I have a feeling I'm going to get torn a new one for this and/or regret posting it later but oh well.

I've noticed that a lot of people look down upon or are downright rude to people who don't contribute. I'm not saying every contributor is like that or anything, it's just something I've noticed. It's happened to me, I've seen it happen to other people. Once again, it's not every contributor, but there seems to be a degree of elitism with some.

I'm sure a lot of people are able to contribute but just don't want to. That's one thing. Not everyone is in a position where they can contribute though. I have a great job, I make great money, and I don't get to keep any of it because it all has to go to a huge stack of medical bills. I have £.17 (comes out to about a quarter) to my name right now and that's not changing anytime soon. Things like this, giveaways, are basically my only hope of getting a new game for Steam once in a while. I shouldn't have to be looked down upon because I can't contribute like other people.

Last I checked this was about generosity. Gifts. I've read all the rules and FAQs and whatnot and I saw no part about "if people don't contribute, they're at the bottom of the hierarchy and contributors can feel free to be rude to them". If being told I'm a bad person/not worthy/greedy/etc. is part of it then I guess I'm going to have to deal with that. I'm not losing any sleep over it. I just don't quite get why.

EDIT: Okay, so it's basically been established that it's usually just because of non-contributors being greedy/selfish/cocky/choosy/ungrateful and that tends to wreck it for everyone. It's not good that people generalise and lump all non-contributors together because of a few but it happens, although not everyone even does it.

Makes sense, very logical answer that I probably could have thought of on my own if it weren't for me being such an airhead.

Thank you.

1 decade ago*

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I'm a contributor, I don't even have a job, and I look down upon leechers, which are in most cases non-contributors. And I would never give something to someone who didn't contribute. but well, a few months ago I wasn't a contributor like you, too. But then I started and look at me now, I win games everyday, it is totally worth it.

1 decade ago

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I can't say I've noticed this apparent elitism, but I agree that if it is a thing that happens it's pretty low. I mean, they can stop giving the games away, or put a contributor cap on them if they feel that they are being taken advantage of, rather than lash out. It is about gifts (A thing given willingly to someone without payment. WILLINGLY), and if I'm gifting I don't mind giving games to people who haven't contributed.

1 decade ago

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I don't respect contributors or non contributors anymore than one another. Although if you want to contribute so bad then just buy almost any of the steam daily deal for under $3 and give it away...

1 decade ago

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I don't have anything against someone who does not create giveaways,but I dislike those that don't obey the rules of steamgifts (win a giveaway and use the win to trade...seriously..get out if you don't want the game,others would like to have it) or the few persons complaining about private or contributor giveaways.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Shouldn't any such elitist trash-talking posts come under the "don't call out other users" rule and/or the "be considerate to others" rule?

1 decade ago

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No one was named... so no

1 decade ago

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It would be a waaay easier argument to make if not for TF2. TF2 is free to download, and free to play. While playing TF2, one aquires tradeable items. This is still free. there are people in the community who will happily trade cheap games for a certain number of common, or certain uncommon TF2 items. This may require paying a dollar to "buy" tf2, but in most cases the person you're trading with will cover this as well if you're making the deal good enough for them. So now you've got a game, even if it's just fortix, for no monies. Back in the day, we used to call that "bartering".

So now you're not leeching because you don't have the required monetary resources ($0), you're leeching because you either don't have the time to play some TF2 (in which case, why are you looking for new games?), or because you don't care enough about the community to put in the time (and if this is the case, those "nasty" looks shot your way are entirely justified).

I'm fairly new here, but this site is great. This community is great. But if you don't contribute, either in good, informative or humorous posts (nobody is going to pitch a fit about a forum superstar), or a single. little. game, then after a while you're not really a "member" of the community, are you?

1 decade ago

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Wow. The level of absurdity in your reasoning is flabbergasting.

1) My pc can't even run TF2 well enough to bother playing.

2) I do not like the game or the grinding for items at all. Are you now suggesting turning playing games into work? Because that's no better than thinking like a boss of a WoW gold farming sweatshop in China. And it's what ruins games and the experience of gaming. Entirely antithetical to the whole idea of gaming and by extention steamgifts and also winning a game, especially if you're someone who, like OP (and me, too) are in a life situation where we don't have much more than a roof over our heads and can literally make the barest of ends meet. "Make the peasants work for their leisure, sir. Quite."

