Examples of games included in this
The character has nothing to do with the movie, but it is instead a trait that the character has. Think of what the character is known for, and the expression on his face.
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Solved 16/21, don't know 1, 8, 9, 10, 17. Well, at least those are aparently the hardest ones, seeing how few people solved them :P
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I'll be updating the post with more hints as time goes on. You should check back here from time to time :D
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Nah, I think it's ok as long as someone's solving it. Solved the hardest one just now, 10.
So it's now 17/21 :D
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Bump for solved 19/21. I can't solve 9 and 17. Was really fun though!
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Yeah I can see that. Hope you managed to enter some, though :D
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Got almost all of them, had my share of fun.Thanks for the puzzle!
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Added some games at the bottom of the main post. Ho ho ho!!
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In the spirit of Christmas, your good old pal Papa Phanox is taking you all on a Christmas adventure. I sat down and threw together 21 terribly drawn images in Microsoft paint inspired by various films. The game is simple; You try to guess which movie I was inspired by, and if you succeed, you gain access to the giveaway locked behind it. Simple, Isn’t it? I tried to not include too many bundle games, but as I’m short on money (damn you Christmas shopping!!) and many of the ones I have lying around are from bundles, some bundle games were inevitable. Fear not, though, as the amount of good stuff here may surprise you, and I’m sure you’ll find something that interests you. Some of the games are given away as steam keys, following the usual system, while others are steam gifts. The people who win steam gifts will be added by me on steam before I send them the gift, so please for the love of everything that is holy, accept my invite. If you enter one of the giveaways, make sure to return here and bump the thread, and please set the game to ‘received’ if you win, and you’ve received your game. Be vary that some of these images may be a little NSFW, but if you’re at work, why in the world are you opening poorly drawn images on the internet, do something about your work ethic, it's because of you the company is going to the dogs, son!!
Please, do not reveal the answers in the comment section. You are allowed to ask for hints, and whoever replies should stay as vague as possible, as will I. Keep in mind that the answers are not case sensitive, as long as the correct letters are in the right order, it will be accepted. I have not used special symbols like , : - . ! in the answers. To solve some of these you may have to think a little outside the box, while with others you’ll have to think so impossibly far inside the box that you’ll feel like an idiot after trying more complicated things. All of the giveaways will be open for 5-6 days.
With all that information out of the way, I wish you all a merry Christmas, or whatever it is that you celebrate, and a happy new year. Remember to take care of yourself, and each other, and I wish you all the best of luck!
Name the movie 1 --------- Answer: Wall-E
Name the movie 2 --------- Answer: The Wolverine
Name the movie 3------- Answer: The Shawshank Redemption
Name the movie 4 ------- Answer: The Hills Have Eyes
Name the movie 5 ------- Answer: The Green Mile
Name the movie 6 ------ Answer: The Fast and the Furious
Name the movie 7 ------- Answer: The Devil Wears Prada
Name the movie 8 -------- Answer: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Name the movie 9 ------- Answer: The BFG
Name the movie 10 ------- Answer: Street Fighter
Name the movie 11 ------- Answer: Singin in the rain/Singing in the rain
Name the movie 12 ------ Answer: Silent Hill
Name the movie 13 ----- Answer: Saw
Name the movie 14 ----- Answer: Robocop
Name the movie 15 ------ Answer: Pet Sematary
Name the movie 16 ------ Answer: Monster's Inc
Name the movie 17 ------ Answer: The Lord of the Rings
Name the movie 18 ------ Answer: Gone With the Wind
Name the movie 19 ------ Answer: Bad Santa
Name the movie 20 ------ Answer: American Pie
Name the movie 21 ------ Answer: American History x
Find any problems? Please let me know in the comments section.
Edit: Here's some keys for games that you're not allowed to create giveaways for on here. I have no idea if they're all taken, feel free to test them if you want.
The Ship: Murder Party: EF2GB-3HY6C-G0ZQT
Burgers: 4MJW3-06WHV-B5ADQ
Lovely Planet: 043WY-3PI0Q-4TPIG
Epigenesis: FIKJL-A6RQW-GKH5K
Realms of the Haunting: H05PZ-XEQ2Y-MIWIC
Desert Thunder: FT3EY-FYG2Y-78E3T
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi: EPCDN-REHJ5-GF8EJ
Gun Metal: PKQX0-7ZF33-X2EK8
Coffin Dodgers: 2PN0W-AYEV5-LQ0RF
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