Hello. Yes, it's possible that it may get detected. I had a friend using vpn and he got banned. And he didn't even get banned in his secondary account, but in his main account. xD Still, he was a trader, so maybe they won't care about you. That doesn't change the fact that it's against the steam rules though. :/
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He was a trader, having multiple accounts from different regions, in order to sell cheap gifts. He was banned because he was using vpn to buy the gifts from his alt accounts. Thing is that he probably attracted the attention of steam because he was a trader. Maybe steam won't even care about your alt account buying only 1 gift, but better avoid risking it, because using vpn is against the steam rules.
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Yes, they can detect it.
If you do it regularly, they will close down one of your accounts. Usually the one you are sending the games to.
The actual chances for that happening is pretty low though. Especially since you won't be trading in a cross-region setting, both countries are in the SEA Steam region. But it is against the contract you signed when you created your Steam account.
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so they can track down the pattern??
because some seller in my country get cheap price than our regular discount price, and if i look in CS-go key change in steam trade, that seller have game more cheap than that, i track for few month and none get refund or banned
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They can track, yes.
When you buy in a cheap region and sell it to many people, it is more difficult to pinpoint down. Some people do this without trading, actually sending a lot of gifts, just for the fun of it.
But when you regularly buy only gifts and send them to the same account, then it is a patterns that is pretty easy to discover.
Still, keep in mind, it is only a possibility. But people have been banned for this. It is not just some urban legend like getting VAC bans for using Steam Achievement Manager, it had happened.
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No you can't according to steam. Depends if you want to take a risk.
The steam subscriber agreement that you agreed upon contains clause regarding VPN service and steam.
"You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, Valve may terminate your access to your Account."
Steam Subscriber Agreement
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Use of VPN is not allowed by Steam. They may ban for that. But, you can travel to Malaysia (say on a vacation), make new account while you're there, then you can use it freely back at home. Store region should not change, but remember to use Malaysian payment method. Also you better make at least one purchase on steam (or redeem steam gift card) while in Malaysia.
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No. It is risky, but it can be done.
Also, there are company VPNs that are legal and are often mandatory to use. I could change my Steam country if I wanted to thanks to the company internet, I just don't see the point in it.
Still, it is a LOT safer to set up an account like that and just it to play the games. If you don't use the gifting, but buy for that account, the chances to get a user ban is next to nothing. It also circumvents the VPN aspect, the thing that Valve is allergic to. It is technically still going against contract, but it is a grey enough area.
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Its against the rules just dont do it , ask yourself this does a few money worth banning you and lose your account?
Also i am not sure that you can get away if you think it through steam they are probably one step ahead of that thinking and have ways of finding who tries to get things cheaper and they lose money, and steam loves money :P
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i m from ru-cis region
if i ll be in ru region - there is price more than twice lower then in other cis region
my friend just login from ru region and switch money on wallet
i almost 2 years in cis region with ru prices
other my friends do same
what exactly wrong can happens ??????
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Steam/Valve could disable your account from activating keys, purchasing games, selling, trading, etc. Basically confiscate your wallet money and render your account unable to do other things than play your current games.
As far as I understand, that is what would happen if they find out.
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reason? or u think valve do what they want for no reason - then your account in danger too
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You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, Valve may terminate your access to your Account.
BUT why reading ToS, we just trust them with all our licences etc...^^
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u can try to bue gift inside of one region, and if price is lower than in other countriees of same region - u just cant activate game
or if u bue gift region locked game and try to activate in other region with higher price - u cant activate game.
3.a about buing and activating games from other region
i m from ru cis region and we have different prices, so, can be possible i travel to other country from same region and switch money on wallet to get cheaper prices, and after return i dont want to switch back? shure yes, is it illegal - no, do i brake some steam laws - no
so what exactly u afraid of?
this rule about buing and using games grom different regions and countries with vpn (try to switch wallet to russian rubles and login from usa region - u ll have american prises converted to rubles, not russian prices
and about ts question: what exactly be different when it will be 2 persons (not person and bot), one of them make him presend and his friend got ban? RLY?????
ps, i had gift from other region (sae) and try to activate to ru cis - and game just not activated
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it's all about "buying" in steamstore while hiding real resident... it doesn't matter if it's used or not and the gifted person won't be banned...
you can do what you want, but when Volvo decides to take your account down because it looks suspicious... what then?
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and about ts question: what exactly be different when it will be 2 persons (not person and bot), one of them make him presend and his friend got ban? RLY?????
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only the person who bought gets ban in first place... but if Volvo sees a pattern that profile A is using profile B to bypass store prices then both will be banned...
some people tried to gift themself from russian areas and both accounts got banned...
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so, if i send u a gift from ru cis region - i ll get ban, hahaha, u r so funny
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do you follow the conversation...? making fun of me because YOU don't understand...? :P
only if you hide your real resident and they realize it you can get ban...
and btw: you can't gift to EU...
have a nice day, im outa here... :D
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yea but it seems you still don't get it...^^
trying to be smart with gif etc... i imagined nothing and i don't try to convince anyone... i just talk with you and you can't follow... happy gif posting my friend, i won't read your next post etc...
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Like Purpur3141 tried to tell you, you do not actually live in the country you say you are from.
It might make a minor difference that your friend did not use a VPN, but still it wasn't you.
In general though, buying from a 'wrong' country can still be punished, even if no VPN is used.
Steam requires you to be a citizen of your payment country.
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ok, give me proof of bans, coz this discuss become useless
i live in country, where 4/5 of users use this trick and i never see bans, also i never see about such bans all over the world
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and if people make a new thread someone screams..:
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i am chilled... do i realy have to put a emote behind every sentence...^^
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can't blame you, the first sentence I wrote seems misleading. I was just thrilled for an old post to keep going. and I just want to add more notification for OP, in a friendly way of course. not asking why it is resurrected. I'm not sure if I properly explained but you get the idea.
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we are all chilled, see... :D
enjoy your sunday...!
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I tried it, 13% is the max steam will allow you to trade (2 weeks ago)
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hello im from sea region philipines,,
if i make clone account steam and use malaysia currency (with VPN off course) then buy game with that acount and sent gift to my prime account, is there any some punishment from that, or can they detect it??
because malaysia price more cheaper than our price for some game
anyone have try that?
thanks for answer
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