Most people you see that are looked down upon are non-contributors THAT are arrogant. I mean I can respect people like you, but when people that don't give back to the community bash someone for doing something, that's when people look down upon them. This is what happens in most cases where you see non-contributors are looked down upon. It only takes some to ruin the name for all.
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Pretty much this. Most the time when I see people bringing up the fact a person isn't a contributer, it's normally because they're either asking for a specific game to be given away or similar things. I can understand the desire to have more chances to win games, but trying to get people to give more of a specific title is similar to begging, especially when the person requesting the game hasn't given anything away themselves. It's not just those threads that get these comments of course, but they normally have similar requests or ideas to put their desires above others.
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I'm sorry, but plenty of time a person provides a perfectly valid, honest, reasonable opinion on something and immediately get's put down by someone "pointing out" he hasn't made any giveaways yet. Most of the time, the people that are looked down upon are non-contributors THAT have a different opinion than some contributor.
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It's the mentality of the community, nothing we can do about it.
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I think there are two different kinds of non-contributor trashing that go on. One of them is legitimate, the other not so much.
The legitimate complaints stem from people who are acting like entitled pricks, usually in the form of complaining about how contributors decide to give away games - they complain about elitist groups, or contributor requirements, or puzzles that are too difficult, or people only making giveaways of games they don't want ("wtf, why so many Ship/Nuclear Dawn/whatevers?!?! Give something good!!!"). To be fair, this is crappy behavior coming from anyone, whether or not they're a contributor. But it seems to come disproportionately from non-contributors, and it's especially galling when they try to tell someone else how they should or should not give away games.
On the other hand, you're right, not contributing doesn't make someone inherently a bad person or their opinions worthless. If someone's not acting like a moron, "you're not a contributor!" shouldn't be a valid counter-argument.
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That pretty much sums it up.
A lot of non-contributors also don't participate at all in the chat or in the forum, which just adds to the general feeling that they're just here to leech. If you're not a contributor but you often post here, I doubt people will give you shit for not giving away any game.
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Oh look, this topic again.
Talking about the meaning of word "gift", you wouldn't be very happy if you gave birthday gifts to somebody and he would never even try to get YOU something in return on your birthday, would you? Gifting loses its charm once there are people who never give any gifts- ever.
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That may be, but I can get onboard with what he's saying. I've always thought SteamGifts was about sharing; people being generous enough to share their unused games with others so that they can enjoy them. Yes, it's fun to give games away, but when you see the majority of people entering without even so much as a thank you and never giving anything back, it does tarnish that spirit of giving.
The birthday gift analogy doesn't work all that well; if I gift a game, I don't necessarily want a game in return. This isn't an exchange. However, if I'm sharing that game with others, I do expect people to pass that generosity on, to pay it forward as the saying goes.
Granted, not everyone can afford to gift games. I get it. I can't afford to gift much myself, but--and this part may not be popular sentiment--if you can't give anything back, maybe you should think about not taking anything to begin with. We're talking about luxury goods here, not... you know... food. If you're starving and have nothing to give in return, I'll still split my meal with you.
With gifting games, I suppose I'm just somewhat less magnanimous.
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People don't give gifts just because they expect a gift in return. That isn't called gifting in the first place.
gift /gift/
A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present: "a gift shop".
Give (something) as a gift, esp. formally or as a donation or bequest: "the company gifted 2,999 shares to a charity".
Google FTW!
Edit: Ninja'd
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Yeah, some people just love finding ways to feel superior to others, no matter how ridiculous. Especially anonymously on the internet, where the consequences for acting horrible are either minimal, inconsequential, or altogether non-existent.
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I realize you said a few times that it's not all people, but I think it's a lot fewer than you think. I think this is a case of where you only notice the people who speak the loudest, which tend to be people who have nothing nice to say (in regards to this).
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Because most non-contributors have the ability to contribute, while they don't, but that doesn't mean we look down upon ALL of them.
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Pretty much this, I mean, there's times when a I cannot contribute, so I don't. When I can, I do. When you see someone post stuff like, "I won the damn game fair and square- why should you care if I trade it"... it kinda sucks. I see nice, active non-contributors differently from those who post that sort of stuff though. The only people that deserve the title of leech are people that abuse the generosity of others for personal gain. OP is not one of these pwople.
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I noticed this hostility with no real base/reason a looong time ago and so I simply TRY to avoid posting much if at all on this forum. Maybe this solution will work for you, too.
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I don't think it's elitism it's just merely if people don't respect others for leeching and not contributing. Also its true money is a problem, but you can very easily play tf2 a bit do a little trading in that game and get a game to giveaway.
