very end, is there a hint for the hint? Am obviously overlooking something, when I put my letters in I get to a blank creation screen for an ITH. Huge thanks for that giveaway by the way, was on my wishlist, so great :)
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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Happy cake day!
Enjoy the puzzle! It's pretty straight forward and [Redacted command] dependant! :)
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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Well, got that one. Think about what two lines touching each other automatically form. You could also say there is missing a small symbol behind the two numbers. And then you need to sort them correctly (is this the actually problem, there are only two possibilites).
If our lovely organisator thinks this is too much of a hint he shall tell so.
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I'm pretty sure that this time I've figured out what those two lines represent. But I tried sorting them, and I'm not sure if I should be sorting up or down. either way, whichever way I sort them, (a) i'm not sure what's represented by 0, and (b) using a wrap-around, whichever digit equals the hint for digit 8, up or down, neither works.
Or should I merely sort up/down and ignore those two hints?
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The hint is needed so you know what to sort. For the ordering: Have you ever worked with the Euler's Number? If you want to you can use an old GA of mine and while I can't tell you the solution I can tell you if what you think is right or wrong.
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Even with this great hint I'm stuck ;/ I never ever had a real compass in my hand and from the pictures I found on the internet the one conclusion that came to my mind didn't work. Tried it counterwise, didn't work either ;/ But I'm pretty sure, that I did the crossword right, because you made them so good, that there is only one right solution.
Could you perhaps give any further hints or would this be too much?
And thank you again for this great work of puzzle art : ) I'm really enjoying it and scribbling papers full of crosswords, letters, hints, etc. ;D
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New puzzle event in design stage... Goal August 1st to go live!
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22 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by moronic
34 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
355 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by aumeilo
331 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by MyLittlePoPo
915 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Insound
15 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Sooth
15 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Carenard
285 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by pizzahut
10,141 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Sno1
1,913 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by DufWhite
55 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by pizzahut
117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Devirk
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
Wonderful success for this event! Thank you contributors of GAs, all the hint-help from early conquerors, the hype, comments, and FUN! Many people had massive wins! Some over 20 games won!!
Please if you haven't already thanked contributors for their generous GAs donated to the event-- especially for those you personally won then please do so. I would also like to encourage you to consider contributing some GAs for the next event to show your support and appreciation if possible.
Here is a read-only excel document with all the answers...
WOW what an amazing experience! I had so much fun and appreciate all your kind words. It will take me at least a month to design a new event but in the meantime try Nordhbanes Puzzle Agency Puzzles, Mikalyes Dungeon of Puzzles event, or one of onks adventures -recent onk adventure is closed but keep your eye out for more-- they are amazing!
Next pyramid event will include countries, continents, and cultures... and plenty puzzles of a variety for everyone.
Welcome to the New Pyramid Game?? - THEME: The Food Pyramid!
Note: ALL GAs in complete game are Level1!
CLICK HERE to get a taste of the tasty GAs inside!
Time to get your puzzle on!
There are several stages to solve along the way. Here is a brief explanation of the stages.
STAGE 1: Solve the easy and fun ITH puzzles below numbered 1-25 in any order. You will get a reward GA for each solved!!
STAGE 2: Then take your answers from the ITH and fit them into a crossword puzzle!
STAGE 3: Solving the crossword will give you 8 letters as a result, solve with given clues to deduce the correct order of those 8 letters.
STAGE 4: Find the HIDDEN ITH with the result from STAGE 3! You will get a reward GA for each of the 30 hidden ITHs discovered!!
STAGE 5: Decipher using the Key given the 3 hidden GAs... (5 characters A-Z, a-z, 1-9, 0 IN THAT ORDER) 15 GA rewards
STAGE 6: Solve the WORD equation passcode puzzle and save to use in accessing Puzzles 26-30 at the top! (note down numerical passcode also)
STAGE 7: Each of the TOP 5 Puzzles gives access to an ACHIEVEMENT train! Thus potential to be rewarded 5 GA trains!
STAGE 8: Solve Puzzles 26-30 passcode puzzles and put into the TOP Pinnacle to CONQUER the game and gain access to a 1st List of AAA games!
STAGE 9: If you choose to accept the ULTIMATE challenge then solve the additional PINNACLE puzzle for access to the Master of Champions AAA Games List!!
Solving Word Equations-- you will need to refer to the final bank of 20 pictures below to help solve.
Example solution for Puzzle 01- AIR's word equation: (see first attached image below)
(numbers by each picture are how many letters are in the word you must figure out)
(TOA)S(TMO)ON (the letters in bold are the letters to be subtracted from TOASTMOON)
This leaves the letters S, O, and N. Rearrange the resulting letters to make a word. Thus, the answer for Puzzle 1's Word Equation Passcode is "SON". Check over the second image below and check off the matching picture that looks like "SON".
Use the FREE GA area in middle of event to ask EvilBlackSheep for help on word equations puzzles.
NOTE: Special thanks goes to EvilBlackSheep for helping design the word equation puzzles and an achievement train, lmxn for 4 Achievement trains and several AAA contributions, jesuswarjesus for a train and one AAA contribution, keohookalani for 2 AAA games, hazelmeade for 2 AAA games and other GAs, Morshock, faragona,and hafilip84 for GA contributions for the event, and one anonymous donation of a AAA game!! AND Nordhbane for puzzle help and inspiration! They are all awesome!
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