They will come here to moan and *, and say that it wasn't bundled when they made it, so they should get full value, and why the is this being done to them, they want their $1000 CV.
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it doesn't matter ;p when game is added to bundle-list non-bundle CV is retroactively removed up to date when bundle/sale/pricing-error occured. So even if someone farmed 1k$ CV with these games, he will end up with 0$ (actually 30$, as maximum CV for bundle-only GAs) the moment Shobo adds it to the list :>
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I lost my internet for 2 hours and this happened xD, now i hope i win one.
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It's on sale, but for a couple of minutes today, it costed .37 cents xp
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And I bought two copies. One for me, one for a friend. I thought that it is too cheap to be true, but it still is here.
And now the funny part - It has cards. I will get about half of the price back when I'll sell them. You can start to hate me now.
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Fortunately I bought this for the game itself. The price and the cards are just icing on the cake.
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Missed it cause my cards wouldn't sell fast enough. To think, i was about to buy the base game for 1 key. I'll just try my luck with the GA's.
Currently awaiting the next price bug.
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I saw it, but I was on my phone and where I was the Wi-Fi dropped and when I reconnected to the Internet the game were 85% off.. Eh I'm not to sad, but I liked to have Tropico 4 for some cents, I liked older tropico games.
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Meh I'm not giving it away for the CV I stopped caring about that a while ago. I'm doing it for 2 reasons, 1, just to give something away that isn't expensive, and 2, I've been using giveaways to advertise a greenlight page lately. Not mine, just a game I'm interested in. But yeah, so to me it doesn't matter if it's bundled etc.
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Gives a lot of people an opportunity to play a great game though.
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a steam friend got it and sent me a copy as a gift, it cost him 0.27 euro
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Oh. I understand now why I have suddenly 300 points...
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Only have one Steam account, so only managed to purchase 8 copies before getting locked out. Still, that's many copies to huh... I don't know, show off to friends I guess?
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Top-selling game on Steam. D
On the one hand, it's too bad that people are sleazy enough to take advantage of a pricing mistake.
On the other hand, it's not the buyers' fault if the seller screws up on the pricing. Free-market and all that.
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Yes, I'm always torn when this happens. I feel bad about ripping off the publisher since it's an obvious error, but on the other hand, they knew the risks going in. When errors happen the other way around, it's usually "let the buyer beware" and you're left holding the bag. Why should we have compassion when the screw-up is in our favor for a change? Everything's allowed in love, war and commerce.
I bought two copies -- one to keep and one to give away. Even so, I already had a copy from a previous (non-bugged) sale. I can still tell myself that's not taking advantage too hard. :-)
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i started to be suspicious about these "pricing errors"... i bet that this is steam market decision to improve sales or boost in particular case tropico 5 sales.
cause when same price error was on ubishop, ubisoft cancel trade, and steam doesn't do the same.
also steam "price bugs" happens a lot. i don't think that top company can afford itself such mistakes so often.
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Don't forget that Steam is a publisher-independent platform hosted by Valve. Ubisoft has an obvious financial interest in preventing their own games from selling too cheaply... But on Steam, the publishers set the prices, not Valve -- Valve just organizes sales and gives the publisher the means for setting prices. From what I've heard, the system they use for this is clumsy and error-prone (but I am not a developer, so I have no first-hand experience).
Valve has little to no incentive to prevent or correct these errors -- if anything they'll make more money on card sales. :-P Basically, any sale profits Valve, no matter the price. That's why the system will only prevent sales if the actual amount ends up zero or negative.
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aye, need to look in agreement between Valve and Ubisoft for such cases: who is responsible for setting prices and such price errors.
and as i've heard developer's priority in fixing bugs, which causing profit loss :)
this isn't first price error, and steam or other publisher should have canceled trade to refund their losses, i think... it is logically. but steam offering me to refund 6.99 rubs with which i failed to buy Valiant Hearts: The Great War with price error :D i call it good customer service :D
but really 1 or 2 pricing errors and devs ought to fix it... but atm they continue to appear there&here... seems a bit suspicious for me :D
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I think it depends upon your country. In some countries, once an item has been purchased and received, then that's considered a legally binding contract. Pricing errors on legally binding contracts must be honored. Since Steam's products are digital, people get it immediately. So they may have to honor it in some countries. Still, if 100, 000 were sold yesterday, that's $37,000. On an older game like that, this little error could have made someone a nice chunk of change. I don't know how their pricing structure for profit works, but that is something to consider.
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Unless the purchase was fraudulent (that is, you didn't really have the money), once it's done, there's no going back. This is basic consumer protection in most jurisdictions -- imagine someone stomping into your house and taking back your TV because "that was sold on a pricing error".
They can refuse to sell you something because the price is an error, but once it's sold, it's sold. Even if Valve did want to somehow undo a sale, trying to (for example) undo a credit card purchase because you didn't like the price you set is a really good way of making sure the credit card companies won't do business with you anymore.
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Well, on the one hand it seems it's one of the usual double sales gone wrong (Kalypso weekend + separate Tropico 4 sale). On the other hand, it might have been a ploy to generate hype for Tropico 5 or just get some people playing the series to get them hooked...
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Man, I had gotten distracted and was planning on logging in earlier. Saw a reference to sg getting crushed and then saw what had happened with the game
Wow. Lucky for those who got them. Maybe I'll win one of those giveaways. Eventually, I gotta win something you know. :)
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Once agian missed this price bug, seams i need to scout steam 24/7 :)
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So Tropico 4 Collectors Bundle is on sale. And everyone is making a giveaway of it. And now the game is classified as "bundled". What these guys will feel when they know about it?
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