Thank you for the recommendations!
I have heard of some of these before but I didn't know they were VR! And I honestly don't know how I forgot about superhot VR. I played the original superhot a while ago and I remember the posts about the VR version that was to 'come out soon' at that point in time. I will definitely have to give these a shot!
Thank you!
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Poker VR is fun too meet people
The Talos Principle VR is also good
Google Earth VR is a fun experience too
Sairento VR if you like to go full ninja sci-fi
Protocol VR is not bad for singleplayer
Crisis VRigade really hard game but fun its a shooter on rails
Belko VR: An Escape Room Experiment this is like 30m but is so freaking good
GalGun_VR i m so sorry dont even search this
Chupa_Chupa_VR please i beg you dont look this either
other games already posted by other are also good
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I think I'll have to give some of these a shot! Thank you for informing me of the existence of some of these. Belko VR looks like an interesting game.
Unfortunately I did look up the last 2... And although I can't say I'm really into stealthily licking umbrella handles, or into shooting anime girls with a slime rancher vaccum. I am most definitely interested in some of the other ones. So thank you for all the suggestions!
I will definitely give some of these a shot!
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dont forget to check out app lab and sidequest for early access indie type stuff
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I very much enjoyed a puzzle adventure game Rad Matter, it's pretty short but utilizes VR capabilities pretty well, it's also comfortable and accessible to a new VR user (it was my first VR game, and I had a blast with it). Paper Beast is a very inventive casual VR experience, also really comfy for a newbie. If you enjoy The Room series, there's one made for VR exclusively, and it would be an obvious choice to try (I haven't yet though).
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I very much like the look of the visuals and overall atmosphere in Red Matter, it seems quite immersive and honestly, the length may not be too much of an issue depending on how long it takes me to get my 'VR Legs' after finally jumping in. So thank you for the suggestion!
I'll have a look into Paper Beast, as it does look like it might be a good starting point for VR to just slowly get accustomed to the whole experience. While I haven't played any of 'The Room' games, I know the general gist of the games and I feel like that might be a fairly good fit together. With the whole puzzle-solving style in a VR environment sounds quite interesting.
Thank you!
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A few PCVR titles that I think are must play:
Lone Echo 1 and 2 - These might be the two best VR games after Half-Life: Alyx to be honest. The quality of them is just fantastic. If you enjoy story driven games these are just incredible. I would say they are very beginner friendly as well, more so than Alyx.
VTOL VR - This is a fight sim type game so it does require you to at least have a minor interest in that kind of game, if not it would probably be worth it. It's fantastically immersive though as you control everything through VR controllers, no flight stick required. This means you can interact with all the dials, controls and little knick-knack in the cockpit. Really makes it feel like you're there.
Into the Radius - Essentially this dev's take on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in VR. The inspiration is very clear but still manages to feel like it's own thing. The controls feels great, has a great inventory system... and is genuine scary at times. Probably not a good game to get into until you're more familiar with VR though. It demands a lot of the player.
Dirt Rally 2.0 - I loved this game before getting into VR and it just got better once inside a headset. One of the more enjoyable racing games on PC I've found. Quite difficult though, so it does take a while to get into.
And a few Quest/PCVR titles:
Trover Saves the Universe - You need to enjoy the humor of Justin Roiland (creator of shows like Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites) to enjoy this game, but if you do, it's a great little platformer in VR. Very beginner friendly as it's a genre most gamers knows well.
Warplanes: WW1 Fighters - This is another flight game, but it's so arcady that you don't need to be hugely into flight games to enjoy it. It's very easy to get into and is a blast to play. It has a demo on Steam as too!
Tetris Effect: Connected - Yes, it's just Tetris... but it's also one of the best versions of Tetris ever made imho. The flatscreen version is great too, but the VR one really puts it on another level. The effects and environments are gorgeous. If you don't like Tetris, it's not going to change anyone's mind about that, but if you do it's a must.
Real VR Fishing - Fishing. In VR. Super relaxing and features a built-in web browser so you can chill out with a podcast or YT video while just chilling by the water. Also has multiplayer if that's your thing. This game is honestly a great way to just wind down if you're stressed.
Population: One - Amazing competitive Battle Royale game in VR. Graphically, it's not much to write home about but the gameplay is extremely solid. Probably not a good VR beginner game, but it's well worth a shot if you like BRs.
The Room VR - Great adaption of the The Room games into VR. Puzzles are just as good as in the pancake versions and has quite a lot of beautiful environments. Another great beginner game.
Space Pirate Trainer - It's an arcade style shooter, pretty basic but it's a ton of fun.
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population one gets the bulk of my playtime (unironically 8-10 hour sessions till my feet hurt lol)
pokerstars vr (free but use oculus version cause in game cash tied to account and you can do both pc an quest version on same account if using oculus version instead of steam)
payday 2 (dont pay more than .99 tho)
half life alyx obviously (especially with custom campaigns in mods)
neos and vr chat (free)
project rtd (if you like tower defense and mergers but look for discounted key)
battlegroup vr for space rts
elite dangerous for space trucking
operation warcade if on sale kinda retro light gun cabinet
you have to hunt for a download link but look for emuvr for retro emulator that works with light gun games
no mans sky (always on sale)
probably resident evil 4, releases on quest in a week or 2
risk of rain 2 is a must play with full vr mod
gtfo has a decent vr mod
subnautica 1 and 2 (on gamepass) vr modded with gamepad
star wars squadrons is also on game pass (vr native)
alien isolation on gamepass
for racing asseto corsa (the older modable one) and dirt 2
valhelm has a good vr mod
also if into retro theres like a couple dooms are vr moded wolfenstein cant remember which early one has a vr mod half life one and 2 vr modded. the require a specific version though so find that info first
also personally i prefer virtual desktop over airlink especially if you travel. if you have a beefy gpu maybe vorpx but not for its inteded purpose but to play non 3d flat games in 3d using theater mode but it needs like twice the power non 3d would need. for naughty stuff use the deovr app (quest store) and theres usually a banner on top for the naughty site behind the app also with live 3d 180 vr cam girls
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If you like puzzle games, I can point you to
I had much fun with it, for my part.
Edit: this one has already be mentioned (by Cim)
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If I can only recommend one game it would be
The game look amazing! I have yet to play it a it till getting more content :)
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Hey everyone,
I've recently gone out and finally bit the bullet with VR. And while I've been waiting for shipping, I've slowly been downloading 'experiences' and games that I already know are a 'need-to-try', such as beatsaber, The Lab, and google Earth VR.
I've decided to go with oculus, I know that a Facebook account is required, and although it is unfortunate, that seems to be the reason the price is low.
So I was wondering if anyone had any VR game suggestions that they may have tried and enjoyed (On Steam or on Oculus Store)? Or any suggestions for someone to try out who is new to VR?
Currently on my list of 'to be bought and downloaded' are the following':
Half Life: Alyx
BONEWORKS (although I understand this one isn't the best for a beginner)
Thank you for any suggestions, and here is a giveaway for your help!
(Just make sure to remove something sneaky from the link... :P)
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