I would love to buy the trivia vault selection bundle but I already have a few games from it so this is what steam says and I can only buy it as a gift.
"You already own some of the items in this bundle. This offer is only available when buying all items at the same time."
What is the solution to this problem that really works?
Thank you and I weep that I have to suffer with such stupidity, as I want to give money to gaben and the developer's pocket without getting an extra key in return, as that is not even possible. what is going on...
the bundle is: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/5274/Trivia_Vault_Selection/

1 year ago

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Why would you want to give money to those garbage games' developer though?

If you really want to throw away your money, you can delete the games you have by going support and buy the bundle afterwards.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

1 year ago

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Actually it won't work
You still can't buy this kind of bundle after you delete the games from library.

You can however have others send bundle as gift to you after you detele games from library.

1 year ago

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Huh, interesting. So it is still a some kind of workaround.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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U sure? thanks mate u helped a lot ! Hope u not kidding :(

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

1 year ago

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I weep that I have to suffer with such stupidity.

I don't think you're stupid, but why would buying this bundle make you more intelligent?

1 year ago

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By stupid I mean steam/dev not letting me buy 15 games for the same price as someone else for 25, nonsense, unacceptable, incomprehensible = stupid.
And you are because you live under the delusion that everyone wants what you want.
The spice of it all is that it doesn't give you intelligence, it gives you knowledge, and you're clearly in a battle with both.

1 year ago

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By stupid I mean steam/dev not letting me buy 15 games (....)
And you are because you live under the delusion that everyone wants what you want.
The spice of it all is that it doesn't give you intelligence, it gives you knowledge, and you're clearly in a battle with both.

Blacklisted :(

1 year ago*

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You just blacklist anyone who doesn't have the same views as you?

1 year ago

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idk it was weird that the whoopy person seemed to go off on you for such a minor question, calling you delusional and saying you lack intelligence and knowledge. If you're the kind of person to blacklist for being mean, nnot just disagreeing, I think it makes sense.

1 year ago

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You should probably re-read this thread. I was commenting on Aydaylin, not whoopy, I wasn't the one blacklisting.

1 year ago

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jacqland's comment was in response to your surprise at Aydaylin's action. They were giving the opinion that Aydaylin's action is logical.
jacqland does not need to re-read for understanding.

1 year ago

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Ah I see, thanks.

1 year ago

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You just blacklist anyone who doesn't have the same views as you?

Please, read with understanding, even though (as I well know) you don't like me. This blacklist is for rudeness of the answer, claiming that the author of preceding comment (in this case you) is stupid and fighting against intelligence and knowledge.

1 year ago

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I don’t like you? You’re the one going around blacklisting people, not me.
I could blacklist you for other reasons, but not for not liking you.
There is no need to go around telling people you’ve blacklisted them, especially if you’re not going to give a reason…

EDIT. Seems I didn't see the burn, so I apologise.

1 year ago*

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But whoopy literally called you stupid. Maybe I am missing something here, but whoopy came at you like a roller for no apparent reason. That was the reason Aydaylin blacklisted whoopy. For being rude - the reason is right here:

And you are because you live under the delusion that everyone wants what you want.

it doesn't give you intelligence, it gives you knowledge, and you're clearly in a battle with both.

1 year ago

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Yeah, that comment got salty taste. But no reason to fight and argue back, if you can just set your giveaways to level 1+, tbh.

1 year ago

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was my comment arrogant? Didn't Mayanaise start the passive-aggressive, irrelevant, unnecessary, ulterior condescension that I am stupid?

Apparently many of you agree with her, so I misunderstood her?

And it's particularly ridiculous that someone would be right because, what a level, kindergarten !

1 year ago

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Nope? Nothing arrogant in original message, but personal attack in response. 🤷‍♂️

1 year ago

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Everything that is said before the but is written on top, as usual.
"I don't think you're stupid, BUT why would buying this bundle make you more intelligent?"
You're right, he didn't call me stupid, just unintelligent. its much better now ! 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

1 year ago

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Nope? Mayonese were trashtalking game, not you. Playing games from that bundle clearly won't improve life of anyone.

1 year ago

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Nope? It's called trivia for a reason. Whatever knowledge it imparts, it imparts.
Lexical knowledge is knowledge, even if you want to deny it.

