I'm starting to think that I may be doing something wrong that makes me unable to win giveaways. I have won 2 giveaways already (last one was about a month ago), at that time I had entered about 400 giveaways. Now I have entered way over 2000 giveaways and I can't even win a giveaway with only 20 participants! For my own reasons, I never enter giveaways with more than 1000 participants so I can have better chances of winning but, what are the odds of this?

12 years ago*

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I haven't been winning anything lately either, but that's probably because I haven't been spam joining random giveaways. Still I have quite a few entries xD, just be patient is what I'd say. If you really must win a game find a group to join.

12 years ago

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Contribute so you can enter in giveaways with less people. ;)

12 years ago

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^This, too

12 years ago

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It's not about DOING something WRONG. It's about what you DON'T do.

12 years ago

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Probably praying wrong.

12 years ago

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i have entered maybe more than you and i have win only 1 . so there is someone bad than u

12 years ago

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I guess you should start writing comments and giving away games. If you have not given away anything, the maximum number of giveaways you can win is 2. When you donate a game, you get access to your 3rd giveaway. That is how it works.

12 years ago

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Joking, but still... start being active and start giving if you want to receive

12 years ago

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you just made me worried xD

12 years ago

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I think you are clicking the "enter To Win" button wrong or maybe its that its all luck

12 years ago

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it's luck in the first week i won 2 games and ever since nothing and that was 6 months ago :) and i'm still coming back every day with the hope "maybe this will be my lucky day" but i'm wrong every time :D

12 years ago

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you are a rly lucky person! I never have won a giveaway with 200+ entries.

(one...but with 609entries and 5 copies ;))

12 years ago

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Join as many Steamgifts groups as possible. Group giveaways often have a significantly lower amount of people entering than public ones.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Enter for games you can live without and just buy the games you really, really want. Makes the whole process a lot less tortuous.

12 years ago

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it's random, you didn't do anything wrong. just be patient

12 years ago

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You're not doing anything wrong. That's very very normal.

12 years ago

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Oh, that reminds me, I should join 12 more giveaways, so that makes me win 1 time every 100 times I enter a giveaway.
1% winning rate in 1 year. Woo!

Edit: On another note. Yeah, just keep trying.

12 years ago

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Random is random. Therefore the internet has given you random luck with random odds of winning.

12 years ago

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Nah, you are just having bad luck.

Giveaway with 20 players = 1/20 = 5% chance of winning

Giveaway with 100 players = 1/100 = 1% chance of winning

Giveaway with 1000 players = 1/1000 = 0.1% chance of winning

As you can see, your chances of winning never exceed 10%.
On the bright side, you are not the only one who will lose a giveaway :P

12 years ago

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Yeah, your forgot to activate the "Not Random" button. That should fix all your problems in no time!

12 years ago

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Obviously karma and Lady Luck don't like you very much. They very much like offerings and sacrifices.

Not saying you need to go sacrifice a goat in their name, but I'm sure they'd appreciate it if you made even a meager offering of a copy of Fortix to the community.

12 years ago

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Dota 2 - 2.4 hour
Cogs - 0.3 hour

Firstly go and enjoy that awesome games you won. Then try to win some new games :)

12 years ago

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Really? This thread is still open?

12 years ago

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well,not everbody wins,you can enter 2 entry giveaways and not win win ever,its random,you cant do anything to change that

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by nixo15.