I'm watching this series of sci-fi of the nineties and is actually very good, they know it?

11 years ago*

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Currently watching it right now. I like it

11 years ago

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Season 2 right now!

11 years ago

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Farscape was absolutely awesome. Perhaps it'll please you to know that they're in the process of making another movie for it.

11 years ago

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What !!! after all these years?
Awesome !!!!

11 years ago

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Yep. Early reports say it'll be about [spoiler] about 19 years after The Peacekeeper Wars mini-series.

11 years ago

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also would it be a movie rather than another movie or did i miss a farscape movie somewhere ? :)

11 years ago

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The Peacekeeper Wars was a TV movie that continued right after S4's cliffhanger.

11 years ago

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was a mini series wasnt it, its been that long im honestly not sure :)

11 years ago

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It was a little of both. It's officially a mini-series, but it was aired as a TV movie, without a break, sometimes.

11 years ago

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ah yeah i think i saw it over 2 days, was a good end to the series though ill welcome a proper movie ofc

11 years ago

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into a scale from 1 to 10 how good is the show?

11 years ago

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Definitely 9.

11 years ago

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I'd agree with the 9 as well. I haven't watched all of it, but so far even the weakest episodes are very, very good.

11 years ago

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oh for sure, a "9" I give it as well, I watched the show back in the 90's. Downloaded the entire series and PeaceKeepers and probably watched it 5 times over the course of a decade lol

I'm certainly anticipating another movie from what jadefalcon said, that be frak'in awesome!

11 years ago

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sounds great, im gona watch it

11 years ago

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Hmmm maybe I will look it out again, don't think I ever saw the last few seasons.

11 years ago

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It's great.
It's also nice to see some of the cast come back for Stargate SG1 (I'm looking at you Claudia Black) There's some squicky stuff like the eye-dna samples that got me but over all good stuff and underrated.

11 years ago

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i see your claudia black and raise you ben browder not only in sg1 but a guest spot on the longest running scifi show everyones faveroute time lord DR Who :)

11 years ago

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Watched it (and the movies) in their entirety after SG-1 did their mini spoof of it (that was my introduction to the series), and glad I did. Good series -- a little different than the usual Sci-Fi, and in a good way.

11 years ago

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Farscape <3 I watched it when I was young, can't recall much of it but I really liked it back then. I really should try to rewatch it given it's on netflix.

11 years ago

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Dont forget to watch the peace keeper wars after you finish the series.

11 years ago

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I remember i eagerly followed each episode as a kid but can't recall what was it all about tho.

11 years ago

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It was a good series, I have it on DVD. If your into SciFi, and you haven't seen it yet, check out the Babylon 5 series.

11 years ago

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Warning: if you can't stand talk about politics or religion in any form (criticism and praise), stay well clear of B5.

11 years ago

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oh i dont know the bits of religion on B5 are pretty complimentary though theirs only 2 or 3 instances i can think of, the politics though thats the stuff of flame wars and god i miss B5 and the way warner screwed JMS's attempt to make more ill have to stick to rewatching my ripped dvd's, corporations suck sometimes :(

11 years ago

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They did try Crusade, but it was not promoted much and short lived. I'm agnostic and I found JMS's story compelling. I think I read somewhere that he wrote the episodes the first 2 or 3 seasons all himself, and had a 5 year story plan even before he started. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm going to have to watch the B5 series all the way through again. :)

11 years ago

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first 4 years were the arc cause warner cancelled it at the end of season 4 then tnt offered season 5 and suddenly oh crap we dont have a season 5 anymore come up with something, crusade was wrecked by interference from tnt though i did think it was ok, cant get enough woodward be it peter or edward :)

11 years ago

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I actually watched Crusade without any idea it was related to B5 (which at the time I couldn't stand and I've still never properly watched it). You can imagine my utter confusion at what the hell was going on.

11 years ago

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really the last B5 tv movie is the crusade pilot, and if you watched it in broadcast order that wont have helped with all the screwing around tnt did, its essentially what fox did to firefly only about a decade earlier, i think its a decent enough half a season and amazing if you know how much crap went on in the background, it didnt even stop jms trying to make new B5 it took low budgets from warner for a straight to dvd to do that

11 years ago

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Thankfully, I watched it on DVD first. If I'd watched it in broadcast order, I'd probably have never made it up to the point I actually realised it was a B5 spinoff. I enjoyed it, for what it's worth, I just got dumped into the deep end and had to figure out a lot of stuff by myself.

11 years ago

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+9000. The sets are so-so, the production values are not so great, some of the acting is wooden...

...but the story is the best thing ever seen on TV.

11 years ago

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I have been watching chunks of episodes off and on since it showed up on netflix a little while back. I do enjoy the show a lot, I just hope I can get through it all before it end up disappearing at some point in the future.

11 years ago

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unfortunately peacekeeper wars isnt streaming, make sure to catch that too when you're done

11 years ago

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Watched it a few years back. It's one of my favorite shows.

Don't forget to also watch "The Peacekeeper Wars" at the end, which is a "mini-series" (actually it's more like a movie) that concludes and ties everything up.

11 years ago

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its about frelling time they made another movie

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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oh god i loved this show. i watched all the episodes two time. sadly they canceled it and there was many things left unfinished.

11 years ago

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I'm glad my two favourite scifi series come up here (Farscape and Babylon 5. When I was younger I watched them every afternoon on tv :-)
Stargate was also good, but I never liked so much as the others.

11 years ago

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Farscape was made of awesome. However the ending to the series was like being dropkicked in the balls. Why? Dear sweet lord why? I hope they'll bring more closure to that, though I really should start watching Farscape from the first episode, then get on with the other extras they brought out~

11 years ago

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theres a miniseries peacekeeper wars after the episodes

11 years ago

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Incredible show with many of the best Space Opera episodes and characters of all time. Crichton is so fun.

11 years ago

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Oh, wait -- you guys cannot mention Farscape and Babylon 5 without mentioning as well... FIREFLY. Awesome!

11 years ago

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Except Firefly is hardly a cult classic. It even got a major movie release. Farscape and, to a lesser extent, B5 slipped completely under the radar for most people.

11 years ago

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A movie that only happened because of the fans though.
And I hadn't ever heard of the show until well after the movie was gone from the theaters -- it may be popular now, but sadly, it wasn't when it mattered. (There've been many people I've talked to who saw the movie having no idea there was a show and I always feel lucky that I saw the show first (and that I got to see it in the correct order, rather than the order it was aired), since I do remember seeing the movie posters and everyone I know who's seen the movie first thought it was dumb.)

But yeah, Farscape does have more cult cred than Firefly. B5, I feel like people actively ignored (I've never seen it, but definitely remember promos for it, and lots of video game mods) -- while Firefly and Farscape people actually missed out on. That's how it seems from my perspective anyway.

11 years ago

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I'm in the middle of re-watching it actually, although I'm only in season 1 as of yet. Seen ti as a kid on TV a lot, so now I'm watching it actually knowing how their story will end.

Did anyone try the game? Stupid question, you won't be sane enough to form coherentűűűűűűűűűűűűűasgnikasdkgjonad gbosdjn sojneohet enoh on fjsdnasdnlfn ljkn skmnakn.


11 years ago

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They will eventually bring back the old sci-fi series like they started to do with Doctor Who or Battlestar Galactica, as the potential market is probably growing (my GF gifted me the whole BG series in DVDs for Valentine's day, yay :D)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by matyteam.