I lol'd cod fanboy calm down,so there is a piece of truth in what u say,yes there are paranoid kids and teens,BUT there is one huge BUT,most of the players are 18+,its widely known,unlike in CoD where every 3rd player is ~ 10-12yo,also the community is WAY better,when we disclude all the mad mature people,or retarded kids like in CoD,but the amount of those is probably 10 times smaller than the amount of those kind of people in CoD,so your point is invalid and u are either part of the kid/teen group or the casual raging asshole that ruins the game for his team.Also from what I've experienced the majority of the playersa are with 15-30 yo range,since the game actually requires teamwork to win and the ranking system is another thing that separates the younger players from the older,the younger mostly being in the lower ranks,while the good older players being out of those ranks since they are capable of using their minds to find out what they are doing wrong,unlike the kids that cant do it and are stuck in silver/gold.
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"I lol'd cod fanboy calm down" ... you seems like an immature teen :P
He also said that he doesn't like CoD community.
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"He also said that he doesn't like CoD community." the reason I said CoD Fanboy,just my way of checking people,I think he is not that bad of a person cuz on that statement if he was some sort of an asshole he would have jumped yellin at me,he probably just had a bad day and justopened the discussion about that...but I agree for example today I had a guy in my team who left for work in the middle of the game...like rly?he couldnt calculate that he wont have enough time to finish the game and rather play a dm,casual or smth,but play mm and leave in the middle of it?also a boy ~10-12 yo not older judging by the voice that didnt stop singing in the voice chat and had a premade that was constantly pressing now while the other 3 of us were trying to kick him...so yea it happens,but do you need to whine about it ? if u dont like it and want to play,bear with it and if not dont play.
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based on this post, you are around 12 years old and play dota 2 & OR LoL .. thats all i have to say
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Well I'm 15 and I play CS:GO, and I'm neither angry or paranoid. (My humor is occasionally immature so no comment there.)
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I usually don't go around, arguing with people on such silly topics, but how could you know, if you're not even playing?
There are some games out there, that require more than the usual casual play, so it's a little irritating when you're being dragged down :|
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Yep. My very first game someone got on the mic calling us F*** casuals. Why do people join casual playlist and get mad they're playing with inexperienced players? My first competitive game, this group was kicking people if they didn't clutch the round. Some people are cool and those games are fun, but the community is just as bad as COD imo.
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I just wrote a long text explaining the differences about playing for fun and to rank up but internet fucked up... Anyways, don't go play Competitive/MM if you're main goal is to have fun, there are players in your team who just want to rank up and CBA with a player who steps on clutch-situations or who doesn't listen to the calls.
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I just wrote a long text explaining the differences about playing for fun and to rank up but internet fucked up... Anyways, don't go play Competitive/MM if you're main goal is to have fun, there are players in your team who just want to rank up and CBA with a player who steps on clutch-situations or who doesn't listen to the calls.
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It depends on game sessions, servers and regions.
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Apparently, your experience of the game differs vastly from mine. Things which may or may not be contributing factors to that include:
If you are looking for a (very) relaxed game of CSGO, try a Casual server. If, on the other hand, you are looking for more of a challenge, feel free to join a Competitive server. If you do go Competitive, however, then you'd better bring some serious gameplay, because Competitive player are exactly that: competitive.
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Yeah there is that too.
The thing I was talking about was "Deal with it"
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... :3
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Ever played a MoBa? CS:GO is a walk in the park in comparison. That's partly why i stopped playing LoL, way too many angry youngsters who calls you an idiot for every thing you do. And you can't get away from it either. You make a new account to try to get rid of these "professional players", and you end up with people who've made about 15 accounts just going on from the beginning again to meet up with people they can actually beat.
It's also because that game is the most repetitive game i've ever played, and i've played ~800 hours of Payday 2.
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Im not the best at CSGO but still enjoy a match or 2 of comp every day or 2, and when I don't do so well, some random votes to kick me because i have a low score. I will somewhat agree that some teens on CSGO are angry or immature, but most of the csgo community is pretty good.
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yea usually when cs go goes on sale,people buy it to either,smurf,troll or even hack :/ thats why I dont play matchmaking like ~1 week after the sale,usually its enough to get the hackers and trolls to get themselves banned in a week and then the game is back to the old "peaceful way" :D
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You just described every game that has people playing competitively. There are people that take everything in life too seriously. Road raging at red lights or slow traffic, having to wait in line at the grocery story, etc. They're just a bunch of children. Its just that some are older than others.
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I usually don't get any complaints when i play competitive. I'm not a bad player. Still, a few hours again while playing a competitive match, there was this one guy going AFK every 5 minutes. I'm calling a vote on him, but he apparently had a friend with him.
Next round, he starts shooting me for trying to kick him :|
Shit happens...
On Casual servers, i have to block about 10 persons before even starting to play :)
After that, it's all as expected. Casual.
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I play CS:GO almost every day and only 1 out of 5 games do we have some idiot on the mic complaining about how bad his team is.
Misconception 1: He's not a sqeaker
Misconception 2: No one cares/agrees with him, no one pays attention to him, and if he votes to kick someone because they're doing bad, everyone votes no unless the guy has 1 or less kills after halftime (15 rounds in) which is really hard to get, even if you're a silver against a master guardian.
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You sound just like what you describe, maybe you should chill a bit yourself...
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two advices:
1:play whith friends(matchmaking)
2:play in friends servers(community servers).....(or at least somewhere that youll find your friends often)
one more:
forget teamwork when you have kids or anything stupid in your team just mute them and enjoy....(+ you can still do a great team work with 4 players in your team)
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The community is not much different from CoD players even though it's suppose to be "mature" hardcore game which takes skill to play but in reality it's infested with kids and teens who pretend to be pros and scream at you when u do something wrong. I mean for gods sake this is just a game and you people act like your whole life depends on it. Go outside and chill out cuz you've gone mad as fuck.
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