Lady Luck is not on your side.
Karma can be a bitch too. Try creating a giveaway or find a group that would accept you to increase your odds.
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Fix your karma, man. You really have to.
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English is not my native language, even though I try hard to learn it.
Anyway, thank you.
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You are complaining that you haven't won more games. Just use a calculator when you want to know the odds of winning something. Can you tell me how we should help you? You have won 2 games, just play them and enter more giveaways instead of making this thread.
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Dude, I have to break it down for you.
The question is "Am I doing something wrong or is it just bad luck?".
Possible answers:
a) "Yes, if you are doing this and this and that, that can make you win less giveaways."
b) "I guess you are just unlucky".
There is no "how to increase/decrese whatever" or "complaining".
Got it now?
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Maybe you should read your description. You specifically ask about odds there. I quote:
"I never enter giveaways with more than 1000 participants so I can have better chances of winning but, what are the odds of this?"
As for your question of "Am I doing something wrong?", well the answer is yes. Your complaining. I've already seen at least one person banning you from their giveaways and their group. So everything he's said so far is entirely valid.
So how about not biting peoples heads off, when they DO answer your question.
Seems to me, there is very specific answers your looking for, since your rejecting most others. If you already have the answers, how about you shut down this thread, and leave us in peace.
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It's going to help someone. It helps me. Now, when I make giveaways, only people in that group can join. You're on the list, so you can't join. You can't be part of my giveaways anymore.
Because you QQed about the odds, your overall odds of winning have gone down, now that you can't ever join my group giveaways. Your luck has gotten worse. That's the curse of the QQ.
So it does help someone. It helps me sleep a little better. ^_^
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So first of all, let me tell you that you might be wrong because I get that you guys get a lot of guys complaining about stuff but if you look carefuly, you will see that the main question of this post has nothing to do with "complaining" or "asking for something". It was just a simple question. A or B. And my thread has nothing to do with most on that list. Now, if you sleep well knowing that you "punish" people for what you THINK they do, not for what they do, that's a whole different story. Let me just say that.
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Do some puzzles, join chat or be a forum lurker. And most importantly do not QQ. Everyone hates a QQer.
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You do realise that you have not given ANYTHING back to the community?
You have already won 2 games. You are expecting way too much.
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Please, do you realize how many of these freaking threads there would be if everyone and their grandma decided to make one whenever they're feeling unlucky?? The only thing you're doing wrong is creating a whiny thread like this. Everyone has an equal chance of winning, you just have to keep entering those giveaways, maybe even join a couple of giveaway groups or solve forum puzzles. It only takes perseverance and a bit of luck to win here, nothing else to it.
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You are complaining that you have won 2 games and have never given away anything?
Ive given away 5 games and won nothing.
The cheek of some people...
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I know man. It is right but it is not the answer to my question. I already know that maybe I should start giving. What I'm starting to see here is that a guy that has created 0 giveaways can't ask questions. Is that a rule? Because that's what's happening.
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you are complaining that you don't get enough for free?! give away your own stuffs and win more. (won 7 giveaways in the last 3 weeks since i started comtributing 3 weeks ago :D )
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Unless the OP plays offline in which case Steam doesn't count it. Look at my time on Assassin's Creed Revelations. I've played a lot more than that but it was all whilst I had no internet connection...
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Thanks to the ones who were kind enough the say something constructive.
To the others (unfortunately, the great majority), take time to read the post. The whole thing. No one here is begging/whining/asking for anything. Up in the title there's a simple question. If you have something to say about it (not anything else), please do. If you don't, you might want to keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you are not helping (and making a fool of yourself).
Cheers :)
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It's completely random, no one has a higher chance of winning stuff except for contributors on contributor giveaways. That's it.
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I'm starting to think that I may be doing something wrong that makes me unable to win giveaways. I have won 2 giveaways already (last one was about a month ago), at that time I had entered about 400 giveaways. Now I have entered way over 2000 giveaways and I can't even win a giveaway with only 20 participants! For my own reasons, I never enter giveaways with more than 1000 participants so I can have better chances of winning but, what are the odds of this?
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