3) This whole post sounds like blackmail, to the level of pres. Bush's old "you're either with us or you're against us" speech.

"I'm fairly new here, but this site is great. This community is great. But if you don't contribute, either in good, informative or humorous posts (nobody is going to pitch a fit about a forum superstar), or a single. little. game, then after a while you're not really a "member" of the community, are you?"

Orly? So, do this and that, or you're not part of my elite little club?

Huh, funny, I thought this site was called Steam Gifts. And that the idea of the site was gifting others things. With reasoning like yours here, and many other elitists I see post, sometimes seems more like a place where some gifters are after more gratitude than generosity is extended.

I'll tell you this: my life looks like shit now, and I'm heavily in debt. Basically, I can't use any form of bank account etc, can't buy games on Steam and the like. I live in cash now. The little I have is used up on food, daily necessities, and the occasional joint to unwind, a little relaxation with friends every so now and then. And even thet little I have, I always try to share with people around me. I still get unlucky as hell with all form of giveaway etc, but you don't hear me complaining. Instead, when I do get some luck, I'm over the moon with happiness, and definately show gratitude to whomever gifted me a game, for example.

My intention is when I get my life sorted again, I'll start doing giveaways for others. It's on my "first things to do" list even. Because I genuinely love to share shit, often especially with strangers. And when I make a giveaway, I won't give a single fuck about disingenuous "Thank you"'s being spammed, heck the comments can remain EMPTY as far as I'm concerned, as long as the person winning the game genuinely enjoys it and shows a lick of gratitude. Not just for me giving the game away, but also for having the luck of winning. I want to see someone happy and being appreciative of their good fortune, that's all. Period.

The same logic that's used to say "well you must contribute, you must comment, you must say thank you a billion times to keep an artificial ratio high on some site's DB, you must this, you must that, or you're a bad person / leecher / disreputable / scumbag-y / ungrateful / what in fuck ever negative" can also be applied the other way around. Why doesn't a giveaway maker have to personally apologize to every loser of his or her giveaway for losing, to show compassion and genuine generosity? Indeed, it makes no sense, does it? Not because of (and this is probably the knee-jerk reaction in defense against what I just said popping into the head of some reading instantly) the gifter being generous enough to make the giveaway, but because commenting - or lack thereof - on some online forum where you don't personally know the people you're giving to is no indication, whatsoever, in even the tiniest of tiny ways, of character or station in life. You don't know anything about people online, and it's absurd to say "well because <x> doesn't make <y> comments on <z> giveaways, that must mean he's an ungrateful leecher".

Heck, I've even seen toooons of examples of people really trying to suck up to others and put on a show of what wonderful people they are to gain favor when trying to join private giveaway groups etc. To me, that is far worse than not commenting so much.

1 decade ago

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You know what? I read your post, and honestly I hadn't thought of it from that perspective. Nobody should feel like they're begin guilted into a sweatshop operation; I just thought that it would be a way for someone (especially the ones who say that they really, truly would contribute if there was any way at all) to put in some time to make a game giveaway, even if they didn't have a dollar to their name. It would be work, but then again so is going to the job that pays for the games I put up.

Regardless, when I give a gift, I really don't expect anything in return. I think what I was trying to say (poorly) is that to be a member of the community, you have to actually do something. Your post right there? That's doing something. Was it hard? Did it break you? And yet you've given a well-written, thought out opinion, and (in my opinion, at least) have really contributed to the community. I don't care if it's the only post you've made. You've given something. And that counts.

1 decade ago

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In that case, we agree 100%. :)

Although again, gaming should not be work. And you shouldn't have to work for the shot at a game. Just be happy and grateful. Going to work and making a living, then choosing to spend some of that to make someone else smile some is far, far different from being stuck in a hard place in life and then choosing to slog through a game you don't like / can't run, grinding along, so you can gain some respect by making a giveaway - indeed, out of forced guilt..

Also, a giveaway should be in the spirit of giving when you have the means, no more, no less. There shouldn't be people farming TF2 items to make giveaways to prove their worth to the community. This isn't a cult that requires the sacrifice of work.. This is a place where people can win games offered by others with the means to gift them :). And if those people are people with low cash and little means to gift others, so much the better, right? At least - if they're grateful. ;)

I guess what you mean is that people shouldn't just make a user here and spam entries without ever showing any sign of interest in the community or people in it.. Now that, I agree with.

