Call it courtesy or just common sense, but in my opinion, if you won a game you should at least thank the person who gave you the game. Moreover, games given on SG are (usually) not free and a little gratitude goes a long way (in life too).

On public GAs I usually blacklist the winners who didn't thank me (after they activate the game they won).

In a recent GA, 3 users won the game. None of the 3 thanked me (I usually wait more than a day after the game was marked as received). The first 2 I blacklisted them without much of a thought. The 3rd winner however contributed with quite a lot of GAs and that gave me pause. On the one hand not saying thanks is rude but on the other hand the user is clearly a generous person.

I'm curious: what would you do?

I wonder how many people are going to blacklist him for creating such a thread

Unrelated funny video

8 years ago*

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Would you blacklist him/her?

View Results
I didn't want to pick any of the other answers so I choose this

This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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While it's rude to not say anything in response to a gift (whether in the comments section or through Steam), I don't blacklist people for being rude. I totally understand why you would do so, however, and I wouldn't hold it against you if you did.

8 years ago

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No, or maybe. If I knew the person from the forum or Steam and I didn't get along with them...
I dunno, it also depends on my mood, right now I could BL anyone, lol, lole... :P

8 years ago

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poke poke.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I..I...Just wanted some food from somebody. :/

And some water.

8 years ago

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Oh bugger, it's real!
What's next? Killer tomatoes?

8 years ago

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And then E.T needs to phone home.

8 years ago

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double standards on sg, what a surprise.

don't worry, you will find even worst cases than people not thanking when winning. 🖤¯\_(ツ)_/¯🖤

8 years ago

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Doesn't a double standard require a more level playing field?
Hmm, I guess not, at least, not the politically correct version of a double standard...
Damn commies! :P

8 years ago

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maybe i meant hypocrisy rather than double standards.

well, i think it's kinda the same?

8 years ago

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You mean like people not redeeming their won games? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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nah, rule-breakers don't bother me any more. 😎

8 years ago

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The third guy is more of a CV farmer who apparently also enters practically everything.

8 years ago

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ive given away a few games

i appreciate when winner sends thanks

but once the gift is marked received thats the end of my expectations

8 years ago

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i don't have a blacklist at all, but if i were you and felt the same way, i'd probably check the user in questions history of winning and see if they normally do or not thank the gifter.. if not then that probably answers your question. or if they normally do then they may of mistakenly forgot too. activated key, marked recieved, even clicked then link and then the phone rang before they typed anything up. not that i'm speaking from experience in that instance, but i always try to thank people and have caught myself missing a thanks till a cple days later i caught it, and said it then and there, and apologized it was a late thanks. no telling if i missed others that i never did catch.

8 years ago

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Sounds like a good idea. Thank you

8 years ago

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I write "THX" in comment only when I'm first. So much people say "thanks" by copy/paste and I'm rude becouse I don't want be an ignored notification. A long time ago you had to send steam-key by chat/e-mail. That was good, cuz i could say "thank you" more face2face :D

Yes, I'm still learning English ;)

8 years ago

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I'm blacklisting such winners (sometimes I also check them as d3m4n suggested). There are 962,751 users registered here, so I'm definitely more happy to give a chance to someone else (hopefully with a better result) :)

8 years ago

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I don't care if this is public giveaway (most users don't even read description). But if this giveaway is for small group i can use blacklist (ofc if group-rules allow to do it)

8 years ago

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Well, that's low-level GAs for you. In my experience leechers tend to be rude (not to mention a high probability to meet rulebreakers), but setting level 5+ makes such unpleasant episodes happen considerably less often. I used to blacklist rude winners as well, I don't anymore, but I still think it's a worthy reason.

8 years ago

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You have to ask yourself why do you make GA? To get a gratitude? If so, then it's better to spend your money on some charity fund. They usually send gratitude letters twice a year,
Another question is, what if the winner doesn't speak english or is bad at it? Idk, there are some Chinese people here.
Yes, it may be rude not to thank someone. Yet, how do you want to change something by blacklisting a person? Wouldn't it be better to just post on forum or on this person GA that he/she was rude by not thanking for game that one won? I think that if you tell someone he/she was rude, there's much more chance that this person would change his/her attitude than by blacklisting someone.
What do you think should be a case for blacklist? I sometimes blacklist leechers and there are many here with W/G ratio of 100+ to 0. Yes, I ve seen people who won 700 games and not gave away even one! Not even bundled game. How would you call such behaviour? If being rude, is a cause to blacklist, then what should be a punishment for such behaviour? Chopping of limbs?
What do you think?

Maybe we need a SGetiquette made by Admins in collaboration with community? Standard rules behaviour leading to ban on SG? I would like to know your opinions.

8 years ago

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I do GAs because I like giving games. If I have the chance, I would rather give my games to someone who appreciates them.
But yes, you do make good points.

8 years ago

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I rather give them to those who play them. Those are even rarer.

