Do you feel bad for joining giveaways you have no particular interest in ?
Well sometimes after winning a giveaway i feel disappointed about the game. Usually when i enter a giveaway i have a good feeling about the game although sometimes i just enter for the trading cards and have a nice surprise with the game itself. It comes in all flavors really.
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No, because I don't join giveaways for games I have no interest in. That's a shitty thing to do because there are people who do want to play the game. You seem to understand this, yet do it anyway. Why do you need to spend the points? What could you gain from winning a game you'll never play?
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This. If you are not interested in a giveaway, just don't enter it. What a scummy thing to do.
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+1 same here. I don't get the people who blindly join all the giveaways and then don't like the games they win, kinda beats the point.
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The poll really should have had an option 'I don't enter giveaways I have no interest in.' Why do you think you need to spend the points?
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Ask the scumbags using that automatic entry script thing.
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It's been said by others already - but I agree - why spend the points on games you don't want? Give others a chance instead.
I only enter giveaways for games I really look forward to playing.
I recently got two whitelist invites to two different new/expensive games that had 15-20 entries each. I'm not sure that any of those games are for me, so I thanked for the whitelist spot, but didn't enter (even though I had a pretty good chance of winning something "nice"), and gave those who really want those games a better chance of winning. Why be greedy?
Edit: Forgot to reply to the initial question - Since I don't enter giveaways I'm not interested in, there's nothing for me to feel bad about.
I'm often at the 300 points cap since giveaways for the games I'm interested in come in at a slower rate than the points accumulate.
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Is it my kind of game or not ? <--------- My first priority
If i`m unfamiliar with a game, i will check its steam store page linked to GA page before i press the Enter GA button !
But i made mistake two times, i didnt check their store pages before i enter those giveaways ! [ Skyborn & Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 Tides of Fate... ] and i won them!
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I have actually found some great games by checking the store pages of games I haven't heard of before! Although on the other hand I'm now filtering 2,130...
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Why would I enter a giveaway for a game I don't want? Sometimes, I avoid entering giveaways for games that I DO want. There are many reasons why I might do that. Here are some:
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I join only giveaways for games I want to play now. At first, when I joined the website I used to join everything.. then I realized how pointless that is.. Also, I've won some games that I wanted to play, but I already played them pirated long time ago, or I've simply thought I'll enjoy them but I didn't..
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I don't enter for games I have no interest in. I enter for games I plan on playing, either because I'M deeply interested in them or the store page made it interesting enough that I'm at the very least interested in trying it out.
The only time I feel bad about a giveaway is if I won and end up not liking the game as much as I hoped for. But, at least, I was genuinely interested in it to begin with.
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This comment thread keeps feeding my whitelist and is restoring my faith in this community.
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I don't enter giveaways for games I'm not interested in playing. Yes I have way too many games in my collection as it is, but I only enter for those I want to play (even if not today). Primarily I just enter giveaways for items on my wishlist. And as others have said I've discovered new games I'm interested in playing by reading store pages when I'm unfamiliar with a game. Those new discoveries often go on my wishlist. I'd definitely recommend checking page 2, 3, etc. or check your groups or your wishlist rather than just joining a giveaway for the sake of joining. There are times when I'll go through every page of giveaways without finding anything to match my interests. I also tend to ignore giveaways for games I already have on another platform unless there is a particular friend who is playing it on steam and I'd like to play with them (in the case of multiplayer). I may collect games but I only collect ones I intend to play (sooner or later) and no reason to have the same game in multiple places, outside of non-compatible multiplayer, so I just don't enter those giveaways. Even group giveaways where there are only 5 entries or whitelist giveaways with less than 100, if it's not a game you want to play then better to let it go to someone else who will.
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This thread and admission -> great way to rack up your name on blacklists.
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Yes,I feel bad when entering a giveaway for a game I never heard about, but in most cases they are massive GA's.
Also,I feel happy every time I win something no matter what it is. There're not such thing as bad games, except the ones that doesn't work.
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O.o what religious beliefs?
simply join g/a of games you know you will put good hrs in. try to give community back something they want if you wanna feel better. This site shows you how many hours you need to complete games in the steam library use it once in a while ;)
Others have talked in depth.
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I mean, I have won 7 games so far, and they all are great games that I enjoy playing, even the underrated Galactic Arms Race, it's relaxing.
But I joined some other giveaways that I had no particular interest in but needed to spend the point. Fourtunately, I've never won any of them, but I feel kinda greedy for joining giveaways I have had no particular interest in when other people would have wanted those games more.
Example: I joined a puzzle tetris-like game giveaway with 100 pieces but I had no interest in it, my mother likes those games, I have no particular interest in them, so there may be people like my mother who enjoy these games and by winning I'm taking their chances; that game would've probably ended up in my library deposit since I don't enjoy it, I wouldn't have played it so much.
I've been thinking that instead I should take my time to go on page 2, 3 and so on and only join the giveaways I find interesting. It's more fair to the other people and less greedy to myself.
Has anyone else experienced this before ?
Anti-interpretation Note: Everything I was talking about, example: greed, is in no way affiliated with religious beliefs nor I would want a religious debate on this topic. I'm doing it for myself.
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