I have recently won a key for said game on Desura, but the problem is that I don't use Desura at all. I am writing the code here, but I have been so mean to replace all 'O' and '0' with X, so the first person who will replace X's with proper letter/number and activate the code is the winner. Enjoy!

The key: XY936-CS21M-UX1DS-5RG36-4W7LX

Please leave a reply if you've successfully activated the code. Thanks!

9 years ago*

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Cracked the code but its already taken by somebody named njablanovic

9 years ago

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Ypu, that's me. Thank you ninjakivi2

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks for the info, to make sure you guessed the right code, here is the right one: OY936-CS21M-U01DS-5RG36-4W7LO

9 years ago

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