But yeah, for an actual answer? I wasn't a fan of Rise of the Tomb Raider. Too blockbustery cliche for me... also ridiculously short for the price... and the cheap cliffhanger ending and the cheap ending in general...
So I'm not sure, but I'll probably pass.
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Storywise, first one was better. But RotR story was more complex. However not better. And I like original gameplay more I think. However RotR had some improvements. They are both mid-tier games, nothing more. Too simple mechanics, copying things of others, everything is repeating. Like You don't actually progress but do the same things all the time. Less like Assassin's Creed (1), but still the same issue. You only go, they spawn enemies, You kill them and go farther. World looks nice, I liked the designs in both of games, especially first one, but second one was great too, but You do the same things all the time... it's boring. And they make fake gameplay time by addin stupid quests like get all eggs or, my god... in RotR they really got too far with those things...
Old Tomb Raider games, really original ones were way better, they were top-tier games. Original story, mechanics changed in later games many times, but it still stayed awesome. Like, Tomb Raider II was oldschool style game with pretty high difficulty, then they do next parts of the same style like III, Last Revelation and Chronicles. They screwed up controlls in Angel of Darkness and made too much of a today's survival game mechanics (like not infinite pistols!?), but the story and everything was actually cool. Then we have amazing trilogy with Legend, Anniversary and Underworld, which are great. More 3D gameplay and controls, mouse support, and playing on PAD is also good.
And then they made new games. They actually ruined the series. Those game are good, but bad Tomb Raiders.
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They probably earned more money from the newer games though.
My favorite was the last revelation. I don't even remember how many times I finished it. I should replay it one of these days. I read somewhere that they were making an hd mod for it.
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Yeah, they do. But not because it's more popular or better.
Because it's easier to buy a game. Steam popularized gaming. And with price even 5 times higher than old games, yeah, they do earn more for this. More people + higher price... Plus DLC's... Back then only fans played Tomb Raider, now... anyone, who only heard or haven'teven heard about the franchise can easily buy it. And know about it. Everyone talks about those games. It's not like PSX times, where You didn't have Internet where You can see gaming portals. You had PlayStation magazine but that was all...
So it's easier for them to sell their product. People got hyped, see trailer on YT, posotive reviews on some sites etc.
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Survive and Thrive In the Deadliest Place on Earth: Master an unforgiving jungle setting in order to survive. Explore underwater environments filled with crevasses and deep tunnel systems.
Become One With the Jungle: Outgunned and outnumbered, Lara must use the jungle to her advantage. Strike suddenly and disappear like a jaguar, use mud as camouflage, and instill fear in enemies to sow chaos.
Discover Dark and Brutal Tombs: Tombs are more terrifying than ever before, requiring advanced traversal techniques to reach them, and once inside they are filled with deadly puzzles.
Uncover Living History: Discover a hidden city and explore the biggest hub space ever found in a Tomb Raider game.
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Strike suddenly and disappear like a jaguar, use mud as camouflage, and instill fear in enemies to sow chaos.
In other words, Shadow of the Tomb Raider rolls off the tongue better than "Tomb Raider is gonna murder-ghost all'a'yah, like a terrifying, unstoppable primordial grim reaper of the jungle".
I mean, they could have gone with Tomb Raider Solid: Panther Rising (Revengence), but apparently that's already taken for the new Black Pather / Metal Gear mash-up game. (Unfortunately, that probably is not actually a real thing.)
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That the title sounds stupid and something that tries to evoke the two Mordor games. Lara is not a force of nature or a similar ungraspable entity, her "shadow" does not carry any secondary meanings.
I think that was a metaphor more than a hidden meaning. As in your shadow being a dark version of you following you around. I'm just extrapolating from the teaser but that's what I get from the title.
That this new reboot mania is really getting out of hand.
It'll only keep growing from here. Blame the social media for being populated with dumbasses and talentless "bloggers" and "news writers" regurgitating Press releases years in advance and spreading hype. That's where the money is now. Any reboot brings publicity that they can add to their press files for shareholders and advertisers. "Ghostbusters twitter mentions: X thousands! Most tweeted about movie the week of the announcement". That it was mostly people puking their guts out on twitter doesn't matter to them.
So considering the short attention span of the millennials in general, and the hundreds of ways the movie/gaming industry and media found to make money off it, and factoring the number of reboots they can get on any franchise (about every 3 years), it'll stop when people stop talking about just every damn reboot because they know the name from somewhere. I guess never?
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Damn millenials, not only they're ruining the housing and jewerly markets, now videogames too?? /sarcasm/
Ironically, reboots are not only for millenials, but also for the people who played the original series 20 years ago.
