Do you like Pixels?
I am a huge fan of Pixel artstyle and the games that use it. I even planned to start drawing pixel artwork, but then I remembered how shit I am at that.
Dead cells' artstyle is gorgeous.
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Same, I had a really great idea for a game, thought pixel art would fit really well and all, but I remembered really quickly that as bad as I am with other computer art, I’m worse at pixel art, lol.
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Personally I care much more about the story, and the gameplay. That said, I think that some games are really well suited for a retro visual style - so it becomes an added value. :)
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I'm not the biggest fan of pixel art but I can appreciate it. However, the matter of fact is 3d (models) take a lot more work to look great, because there are so many more things to consider. As you said, 3d games tend to age badly, but the well-made ones actually age quite nicely.
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I love pixel art, but you know what really grinds my gears? Pixel art games where there are various sizes of pixels. If the sprite goes away from the screen it shouldn't just be resized by making pixels smaller it should maintain pixel size. Many games nowadays are culprits. Instead of true 320x240 they make 1920x1080 with varying sizes of pixels.
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I hated pixel art for many years because I was sick of all the games trying to cash in on the "retro" market. It took finding a couple of good games that did pixel art well to change my mind. Nowadays I consider it a different style, one that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't--just like every other art form. As for all those crappy retro games? Sturgeon's Law, man. Can't get away from it.
As an aside, this reminds me of when Wind Waker came out for the GameCube. So many people hated the cel-shaded graphics because they were "cartoony". I thought it was one of the prettiest games ever made for the GC, and appreciated how the new art-style separated it from the older Zelda games. (Particularly because in my opinion the plot was a big departure as well.)
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I really don't like when games are purposefully hindered in ways just to be "retro"
maybe because I wasn't really playing games at the time but I don't have any nostalgia for the 8bit era.
floaty controls are a gaming sin in my books and adding in bugs just to make a game authentic is horrible...
That being said games that break away from that and even use modern Technics (normal mapping pixel art for example...using modern 3d lighting concepts in 2d like is done in dead cells makes for really nice effects)
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I agree with almost everything except the part of you having a girlfriend. I'm just not buying it
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the great thread, the noice poll.
i'll surely -later- read that Gamasutra article, surely not doing that with Factorio friday's facts comments. cause, well, i can stay, stand still, with my little man, looking and enjoying just the rocks that Factorio generates. for hours.
i like to watch at "juicy" pixels. "heavy" ones. Qora, for example, has those kind of pixels.
i do make choices based on artstyle, guess that's au pair with gameplay. sometimes, tho, artstyle is... enough for me to make my choice. last one, yesterday, it was Death Fungeon : very little gameplay, also short. still, pixels imo were enough for a good experience, not a memorable one... a "good enough" one
really donno what i've wrote up here, sorry fo' that!
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Hyper light drifter count as juicy pixels?
100% juicy, heavy pixels. (gameplay, tho, is kind a zero, tho... hella hard of game!)
a well thought, cleverly placed little pixel is what i mean by "juicy".
also lolled at your :3 ... cause when i've read "when my girlfriend found out she asked why" i've kinda decided yours was a good thread and "bookmarked" as "Read Later"
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The first article was interesting :3
so very true, a kinda tldr:
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I enjoy retro style games if they're done well. Hyper Light Drifter and Dead Cells as you mentioned, Axiom Verge, Terraria / Starbound, Stardew Valley, Towerfall Ascension, Broforce, Fez, Hotline Miami, all great examples.
Real 8-bit / 16-bit, or pixel "style" games are all good with me if the game is enjoyable. There are plenty of low quality games trying to jump on the bandwagon that can be easily ignored.
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Well, it's hard to make a judgement about pixel art. I may be wrong, but I believe that people who like pixel art are usually older ones, who remember "good old times" when pixel art wasn't an option - it was the only way to make games, because of technical limitations. And for now - there is no reason to make pixel art, other than to play on feelings of those old people for profits. So, it's quite possible, that for younger people this kind of graphics looks poor and cheap. Actually, I don't care, I just play what I like. And I guess game makers don't care too - this kind of games has a certain target audience, and if they keep making them - it's enough to get profits.
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I've been playing Super Blood Hockey nonstop on my Switch. Pixel graphics done well are always welcome!
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I'm an old retro-gamer, but I really hate pixels in 2019, they look terribly outdated now as technology. Every stuff is good in it's time, imagine you when using horses to make it from home to work nowdays...more like an exotics.
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Eh, in the end it's down to personal preference. Maybe your girlfriend just doesn't like pixel art or something. Or maybe she hasn't played enough games with beautiful pixel art to charm her and it's up to you to remedy that. ;P
I personally am more of a gameplay person than an art style one. Pixels are just as viable as everything else. (Although I do hypocritically immediately dislike games that try to make their 3D characters look like they're from Minecraft... just... why?!... It looks so bad. <.< ... ... ..See- personal preference. :P )
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The thing is with pixel art, in my opinion, is that there's pixel art and then there's pixel art.
There are games with amazing pixel art, but they're rare. The issue is that pixel art can be very cheap and that allows developers to cut corners. Bad pixel art is an eyesore, in my opinion. Good pixel art is great. Just like with any art style: do it well and it'll be great.
