I don't know who said it, but I like the quote:
"Make things as simple as possible. But not simpler." (probably some physicist or mathematician)
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Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
-Dr. Seuss
The speed of a computer mouse is measured in "Mickeys."
Figured I'd give you one of each to share more fun 😁
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That quote is one of my favorites. Mickeys made me laugh. Welcome!
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Actually a quite widespread misquotation. Everyone thinks of Dr. Seuss when seeing that quote, but it actually wasn't from him. The original is an old random German poem, "Bright Days" by Ludwig Jacobowski.
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Interesting, I was not aware of that. Whenever I look it up it always says Seuss, thank you for teaching me something new today.
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You're welcome! Yeah, everyone thinks about Dr. Seuss. You'll only find it being not by him if someone tells you (like I just did) or if you actually Google "[that quote] misquotation" or something ("is it really from dr seuss" for example). 😆
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That's so strange. It reminds me of how Darth Vader is misquoted in Star Wars all the time.
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Pigeons can tell the difference between Picasso and Monet. A 1995 study shows that the birds can differentiate between the two artists.
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"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."
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The first song to be performed in space was "I look at the sky and think", sung by Ukrainian cosmonaut Pavlo Popovych on the Vostok-2 spacecraft specifically for Ukrainian spacecraft designer Serhiy Korolyov. It should be noted that even Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, called him one of the best specialists in the industry
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Thats actually insane when you think about it. Welcome
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Max Payne: The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it. It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free.
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Their butt can easily take a lot of damage 😆. Welcome
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Yeah, remeber reading somewhere "when not sleeping they are usually eating". Welcome
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Yeah i know for "There is some truth in every joke" but variation confused me a bit :)
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I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
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The motto that keeps me up from comparing myself to others:
Eric Thomas's statement “Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners"
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A malaphor is an informal term for a mixture of two aphorisms, idioms, or cliches, also called an idiom blend.
My mother would always say "Don't look a gift horse in the ass"
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hehe im sure i heard someone say "Don't look a gift horse in the ass" but cant remember where. Welcome
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Rabbits eat their feces. After eating them, they will digest it again like normal food. Rabbits have two kinds of droppings, little black round ones and softer black ones known as cecotropes. The cecotrope droppings are the ones that they eat and they do this so they can re-absorb any undigested nutrients from their food. This process is normally done once a day.
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I had rabbits when i was a kid but didnt know that they do it once a day. Welcome
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Thats interesting, reminds me of female eagle throwing twig for male to catch. Welcome
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Here's an interesting one (from my point of view at least): bananas are berries, but strawberries aren’t! Botanically speaking, a berry is a fruit that comes from a single ovary and has multiple seeds, which makes bananas, cucumbers, and kiwis true berries. Strawberries, on the other hand, develop from a flower with multiple ovaries, so they don’t fit the berry definition. Fun twist on fruit classification, right?
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One of my favourites quotes actually cannot be tranlated to english to keep it's whole meaning. Thefore here goes the quote and below I will try to explain meaning and background:
- Milczące, chłodne drzemią struny harfy,
kiedy nadejdzie wreszcie ich budziciel?- Przybył już wczoraj, lecz niestety martwy.
Czeka na serce, co wróci mu życie.>
This quote originates from Janusz Zajdel book "Paradise, the World in Orbit".
Book was published in 1980s in Poland, while this country was basically controlled by Soviet Union. Novel itself was science-fiction metaphor of current political situation and wide propaganda.
dIt's novel set in dystopian world, being one of humanking colonies which separated from Earth. People were under heavy surveillance to this point every spoken word was tracked by software which analysed for potential rebels. People developed "Koalang" which was way of indirect speaking when they were going to talk about system, rebellon and other illegal stuff. It had to be unique each time so does software will not learn it and recognize. Easy to translate example is: "I dreamt about blue angels last night" means "I was visited by the police last night." However some people were so good at Koalang that their speach was rather poetry. Above quote is short communication between to people. At first sight this looks like poetry, about music, life, maybe love. It even rhymes indirecttly and has 11 sylabs in each verse. In reality they are talking about device that might have crucial meaning in fight against their oppresors.
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True, no enemy can hurt you as much as friend. felt that. Welcome
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