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You don't even have to play TF2, with the Summer / Winter events you can get games for free just from doing achievements if you're lucky. There have also been tons of promos, IGN free trials, Reddit key giveaways, Dota 2 / CS:GO betas, extra The Ship copies, extra Nuclear Dawn copies, etc. etc.. plenty of opportunities for most people to giveaway something.
I do get a bit annoyed with people who have 10+ wins and can't even give away something from one of these means.
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As I said in a previous thread like this, I don't have a lot of money, but I still manage to donate my share to the community. So I don't see how non-contributors can excuse themselves, unless they are poorer than me(which is a long way down) or they are quite young for digital transactions.
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I hate all of you regardless of your contributor level
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When non-contributors suggest ideas on the forums (mostly about boosting their chances) and have never made any forum posts before...
Well you can see why people get hissy fits.
It's the leachers that's the issue, you can still contribute by being active on the forums.
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In a community where giving keeps it alive and is a big part of how it runs, yea it comes with the territory.
EDIT : Also welcome to Earth, where people judge you based on things other people that your : race, religion, etc have done prior even if they don't know you.
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And I don't like those who are here for many months, won couple of gifts, didn't contribute anything, number of their comments is barely 10 and then they create threads about how contribution system is unfair. It is about their attitude not about the fact that they haven't contributed, IMO.
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Alright, my take on this. Firstly, nobody cares about yours or anyone else financial situation. You are on the internet, you are playing games, you're obviously not living on a 1 dollar a day so people claiming poverty just gets tiresome.
As for people looking down on non-contributors, that's generally restricted to the people that feel they need to complain about something yet obviously have no interest in ever giving anything back. By this I am referring to people with high wins, lots of trade activity, 600+ games on their account.
You, as an example, have yet to win a game so I seriously doubt anyone is going to begrudge you not having contributed anything. You wake up tommorow to 3 AAA game wins, then the story is gonna change though.
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Don't have to pay for the internet since I live in a duplex and share the wi-fi signal with the lady downstairs, who pays for it. I work in the pub my mum owns and instead of paying just money, she also buys my groceries and pays my cell phone bill. All the other pay I get and my tips go for gas for getting to work, my rent, and a huge stack of medical bills I accumulated after being in the hospital for a few months while living in the US without health insurance. I'm not claiming poverty. I have enough to cover what I need (although just barely), I just don't have any money whatsoever for myself and certainly not for buying games to give away. Boldly claiming "you're obviously not living on 1 dollar a day" is a bit silly. You don't know anyone else's situation, and I know you don't care, nor does anyone else. I simply explained it for example purposes - to reiterate that it's not just a matter of not wanting to contribute for some, some people literally can't buy games. I've had people tell me to "stop being a leecher and go contribute", which isn't an option.
I realise that non-contributors being looked down upon generally only happens when said non-contributors are being cocky and greedy, yes. I have, however, had people be rude to me simply for disagreeing with something they've said and they've used me being a non-contributor as an excuse. In the instances it's happened, it's happened in conversations where things like being a contributor, games, giveaways, etc. have nothing to do with the present topic, so it baffles me how some people are so quick to bring it up and use it as a way of acting superior. For some people it just seems like a free pass for them to be a prick to someone.
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"it's happened in conversations where things like being a contributor, games, giveaways, etc. have nothing to do with the present topic".. yea that baffles me too; and you can bold that text, make it font 50, ppl will still read what they wanna read and label all of us as the same; so just follow my advice and keep posting to a minimum so you don't give them the chance to bash you just because they had a bad hair day :>
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Allow me to reiterate: Nobody cares about your financial situation. The 1$ a day comment is because that's what people who are poor enough to be allowed to whine about just about anything live on. You don't qualify for that level of pity, neither do I or anyone on this forum. I do realize that there are poor people who still get to use the internet and play games, but they're not poor enough that they get to use it as an excuse for wanting/deserve free games more than anyone else.
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I never said you wanted pity, or that you used it as an excuse.. Who's twisting who's words here?
I am simply trying to explain that no matter the circumstances, posting stories about how you're not as rich as Xarabas will get you nothing but scorn.
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I don't look down on non-contributors, but when a non-contributor complains about certain things I feel I have to say something. I didn't create my first giveaway until very recently, I was holding off for my first win, despite having the game I wanted to giveaway very early on.