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I think people who played original games are curious about reboots, sure. Movies though, they are mostly after the kids who know nothing from before they were born and will happily use their parents money to see anything they read about on social media. Even if it's the 3rd reboot and they make a new one every 3 years (like the Terminator re-reboot they are doing for example). But hey, some are worth it, right? Right? ahem
As for TR, I think the reboot had nothing to do with the games and everything to do with them making a new movie franchise out of it, with a 20 something actress they can string along for 4 or 5 movies and they didn't even have to invent some BS story about time travel or finding the fountain of youth to get her 20 years younger (I'm looking at you, Xmen)
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To be serious (for once), i think that as long as it's good i don't really care if it has the same name of the original. Most are not, but that's because they try to cover their mistakes by using a famous name to draw people rather than putting actual effort into the final product. I don't think that's the case for TR2013 and Rise though (but i didn't manage to see the new movie, so i can't speak about it).
There are some titles that, while numbered, can be considered reboots anyway, maybe because they don't resemble the original game anymore (like Resident Evil 7, which is pretty good) or because it has passed so much time that trying to bring back the original setting isn't going to work (like Max Payne 3). They're just names and don't necessairly represent the actual product.
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Agreed. If they can't be bothered to find original ideas, that's fine, as long as they do justice to the game and they don't just label canned turkey with a pretty sticker hoping we won't notice because we liked the previous games. I liked TR2013 and Rise. Not as much as I liked the previous games but they tried to be creative and to inject new blood into the franchise.
RE is typically a case of "let's use a known title to get people interested fast" but they really did work on it. They didn't just use the name and said "well job done, now let's count our money". It's not always like that but it feels like a lot more franchise games and rebooted games are good, unlike movies.
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You know that the Digital Deluxe editions plague is a publisher disease, right? I'm sure you remember de Deus Ex Mankind Divided preorder bonus fiasco. Also, I feel for the people at Dice and Monolith because they had to do that microtransaction/loot crap and then try to chill fans like it was their idea.
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My problem is that this Deluxe is essentially game+OST, but nothing more, yet the Croft Edition is what you usually call the "full" game. The Deluxe gives so little over the base game, I cannot see any reason for anyone ever buying it, unless this game has the best video game OST in the history of ever.
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I've loved the past 2 reboots so I feel like this is going to be the same but with some improvements.
I freaking loved the games so its probably going to be first day release purchase!
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(Checks trailer) you sure this isnt the new Predator game?
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I'll wait for first reviews but I'm sure I'll buy it fullprice.
Loved first two parts of the reboot.
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I have yet to play the second one, but if this is as good as the first (reboot), I'm good with it. What a great game that one is.
Edit: I just don't like how they removed the base game from Rise of the Tomb Raider from the store, replacing it with the "anniversary edition" which is basically the game + all the dlc. Now the price is very inflated, even on sales, and they can justify it because "it's the game + all the dlc". Man, fuck the dlcs. The discounts are already not great for that old game and this manipulation is ridiculous.
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To be fair Rise dlcs are somehow good, especially the Endurance mode.
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The retail price of Rise of the Tomb Raider was $59.99.
The retail price of Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20th Celebration Edition is $59.99.
Historical low for Rise of the Tomb Raider was $15.
Historical low for Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20th Celebration edition is $20$10.
Paying $5 extra for all the DLCs doesn't seem all that extreme, especially given that the Season Pass has never gone below $7.50 ($9.89 on Steam), so purchasing now still gives a clear discount over users who purchased the base game at $15.
Let me know if I overlooked something..
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The game is from 2015 and the price they ask is still of a full fledged new AAA game. A game can't go 3 years without a base price drop. Sure, you can argue the discounts are rather big, but I'd disagree again, considering the game never dropped more than two thirds of its price (as you said). $20 is a lot, and R$44,60 (the historical low for my currency) is even more. Sure, $20 is not much more than $15, and I won't even mention how maybe I just don't want to spend these 5 bucks on dlcs (remember that 5 bucks may not be only 5 bucks for other currencies), but the base price would have dropped by now if the base game was on sale, and the discounts would probably be bigger too. In fact, the discounts were already bigger, as you said yourself, since the base price for both was the same at one point and the base game got cheaper on sale.
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I liked both TR2013 and Rise (in fact, i REALLY liked Rise, despite not being a fan of Tomb Raider games), so i will probably get Shadow at launch. There were a lot of improvements between the reboot and Rise despite people saying it's basically the same game, i have no reason to not think that this one will be even better.
It's quite weird seeing Lara approaching and fighting enemies like Batman or Predator, but hey, if it works and it's fun who cares?
