I finally beat Remake. I thought it was great, legitimately great attention to detail. However, with a few upsets and a lot of difficulty spikes. It doesn't weird out until well 80% through the game, which is what I was hoping to happen much earlier. I am hoping Rebirth weirds out much sooner. Remake was a lot of character building, relationship encounters, and featured great voices for the characters. I thought it was the first Abzu fight where I started struggling on bosses on Normal. I died a couple times on the Ghoul next. I wondered how much of Monster Hunter influenced this game. I was very well prepared for the main boss, so I used everything I had stored. I wouldn't say the main fight wasn't difficult, I was just very prepared for a big fight at that point.

Not being able to grind on respawning past foes to get stronger really hurt this being a Final Fantasy game instead of a much bigger tech demonstration. I am Rebirth is that game. Also, it felt like while we're revisiting the same areas 2-3 times, there could have been more stuff to fight. I felt everyone that plays is the same level regardless, so experiences are pretty universal. As for post-game, I had already finished practically everything in the game, except the Hard mode boss and I think three quests. One being that jukebox, I just never found the third song. Anyway, not enough of a draw to play New Game+ on Hard mode, because that's just really brutal. I tried playing a couple different chapters on Hard mode, and I'm not that into right now. I'm playing through as Yuffie and the music slaps. After I'm done with the Yuffie sidestory, I'll fire up Rebirth. I have to delete Remake to make room for Rebirth!

My biggest gripe is party composition. I never felt I had a stable party comp because it was always changing. That's modern Final Fantasy, sure, but I really am hoping Rebirth is the game I've always wanted in a massive reimagining of this world. No spoilers, of course, I just wanted to talk about going from Remake to Rebirth. I'm excited about a game for the first time in a long time.

Be well.

11 hours ago

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I finished it (not 100% though) but didn't really like it compared to the original and i'm having trouble putting my finger on what bothered me. You're right boss sting a bit at start but in the end real-time fights weren't really a problem, except some invocations. And as you note everything was beautifully done, with great attention to detail. But i feel like it was a different atmosphere and didn't like the ending and how they added some new story parts. Oddly enough though, i liked the Yuffie dlc.

Most players like it a lot, i don't have yet the config to play sequel (damn these games in multiple parts with differents PC specs !) but sequel look better, maybe with more open-world parts.

10 hours ago

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The whole fighting system sucks, the added go fetch missions sucks (the same thing in ff16), the (forced) mini games sucks, that you have to wait another 5 year for the last part sucks.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, they should have left it alone.

9 hours ago*

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