8 years ago

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Yep, but I can understand why they don't play it (at least, right away). People are busy and it's hard to work on your backlog during the week (even during the weekend). Also some games, have very hard achievements that take long to complete.
Right now, I'm playing/ juggling between 5 games but I can only play 3 when I have time since I only like to play games with story when I have time (to actually enjoy the game).

8 years ago

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I always say thanks regardless of what I win, but at the same time I don't require it from people winning games from me. If they do it, it's nice, but if they don't, it's fine.

I'm somehow avoiding this issue by making giveaways of games I consider really decent only for selected group of people that I know will be grateful and enjoy it, which is probably one of the reasons why I don't care that much in other cases.

8 years ago

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I've never blacklisted anyone, but if I ever do I intend to try and contact them to explain the reason why.
I've been blacklisted twice and have no idea why, and I'd rather not do that to someone else who may just not realize they're being discourteous.

8 years ago

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I blacklisted ungrateful winners once.
Not anymore, maybe I would do it in case of an expensive game in a private GA.

I try not to worry about such things around here anymore and enjoy the positive sides :)

8 years ago

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For me, saying thanks takes like 1 min and it's also pretty universal. Besides, it's not really that easy to win gifts so why don't you show your gratitude to whoever host that giveaway. But it's also true that it'll take forever to blacklist every single person who wins your giveaway without saying thanks, so it's up to you lol.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I dislike the spam in my inbox so I didn't really thank people when I won something dont really expect antone to thank me either tbh .
Nowadays anything is a reason to blacklist someone tbh so go wicheve way you feel qbout it .

Just keep in mind blacklist is caped at 1000

8 years ago

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I tend to thank after winning unless the GA creator has made comments about not wanting thanks/messages in general. As a GA creator I appreciate a thanks but mainly just to know the winner has received the key and it's ok.

The biggest problem with thanking people on SG is that about a third of people would automatically blacklist you for not thanking, about a third will automatically blacklist you for thanking and the last third will do neither or one or the other depending on when you catch them.

Going from MDA's idea of etiquette maybe there should be a button you can put on your profile if you don't want any thanks/messages in general.

as to op: IDK. one blacklist hardly matters and no one knows who you blacklist, so double standards are fine ;)

8 years ago*

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That's the problem on this site. There are always double standards. If you blacklist everyone that is not thanking you, then you should blacklist him/her too. :/ But, in general, I don't think you should blacklist anyone. :P

8 years ago

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I'd personally like to thank every time I win, but sometimes I can't immediately but I always do sometimes a few days later. I think a problem stems from the constant evolution of SG etiquette. It used to be a blacklist for not commenting on a GA, now its a blacklist FOR commenting on a GA as people don't like spam "thanks" in their inboxes.

I try to only blacklist really poor behaviour, such as ignoring supports requests, being racist, being sexist, harassment etc etc. Ratio, levels, not saying thanks etc, each to their own but I think you'll find your blacklist really quickly hard to manage. Its difficult because its all a matter of preference, one person may see commenting as rude, one person may see not commenting as rude. One person may see someone with more games won than given away as a leech, another may look to see their public/region locked/bundled ratio and think that its ok to win more than he's given.

Personally I'd like a thanks comment, ratio isn't too important to me as you can give away 3 triple A games and spend more than someone who has given away 600 bundle games, especially those that use indiegala like crazy. Its really difficult to quantify it as the person who comments after me will have a totally different value set. Its just about respecting their value set and moving along.

8 years ago

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As someone you have blacklisted, no, I would not blacklist for that.

It honestly isn't worth blacklisting over. Now, if you were talking about someone being a jerk on here or a scammer or something, yeah. But just because they didn't say thanks on the giveaway or their addon didn't do it for them. Not worth the issue.

Also, most of them just honestly not a big issue since they don't see your giveaways anyways and they will give less than zero fucks about it.

8 years ago

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I can't remember why I blacklisted you so I removed you from my BL.

8 years ago

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Thanks, thinking it was probably when I made a thread asking why someone had blacklisted me that I had never met or talked to. But I had made a mistake on how CV worked and thought it was based on ratio and not just contributions. Figure I probably earned a few blacklists from asking that question but the curiosity of not knowing was more important to me.

Also been working on the ratio some since then. Was originally deciding to spend $500 or so when the VA was done with their crap to make up for it but instead decided to just do a little at a time from Tremorgames to make up for it instead. Fix it gradually instead of going out with a bang.

8 years ago

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while i reported some user (very seldom), i don't make any use of the blacklist functionality

8 years ago

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Voting is kinda controversial. I would not blacklist him/her, because I don't blacklist people for not saying thanks (even when I blacklisted them at all I would not do this for such a reason). But, if you mean "would I blacklist him/her if I were you" - well, who knows, probably yes, because double standards are bad thing.
By the way, I answered "No" )

8 years ago

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i used to do that, but i dont care anymore lol

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by psousa.