“So calm this spooky night. A symphony of rumors – not one, but two – return from shadow. A resistance to dart home as black monsters escape twisted hills to wander lands and syphon souls. Filter your candy collections, soft from solid, and be eco-friendly. Have a metal Halloween.”

Inspired by this thread, I thought it would be cool to share this here. I know a lot of games in there were mentioned multiple times, including by me (FREAKING SYPHON FILTER CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT). Hopefully Bluepoint gets rid of its Playstation shackles and releases at least some of their unannounced work on pc.

Also, considering we clearly have two Konami franchises in there, maybe we could also be in for a remake of the first Silent Hill, ala Resident Evil 2. Maybe later games, too. Or a new game in the franchise that isn't a pachinko.


5 years ago*

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Syphon Filter

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5 years ago

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The question is, will they remake the origingal Metal Gear Solid on PS1, or remake the remake on Gamecube?
And a remake of Symphony of the Night? Curious what kind of art style they'd use for it.

5 years ago

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or remake the remake on Gamecube

Have they ever worked on a Nintendo entry? And isn't Twin Snakes too polarising to be worth remaking anyway?

5 years ago

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It might be that they're working in one of those and are trying to be purposefully confusing with the clues, kinda hard to think they have that many simultaneous remakes in the works.
I think that the old 3D games in there (MGS, Syphon Filter) are more likelly candidates than Symphony of the Night that can easily be rereleased as it is, I mean, it still looks and sounds good thanks to being done for 32 bit consoles.

5 years ago

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Maybe if they get multiple budgets from different companies asking them to make the remakes. They could even expand personnel if needed.

5 years ago

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One could hope, it'd be nice if Konami's franchises are handled by good devs. If they're really woking in all of them then I guess the PS5 instead of cross-generation release makes a lot of sense.

5 years ago

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Symphony of the Night would be the most troublesome for a re-release. They'd have to redraw every single sprite in at least 4k but preferably 8k. And there is a lot of those. With a 3D game, you need some better textures and maybe better model geometry, not redo 2D sprites, where you need to draw every frame of every animation (and preferably at least 60 of those frames) for hundreds of creatures, weapons, items, and backdrops.

5 years ago

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That's if you want HD sprites, but those are completely optional for a re-release if you just call it that instead of calling it a remake or remaster.
The early 3D games don't really have that option, I disagree that the better model geometry is a maybe, more of a must in my opinion. Many 3D titles for PS1 need the Crash N'sane treatment if they want to have a big AAA release nowadays.

5 years ago

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Syphon Filter would require some amazing remake...

5 years ago

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no hate on syphon, was great for its time
but it will have to be a reboot. gameplay is outdated
maybe somthing like RE2

5 years ago

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It was the first action game I played on the PS1. Yes it needs changes now but boy it was so much fun to play!

I do hope it does not turn out to be like Max Payne 3.

5 years ago

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Knowing Konami, they probably are doing a remake of Castlevania 64.
Although, with the Castlevania Netflix series being a decent hit, doing a Curse of Darkness remake would be a smart move.

5 years ago

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