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people saying it's basically the same game
How can people say that and not mean it as a compliment? :P
I mean, yes, it may be a failure of ambition, but getting to play more of the Tomb Raider reboot's style of gameplay is still a good step ahead of the appeal of nearly all other games [assuming you're a fan of the original's style in the first place].
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I'm not a fan of the original games even though i played them when i was younger (so there's no nostalgic bias behind it).
Anyway even though Rise seems and looks a copy & paste of the 2013 it was way improved. Better rhythm, level design is decent, exploration is rewarding and nonlinear (while not being an actual open world), tombs now have actual puzzles instead of "pull this level here" (but are still nowhere near the original ones, which were quite difficult and unintuitive in a good way), there's less shooting sections (which is good because the gunplay and AI is pretty awful), more jumping and exploration and almost no QTEs. While Uncharted 4 has more memorable setpieces, Rise makes up for it with a slightly slower pace that allow a more relaxed adventure with some quite impressive scenes, and graphics and optimization are also great. I was really surprised and gladly bought the season pass just to play more.
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The framerate from these screenshot is horrible. It's like 5 spf.
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Oh wait, it isn't Crystal Dynamics? Hmmm even though I loved the reboots, that's definetly a wait and see.
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I'm simply worried about optimization.
I have a I7-4770k Quad-Core, and 1060 6 GB, 16GB Ram.
I struggled to have Medium-to-High Graphics on Rise of the Tomb Raider which kinda stumped me. Maybe I'll try again, but I just hope that I can run the game better in this next one :/
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With a weaker PC i was able to play Rise at the highest settings, 60 fps at 1080p (i5 4440, R9 Nano, 16 gb RAM). Maybe you had to update your drivers or perform some kind of optimization?
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What I am angered at is price. Frickin ridiculous price. Like literally 10 times of what it should be. Some lunatic set it to 1000% instead of 100% mad
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The price for the best version (which shouldn't exist, everything should be in base version of the game) is absurdally high. Not to mention, just base version is too damn expensive. This is not even a top tier game, yet costs more than better games.
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It's literally the same price of any other AAA game on the market. This post makes no sense whatsoever.
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Lol, no, it's not. it's even higher than FighterZ, that was already too much impudence. And now we have game for even more.
Also other games that are on the market are already too expensive. So games like this one, which is even more is unacceptable. But people like You let this happen. Games costs like computers today. And people say irrational things like "they too have to earn money, they have to have money for bread". Yes, people literally says that.
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A game today costs $60 exactly like 20-30 years ago (actually they cost less because of inflation). Besides, i don't really know what you mean for "like this one, which is even more unacceptable" since it's a standard AAA game with a high buget and top of the notch graphics, technical, multiplatform and marketing expense.
But i shouldn't really waste time with this low effort trolling after you last sentence, which makes even less sense than the rest.
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No. I doubt so. I doubt that they imported games to my country 20-30 year ago and games costed 5-10 times less than originally. I just won't believe that bs. Yeah., they surely imported games just to sell them for 5+ times lower prices, right?
Spyro 3 was like 20$ when it was released. Now new games, that are worse than Spyro cost 60-100 and more. Actually I've seen that best version of SoTR costed 120$. So there is Your "$60 then and $60 now".
And stop repeating "IT'S AAA GAME!!111!1ONETWO3!". You sound ridiculous saying that over and over again. I don't care if it's AAA, or BBB, or indie, or engie or whatever. I pay for QUALITY, not for the puny categories. And rebooted Tomb Raider isn't the game that would be in top tier games. It's mid tier at best. There are tons of better games done better and without such ridiculously high ammount of pseudo timer quests that boost time spent in game like billions of times. TR is to pass in 5 hours, RoTR maybe 10 hours. But I doubt You really need that time. And they also BRAG that it's so cool OMG OMG HYPE that SoTR is to pass in 15 hours and that's the plus of the game. HA. HA. HA. 15 hours? I will pas it probably in less than 10. And even if it was 15... it's nothing to brag about. 40... that's good. But 15 hours for more than 100$ game? They must be joking.
Sad that people like You that make such ridiculous prices to exist, ar ein the world. Cause You are the worst kind of a people. Making others pay ridiculously high price for a low tier entertainment.
Yes, Your low effort trolling is extraordinary here. Cause it's hard to find troll such low level like You :)
EDIT: Did I meantion that quality of games dropped drastically from good level to "whatever just sell it and give as much DLC as we can" level? But this is the truth. Most of games are like that. With higher price.
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This game is probably why 2012 didn't happen xDxDxD
Opps... Spoilers for those born after that year
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Tomb Raider https://store.steampowered.com/app/750920/Shadow_of_the_Tomb_Raider/
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The End of the Beginning
What are your expectations ?
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