1 year ago

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Unless you have maxed out intelligence stats, one can get "more intelligent".
Also, these games aren't exactly the ones you want if you want to improve, which you made clear is not your goal. (Also as it was said, lexical knowledge is not intelligence)

There is a very obvious joke here about you not understanding the difference between being able to get more intelligent and being unintelligent, but I leave that to someone else to uncover.

1 year ago

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+1 intelligence

1 year ago

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that's exactly why I got into mayonese, because he thinks that trivia makes you more intelligent, which gives you knowledge, not intelligence. It is inferential to a lack of intelligence. It also takes intelligence to understand a figurative scolding. I could do it in a nicely veiled way, but grown men speak directly to others, not insidiously.

1 year ago

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You glossed over my original point. The fact that one can improve doesn't mean they are bad or incompetent.
I can get more dexterous. That doesn't mean I'm clumsy. (Even olympic athletes train to get better)
You can get more intelligent, as likely literally every single other person can. That doesn't mean you're unintelligent. You choose to understand it that way, and to get upset.

1 year ago

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It's the other way around. Which part of it did you find passive-aggressive? Also those "games" are pretty much hated by almost everyone since they are achievement whoring "games" which each give you 5000 achievements even without playing them. Because of many reasons such as that, supporting that "developer" might be seen as nonsensical, which it is, so it's a salty topic on its own.

1 year ago

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All those games are banned on Steam, probably rightly so. This could be a good thread about who cares what and why, it's just that as many people as there are and that's exactly why we shouldn't judge anyone who thinks differently. Basically if we look at the very end of it all it is to increase digital numbers.

1 year ago

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And the funny thing is that at least a quarter, maybe half, of the 20-30k games on steam are unplayable games compared to AAA titles or even games from the 2000s, yet a lot of people buy them and increase their game base with them. How is that any different than getting quick achievements ? None imho.

1 year ago

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I didn't say it's different and to be fair, they're exactly the same. Don't know about the actual count but I know that there are some unplayable games on Steam, usually they end up banned though. Since Valve stopped curating on Steam, those became a problem. Shovelwares, money laundering games, achievement whoring games, showcase whoring games, FOMO games... the list goes on. Free market has its ups and downs. It's good for indie developers because they don't require anyone to publish on Steam. However this gets abused a lot sadly. Trivia Vault is just a drop in the ocean.

People is also at fault here. If no one cares for such games they wouldn't shelter on Steam, yet there is a raccoon for every garbage I suppose.

1 year ago

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Besides that your answer is very unfriendly -i don't know why- i am absolute sure that Mayanaise can handle not to see your 7 freebie GAs spread over 9 years.
So the BL is not really a hit for her and, on top, will not hide future comments of her.

So i would say ineffective but everyone can do, with his BL, whatever he want.

1 year ago*

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was my comment arrogant? Didn't Mayanaise start the passive-aggressive, irrelevant, unnecessary, ulterior condescension that I am stupid?

Apparently many of you agree with her, so I misunderstood her?

And it's particularly ridiculous that someone would be right because, what a level, kindergarten !

1 year ago

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She wrote

I don't think you're stupid...

I am not sure how you can take it then as "......that i am stupid".

She qrote a question and, of course, each one is free to see the question itself as "unwanted", "unneeded" etc. but i don't see it as "attack".
So yeah, i think you misunderstood it and overreacted.

Both are nothing big but you, both, are old enough to handle the situation without me (if with a BL or not...).

1 year ago

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Everything that is said before the but is written on top, as usual.
"I don't think you're stupid, BUT why would buying this bundle make you more intelligent?"
You're right, he didn't call me stupid, just unintelligent. its much better now !
Of course we can treat him like a grown man, which doesn't mean BL I'm responding now too, true, he didn't respond, which says a lot.
I'm also answering you because you added me.

1 year ago

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She wrote:

.... BUT why would buying this bundle make you more intelligent?"


You're right, he didn't call me stupid, just unintelligent. its much better now !

To question why something would make someone MORE intelligent, isn't the same as saying someone is unintelligent.

Added you where/to what ? I am a bit confused.
If you mean to my BL, then nope. I don't BL for having other opinions and i don't BL users on sg below level 5 (not enough slots for lower ones).