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I don't really care about graphics as long as the game is fun, though colorful pixel art does a pretty good job at catching my attention.
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I do judge a game by how good the art is, not the art style, though. The art more or less reflects how much effort/money the developer put in to create the game, so if the art looks crap or inconsistent, it's a good indication of the quality of the game.
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Personally, I actually prefer stylistic graphic (comic book-like, cell shaded, pixel art etc) over realistic graphic. If I wanted to see something that looks just like real life, I'd look out of my window :D
The problem is that lazy or inexperienced developers will often use pixel graphic to hide their own incompetence, and it really shows. But when done by skilled developers/designers, stylized graphic can (and does) look so much more beautiful then anything photorealistic. Luckily, it seems people stopped being so obssessed with super-realistic graphic nowadays :)
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I think one of the problems with super realistic graphics are they still arn't realistic enough...if you look at some of the newest AAA games in comparison to new movies they are still matter what cool effects/shaders are used they still come off as being a game...on the fly ray tracing isn't nearly as good as the times where a studio can preform all that using as much time as they like.
vs games that realise they are games and not movies and embrace the fact...cell shading being one of them although I think I'd start finding it annoying if everything was toon shaded...gradients are nice after all
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Do you like Pixels?
no. to me it feels like:
it works most of the time, especially if games are well done like stardew valley or like you said, dead cells. but i'd rather play a modern-looking game than pixel art stuff.
there are other ways to make games look simple and good (see oxenfree). i find this pixel art trend to be like the minecraft era, when 500 voxel games popped up from everyone because the style was popular.
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I prefer a good art direction / design to the realistic look, filters and lightning, even if the later one is an engineering achievement .
Like how I will always take Crypt of the Necrodancer's everything dances and music-styled over one "it's brown because it's real" shooter, even if it is photorealistic.
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Well, considering that I absolutely adore Wadjet Eye artists and some of their collegues who also use AGS, you could say that I do like pixel art indeed, yes. And I don't even mind stuff like The Last Door or Detective Di (haven't played the latter yet, but it looks right up my alley). Still, adventure games are the only genre that goes fine with pixel art for me (must have something to do with the fact that I've only got notable personal experience with old VGA/EGA adventure games but not with other genres).
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I love pixel artstyle, not just when it comes to games but in general. There are some amazing artworks out there made in that style.
I don't like when people lump all pixel art games together and say they're cheap. It takes a lot of effort to make quality pixel games, especially when it comes to animations.
I don't get how could someone take a look at games like Mercenary Kings, Enter the Gungeon, CrossCode and what not and say their artstyle is cheap, when in my opinion they're amazing looking and there's no doubt that their artist(s) put a ton of hours and effort into them.
The difference in art quality when it comes to pixel games is HUGE though, and there are lots of games with bad pixel artwork
Anyway, the most important thing for me when it comes to game graphics is that the artstyle actually fits the game.
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2D art tends to be hard to animate, so it makes sense animators would use basic 3d models to help make fluid animations.
And I think as long as the game sticks to a specific focused style, it usually looks good. I just like that there is variety of looks in the first place. A unique look also helps as it can make the game easily identifiable.
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I don't have problem with pixelart. But some games are just "too pixelated". I lost all fun when my eyes are bleeding after 1h of playing.
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In dead cells (a game I think is gorgeously put together) a 3D pipeline is used to generate pixelated 2d sprites. Article
when my girlfriend found out she asked why they would purposefully make it look worse "see the 3d looks so much better I'd prefer it looking like that" while personally lots of 3D games/models look like shit...most 3d games that try to look realistic age terribly once better advances in technology come out while alot of 2d/pixilated games still look nice years later.
Obviously Gameplay comes first and graphics are a second point but it seems like quite a few gamers see pixels as "cheap" and would prefer poorly made 3d models.
Factorio also uses 3D models that are then outputted to 2D and touched up Friday fact on it and there are comments on the steam discussions to the point of "a cheap pixelated game like this has no right having a AAA price tag"
This Article talks more about people opinions on pixels "It’s good, but kind of pixelated…" and shows how the really nice looking art of King of Fighters XIII gets a worse score than the shoddy looking graphics in Street Fighter IV...and also a comment mentions that if you give pixel art larger resolutions people just think its "regular art thats been stored badly" ignoring all the work that went into drawing it...
additionally most games that were made with pixel art look alot worse when people try to "depixelize" them...either by hand or programatically. (remasters? day of the tentacle?)
Personally stylistic choices stand out more for me. The toon shading in stuff like the wolf among us is a design choice and makes it stand out. good pixel art in games like dead cells/hyper light drifter etc looks gorgeous. hyper realistic games look nice but so do cartoony animations that don't try to be realistic or differently shaded scenes. Minimalistic Vector Art can look nice along with heavily textured stuff like salt and sanctuary.
As someone who can't draw its annoying seeing something nicer than I could ever try and make written off as "badly done cause of the pixels".
Anyways does anyone have any opinions? do you judge a game by its artstyle? Whats important to you and how much does the graphics of a game sway you.
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