Lovers in a dangerous spacetime looks neat to play in coop.
Been eyeing with it since release to play it with my gf but couldn't decide yet.
Edit: Towerfall Ascension looks great too but it's only competetive - so it's not suited for every one
Edit2: Completly forgot about Battleblock Theater and Monaco - these I got actually and played them together with my gf (though through internet - but couch coop seems to be possible for both)
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Oh yeah, that's on my wishlist too. It looks like a really interesting concept.
Note that everything listed so far is indie too...
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Lara Croft is co-op? I had no idea...
A couple of those we actually played on the Xbox. (Although I was greedy with Tale of Two Sons--controlling two people at once was so novel.)
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Borderlands, Monaco, Lego Games .
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I agree with you. Wish there were more. Even console games are starting to omit this. My guess is that PC gamers have traditionally not played local co op as much. Now that it's easier to hook up your PC to the TV and use controllers we should (hopefully) see a shift towards local co op again.
You can browse steam games by the 'local co-op' tag and it should bring up all the ones that you may be interested in. Personally I liked awesomenauts . Rayman Legends seems to support local co op as well. I havent tried nuclear throne or forced but those have been on my list and have local. Hope you find something awesome!
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Yeah, I suppose PCs didn't used to standardly have the controls to let two people play. (I remember as a kid playing fighting games against my brother with both of us using halves of the same keyboard. I'm glad those days are over.)
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I do the exact same thing with my girlfriend. (I have a console size PC in my living room with two 360 controllers)
We're playing Trine 2 now, an excellent co-op puzzle platformer game. I would definitely recommend it.
This site might be worth a look, you can search for PC games with "couch co-op":
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I was looking at that. The thing I'm running into, both there and when I search on Steam, is that the number of results is very large, while the number of useful results is sadly small.
Trine 2 is a great suggestion though! Among other things, I have it already, and had been meaning to play it.
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DeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue
The Baconing
Trine 1-3
Blood Knights
The First Templar
Shadow Puppeteer
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Is First Templar local co-op? It doesn't say that on the Steam store page.
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Deathspank is cool, but not a game for everyone. I enjoyed it. Local coop however isn't very good: second player is an wizard, without character development (you have 4 skills and you cannot upgrade them or customise character / change gear).
Blood Knights is simply bad.
Trine is awesome, but way more fun in 3 players than 2, and I only played The first templar a bit - not a great game, but decent.
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I always have endless fun "accidentally" kill my couch buddies.
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Huh, hadn't thought of that. How do you manage it. Do you hook up two keyboards, or does it play alright on a controller? (I use the keyboard when I play.)
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I played with both keyboard and controllers. Keyboard has the upper hand since they can cast spell faster.
For fairness, I connected the controllers. I think they only support xinput controllers.
I was in your shoes a few months back and tried it successfully with the following controllers.
Wish my wife would play games as well. Consider yourself lucky :D
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Yeah, I am pretty lucky in that regard. She's made a real effort to join in my hobby (and she really does like some of the games).
She can't really do any 3D games that require both sticks yet though. I guess it's a hard skill to pick up, it's just that I've been doing it for so many years I've forgotten.
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other than the ones others already mentioned, my casual gamer friends also like the following, especially the Sonic racing game
Bombing Bastards
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
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Just recently i started a couch-gaming library to play with my friends...
Things like METAL SLUG series and Mercenary Kings are in a specific 2d shot-em-up that maybe u like...
Towerfall Ascension that Zogg commented is a nice addition as well and we have some fun on it.
But our favorite is the Worm Series so much fun on it! We're old fans of the series and we can play hours and hours straight.
In a side note, a lil game that is on beta and is getting our attention is Brawlhalla. Its something like Super Smash Bros on Steam. You can try to grab a beta key here.
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Thanks for the recommendations. I have METAL SLUG and Mercenary Kings already, which is nice. (I've barely played either game.)
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Have you played Phantom Breaker? I won a key on here when that developer GA accidentally revealed all the keys. It didn't work well at the time, but on my new machine and using a controller I bet it will work a lot better.
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We have done beat 'em ups before. It takes me back to the arcade games of my youth.
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Hey nimblemongoose!
I see Shadow Puppeteer has already been mentioned!
The game is a couch/local co-op game, and pretty much made for couples playing together!
Available on Steam, and best played with 360 controllers.
Here is the site, with trailer and information:
Hope you decide to check it out:)
Klas, from the SP dev team
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Absolutely, Kisskass. That looks like fun, and I've added it to the list of promising options.
So, as an indie developer yourself, any thought on why so many of the good local co-op options for PC are indie games?
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You know, you aren't the first to recommend those. I was told to try them out on the console. I guess I've just been stubborn: something about the blend of merchandising with bizarre graphics to no clear artistic purpose rubs me the wrong way.
Still, I should probably reconsider if those are some of my better options.
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I'll take a look. (Though I'll probably start with the Batman or Marvel games--I didn't like the Lord of the Rings movies so well. I guess I'm just a picky person.)
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Cool, I'll definitely look into those.
Also, looking for those turned up a game I'd never even heard of: apparently they made a Young Justice game that supports co-op. Who knew?
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Finally this thread !!! I look for it for ages ! My boyfriend & I looking for games to play in local, We have already finished Borderlands 2 GOTY like 3 times and it's hard to find a good replacement
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Yeah, I'd love to play that co-op with somebody. I played both 1 and 2 solo more than once.
The trouble with two-joystick controls makes that too touch for my wife at the moment. (That and, as I've noticed when I've tried to teach Borderlands to other people in split screen, it's hard to teach to somebody who doesn't already know how to play because you can't see all of, for example, the equipment window.)
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The split screen stuff can be hard yes, We played on TV with the PS3 so it's not that hard when we used to it, but on a smaller screen, it's certainly tough. Also, my bf and I are both hardcore gamer so it's obviously simpler when you know the mechanics. And the equipment window can be a puzzle with no clue for people not used to FPS games.
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Double Dragon Neon, Ibb & Obb, Risk of Rain.
Lego games were great to play. Not a challenge, but fun specially when you recognize the franchise. In my case, I really like Lord of The Rings.
There's a way to play Portal 2 with split screen too. Maybe that's something that interests you too.
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Oh yeah, we actually did some of the Portal 2 content together back on the Xbox. That is such a great game.
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Hm, there have been several threads with this theme already. You can search them if you need more inspiration. Other than that, there are actually quite a handful of local-coop games on Steam. A few examples:
And some games with a rather small co-op mode:
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So, I finally have my new gaming system installed. For the first time I hooked it up to the TV in the living room figuring I'd use it as my new gaming console. I got an adapter so I can use my Xbox controllers, etc.. Mostly, it's been great. But I'm noticing something: there aren't many PC games that permit couch co-op. Even games that have that option for their Xbox version lack it here (like Diablo III). There is a ton of support for co-op, but hardly any for co-op on a single machine. I guess I just never had occasion to notice before because I was using my computer by myself.
Why is this? Is there no demand? Is it that rare to try and replace a console with a PC and expect to have the same options for social play? Somehow I'm completely blindsided by this lack of options. (The major exceptions seem to be space shooters. I like them as much as the next guy, but why are they the exception?)
Specifically I play games with my wife. She's not a hardcore gamer, so things like casual RPGs (again, Diablo III worked well) are favorites. What are the best local co-op games for PC? Ibb and Obb is the only one we're currently playing. And am I wrong in thinking that PC developers need to step up their couch co-op game?
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