Ps.: It's a she, but that only as a sidenote.

1 year ago

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figuratively scolds users .
I didn't start the toxic, salty comment, he did. Moreover, no one asked for it, no one was interested. And yet I'm the one who's being criticised. Yeah I know I'm not on his level so I should shut up !

1 year ago

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But you started. The only personal attack is in your comment.

You misunderstood the meaning of Mayanaise's comment. There's nothing in her post that implies you're unintelligent.

1 year ago

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Either delete the games from your library (iirc it's from support somewhere) or buy 2-3 dollar bundles and trade for those you miss. Waaay too many people have them as they were given away in countless copies (post in any trading discord/barter/steamtrades/yadda yadda yadda.. people will be coming your way like flies if you write that you search those)

1 year ago

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i get them all the time when they offer giveaway games for 50 points on that twitch channel

1 year ago

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Me too, I think I get virtually all the games in the bundle from the same Twitch channel.
Still missing 3 games though.

1 year ago

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Yea i tried with that but he not giving away anymore trivia games :( And now its only every 7 day.

1 year ago

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Go to his discord, post 10-20 games you can trade and request those games. You'll get a pm. Post in any discord server actually and you'll get a pm. Post in barter/steamtrades/ig forum/ANYTHING that includes trades and you'll get a message. Being 10-20 cheap crap from bundles will cost you much less

1 year ago

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i tried ig and and barter, offered hellblade senua to 20-25 trivia games and nobody wanted it. im not a expert trader but i feel its a good trade deal for a free keys or am i wrong?
And lot of times i see people have the same 5-10 title, others are rare.
Thanks for the help, i will try that trading them 1 by 1 to cheap games. grinding incoming.
btw i want wait for 98-99% discount deal so i can buy it for 4-5 eur and its like nothing compare to grind.

1 year ago

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No, you aren't wrong. Most people that trade them though just want a +1 or games with trading cards or other ach spammers etc so they prefer a bunch of "crap" for the bunch of "crap" as to them it's more useful and interesting

None of those keys are rare. But 5-10 of those have been given out even more times than usual (he had some mystery keys at some point that kept spitting out the same 5-10 games).

You can try barter but you'll probably find them faster in smaller trading communities. The majority that followed that guy doesn't trade much on barter but on discord channels (hitsquad, gfg, keyhub, some youtubers channels, ga channels like peekyboo/fyty/etc) because it's the same crowd that was first with Prime freebies etc. You are looking at smaller scale traders, usually teens-early 20's and barter isn't the most user friendly.. So they don't really prefer it

1 year ago*

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Be glad you were saved from possibility paying for such trash.

1 year ago

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unless this is only for the 5k trash achievements then don't bother

also which ones are you missing?

1 year ago

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Finally the first person who understand why i need these games. Thanks mate.
I have only 8, toy, super heroes, soccer, mini mixed 4, mini mixed 3, celebrity, auto racing, 1980

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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wow that was kinda joke i fell sad for anyone wanting to inflate their account by these types of games

sometimes from that one channel on twitch that has random games for 50 points sometimes - they have a lot of these games mixed in there so maybe try that

1 year ago*

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yes, the funny thing is that at least a quarter, maybe half, of the 20-30k games on steam are unplayable games compared to AAA titles or even games from the 2000s, yet a lot of people buy them and increase their game base with them. How is that any different than getting quick achievements ? None imho.

1 year ago

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Meh, both are equally pointless. Each to their own though.

1 year ago

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you could try steamtrades, for instance. i doubt traders would give those games much value. personally i have several of these keys that i have no use for.

1 year ago

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I skimmed the whole comment section, so in any case, instead of having one account on Steam you can freely make another, buy the bundle and gift it to your main account. I haven't done it (because I have bought games with all DLCs from the beginning or extra the new DLC), so I have no idea if you will receive an extra key for the games you own.

1 year ago

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It's EXTREMELY RARE to get extra copies for games you already own, I think one retail version of Dawn of War allowed it, and I can't recall any other game right now.

1 year ago

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Many thanks for the clarification :)

1 year ago

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This thread is a lot more than I expected.

1 year ago

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