If someone not contributing complains about the content of giveaways, the responses people are giving for the opportunity (Thanks!) or "500 entries no wins zomg hax!!!1one" then I usually give them a hard time... but then again, someone who has given away 100 indie bundles yet complains about the lack of Skyrim would probably be ribbed by me also :)
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Maybe we need to examine the circumstance. Is it necessary or relevant for someone who has 0 contributions to start and continuously bump a thread about why the Contributor Giveaway feature is bad? No. They're just trolling us and wasting time.
I have nothing against people who don't contribute. My favorite giveaways are the one where the winner has no wins, and just barely qualified for SG, and wins a whole bundle from me. They get tons of new games, and I like to think it really makes their day.
Sometimes I make giveaways with a required Contributor value of $0.01, sometimes I don't. Just whatever I feel like. I don't set out to be a jerk to anybody here, but I feel if I'm the one providing a gift, I ought to have a say in who and how I gift it. :P
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the only time i have seen this is when a person who has no games. starts a group where they demand people who have given away games join, and won't give themselves. That is very selfish. Or they start with a bad and cheap game and expect to get people gifting skyrim. Or all they did was gift bundles and they put "No bundles" in the rules. yeah.
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I don't want to name names or anything (as it would piss people off and count as "calling them out" in some way I'm sure) but a very recent example involved someone asking if they could deny someone the game they won if they didn't say thank you. I said no, it was in violation of the rules, it would piss people off, he'd get labeled as a fake, etc. I said I agreed that people should have the courtesy to thank the people doing the giveaways and that I try to thank people myself, but although it should be given, I know a lot of people are too lazy or just don't care enough to say thanks so sadly it's an unrealistic expectation for public giveaways. I received a very condescending answer, which irritated me, so I made a snide remark about the fact they were using lots of shorthand such as "b4" and "bcuz" (my exact words were "It's a bit hard to take you seriously when your posts look like text messages from 14 year old girls"). I was being bitchy, yes, and I'm admitting that right now. Tends to happen when I get patronised.
That guy in question and I actually worked it out just fine, no hard feelings, etc., and then a completely different person came in and said to me "Get off your high horse until you contribute. The way I see it, he's actually a useful member of the community and you have no real ground to criticize his request on, especially since it's fairly benign to begin with. Take your own advice and grow up."
I fail to see what me being a contributor had to do with anything going on in the conversation (aside from maybe something like maybe if I were a contributor I'd understand the desire for getting thanks more - although I do totally understand that, I just think that sadly it's unrealistic to expect it from everyone) or why the guy who said it felt the need to jump in with it when it was completely irrelevant, especially considering the situation had been resolved with no animosity between anyone or anything.
There's your example. They weren't as much being rude to me for not contributing as much as they were using it as an excuse to be rude, if that makes sense.
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ok, I believe pretty everything was written in this thread already, but just try to take a look at it from the other point of view.
if you go to a party and dont bring anything at all, it is ok because you cant afford it but you will still get the mean looks. so either you get over it or you go out of the party.
I'd suggest the first one, but the choice is still yours ;)
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I have to say that unfortuately it probably is as your edit says, it's quite likely a minority who make it bad for all the others who either can't or don't wish to contribute by being as you say, ungrateful, cocky and/or greedy.
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I have a feeling I'm going to get torn a new one for this and/or regret posting it later but oh well.
I've noticed that a lot of people look down upon or are downright rude to people who don't contribute. I'm not saying every contributor is like that or anything, it's just something I've noticed. It's happened to me, I've seen it happen to other people. Once again, it's not every contributor, but there seems to be a degree of elitism with some.
I'm sure a lot of people are able to contribute but just don't want to. That's one thing. Not everyone is in a position where they can contribute though. I have a great job, I make great money, and I don't get to keep any of it because it all has to go to a huge stack of medical bills. I have £.17 (comes out to about a quarter) to my name right now and that's not changing anytime soon. Things like this, giveaways, are basically my only hope of getting a new game for Steam once in a while. I shouldn't have to be looked down upon because I can't contribute like other people.
Last I checked this was about generosity. Gifts. I've read all the rules and FAQs and whatnot and I saw no part about "if people don't contribute, they're at the bottom of the hierarchy and contributors can feel free to be rude to them". If being told I'm a bad person/not worthy/greedy/etc. is part of it then I guess I'm going to have to deal with that. I'm not losing any sleep over it. I just don't quite get why.
EDIT: Okay, so it's basically been established that it's usually just because of non-contributors being greedy/selfish/cocky/choosy/ungrateful and that tends to wreck it for everyone. It's not good that people generalise and lump all non-contributors together because of a few but it happens, although not everyone even does it.
Makes sense, very logical answer that I probably could have thought of on my own if it weren't for me being such an airhead.
Thank you.
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