hey contributed more 34 $ and the max value is 30 $ why?

12 years ago*

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bundle games

12 years ago

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Bundle games.
Read the FAQ next time.
Oh and, the search bar is probably their for a reason, just sayin'.

12 years ago

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I came to tell you to read the FAQ and chew bubblegum.

Unfortunately, my dentist told me it's unhealthy to chew bubblegum.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Max bundle contribution = Non-bundled contribution * 0.2 + $30

So if your non-bundled contribution is $0, you can give away $30 ($0 0.2 + $30) in bundled games before you are capped.
If your non-bundled contribution is $100, you can give away $50 ($100
0.2 + $30) in bundled games before you are capped.
If your non-bundled contribution is $4000, you can give away $830 ($4000 * 0.2+$30) in bundled games before you are capped.

This system is in place so that people cannot just give away bundled games and farm contribution. If you want your bundled contribution cap to increase, you must also give away non-bundled games.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by StormDash.