1 decade ago

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What? An internet argument ending with two people agreeing? Maybe the Mayan thing is right after all... surely a sign of the apocolypse.

1 decade ago

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This is one of those most awesome things I have seen on the internet.


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You're awesome.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Aw you're nice, and certainly more positive than most. It's a nice break from the near-constant cynicism and I really appreciate it, thank you so much.

1 decade ago

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I only get aggravated with beggars or other people being greedy/inconsiderate.

I do see the elitism some have here though, its a shame.

1 decade ago

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Every time I see your avatar somewhere on the forums I crack up.

1 decade ago

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She is a happy lady. :-D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think it's mostly the ones who complains that get looked down upon. I've made private, public, group and contributors giveaways and I totally get the fact that some people can't afford the games they wand and are just glad that they have a chance to get something for free. Yes, some people don't get it and would want for everyone to contribute. In a perfect world where everyone can afford to I would agree, but as it is I see no problem with some people not giving anything. I do get annoyed when those people complains about contributors giveaway however because they feel entitled.

1 decade ago

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Only time I play the "your not a contributor" card is when they are complaining about winning giveaways or making horrible suggestions just so they have a better chance at winning. Like adding option to only allow people with $0 contributed to enter, only letting people who are winless to enter.

1 decade ago

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or they make groups where people are required to gift and they have given nothing.

1 decade ago

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You can't really find a community driven site without subtle elitism.
It has existed on SteamGifts since the beginning, tho through Private Giveaways, and after some time, Group Giveaways.
The reason for this is that people want filtered circlejerk groups where everybody knows that everybody make giveaways.
So the chance of getting something in return is *(100%GroupMember)** times higher. (or something like that).

Tho, you can't use generosity as an argument for gifting.
Nobody is forced to give away anything, and everybody can decide who they want to filter out from their giveaways.
Its a matter of choice.
And if you look upon people that gift a lot, e.g Crossbourne, you can see that he doesn't get that much in return compared to how much he have gifted.
But I don't think that hinders him from being generous.

In the end, everything on this site is driven by luck

(Also, http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ti3MxDiolKQ/0.jpg)

EDIT: Its not your fault, but people that have avatars from MLP get no sympathy from me and I get this painful feeling in my heart, I wonder why...

1 decade ago

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But, but, Gaben likes MLP...

1 decade ago

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Damn you Orrie, I was about to post MLP hatred. Seriously, fuck bronies. With a shotgun.

1 decade ago

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And I bet you feel so high and mighty with your shitey animu avatar too right? ;)

1 decade ago

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Says the person whose avatar comes from anime, something that people (not me but people in general it seems) hate just as much, if not more, than MLP.

To be honest I've only watched a small handful of episodes of MLP. Thought it was cute, thought this character was cute. I don't identify as a "brony". I think it's a stupid name and a stupid label for a group of people that I've seen to be quite annoying at times. I've actually changed my avatar to something else but my Steam account hasn't been synced with my Steamgifts account lately it seems.

Hate it all you want, that's your prerogative. Just pointing out that as someone with an avatar based in something that's also quite hated, you're not in a very good position to bitch about such things. Plenty of people probably think the same about you.

1 decade ago

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Now, now, girls... You're both pretty.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I only look down on those who break the rules, even if they are contributors. Sometimes however, they have broken rules by accident (haven't read them) and seem to be genuinely sorry about it, in which case I don't look down on them.

1 decade ago

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hihi! Feel free to add me as a friend!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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he's drunk as usual

1 decade ago

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Ah, thank you for the clarification.

Have one for me then, mate.

1 decade ago

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You don't want friends? cries

1 decade ago

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You're wrong, the bottom of the hierarchy are the ones that have contributed in small values, the ones considered the greediest. Hearing things like "you can't even contribute a proper amount" is worse than most of the fingerpointing on non-contributors. Not that I care, it's just a 30 second rage followed by moving on.

1 decade ago

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I just don't like it when people act as if they feel entitled to something, especially when they haven't given back to the website.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bunnychu.