Since you mentioned Planescape: Torment, I'll say Morrowind!
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Morrowind was my first RPG game ever. It will always be a special game to me, but I hate the diceroll combat system in first person perspective.
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. Titan Quest
. Dragon Age
. wasteland 2
& Pokémon Cristal LoL
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Mine's Skyrim. Queue the hate.
For all its other flaws (forgettable characters, average story, city sizes constrained by engine limitations) it does one thing better than any other game: creates a world that makes you want to explore and then lets you explore it at your own pace and with your own gameplay style. No other game does that as well. Witcher 3--also a fantastic game and superior to Skyrim in many ways--fails to do this by gating areas of its world due to the players' level.
I liked Torment too but no isometric game will compete with the experience of exploring a beautiful, well-designed world in first person.
Currently playing Pillars of Eternity. Really good, a love letter to the Baldur's Gate era of RPGs, but holy shit is it a downer. A bit over-the-top for me.
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What Skyrim does is make most monsters autolevel to keep up with player character. I consider this a disgusting feature promoting repetitive gameplay. Witcher 3 doesn't do this so you can always have new areas to explore and high level gear to find. In Skyrim you have those same caves on the other side of the map you visited 30 hours before, because monsters there were the same level as you, as they always are. Also I'm surprised you didn't include the most disappointing Skyrim's feature (at least for me): mediocre combat system.
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I thought the combat system was fine. Good enough for a game where combat is only a relatively minor part. And I like the auto-level feature, I consider it a strength. It means I can play the game at my pace.
My Witcher 3 quest-log has a list of missions I didn't get around to in time so now I'm over-leveled for them. That's not good game design IMO.
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I never understood the blind love Bethesda RPGs get, they're so badly broken, technical dumpster fires with soulless characters animated like puppets, awful combat, repetitive opponents and locations, short and uncreative main story. I think I lost count how many draugr aka skeleton zombies I fought in the same generic tomb locations.
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It's not, not when you and other fans ignore so many blatant flaws that other devs would get torched for. Just look at the garbage animations, Andromeda was trashed because of bad animations, but when it comes to Elder Scrolls/ Fallout people don't bat an eye and they're easily just as bad.
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Also I'm surprised you didn't include the most disappointing Skyrim's feature (at least for me): mediocre combat system.
I'm surprised you're surprised that he didn't include your most disappointing Skyrim "feature" considering Skyrim is mentioned as the best RPG ever played. Also, Skyrim's combat system is adequate for a RPG imho.
I wholeheartedly agree regarding auto leveling though. It's the one feature that kept me from playing Oblivion for years.
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The Witcher 3 gating complaints have always perplexed me. By the time you would want to do that much exploring, you're high enough level that you can get anywhere. You still can explore everywhere -- it's just that you can't go wander off and get slaughtered. Older RPGs used to do the same thing just by slaughtering you.
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I love these too, except the fallout 4. For me only the first two episodes are Fallout. I didn't play DAO until a few years ago because I had thought I wouldn't have liked it but I was wrong. I fell in love with the game and I still play it once a year or so.
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DA:O is one of my favourite games all time. It's only sullied by the fact that it's my first acquaintance with day one DLC. It was such a downer coming home from the shop unpacking the game to discover advertisements for DLC, that as far as I can remember were included on the discs, I didn't play the game for several months :P
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Since Morrowind is taken already and Witcher III isn't one of the best games ever created because of the RPG aspects I'll have to give Dragon Age: Origins an honourable mention.
Edit: Also, since no one mentioned it yet, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning needs a shout out. Amazingly detailed game world. Very underrated imho.
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RPG is a really broad term....
Dark Souls 1 i think which is also my favorite game ever. And from more traditional ones Divinity Original Sin. Witcher 3 is great as well and also..... ( you get the idea :D ) .
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More or less same here. I'm mostly into cRPG or turn-based games but well then there is Dark Souls :D
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Star Ocean: The Second Story (PS1 much later also on PSP) rich-story, fun game play-mechanics, nice music and great 2d/3d appeal - you could've sunk 300 hours ... into that gem back in the day and still not have unlocked/created every item, found every secret and hidden characters and successfully robbed every NPC and your own team mates in every location you could visit on your own as in "go about your own business" while getting their reaction when the robbery failed ...
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I played the hell out of Second Story. I must've gone through the whole game at least 5 times just to do every NPC combination. I also remember how utterly broken Healing Star was and how I would beat Gabriel Celesta at like level 180-190 by spamming the hell out of it.....I never went without Opera.
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yeah the games a blast - the items in 3d looked good and were in parts unique; once i figured the gloves let you steal stuff + the ability increases the chance i had to steal from finish to start lol, creating items was fun too as well - i remember thieving the Bunny Boots and some great Armor in Clouds "back@theShip flashback" early in the game from one of the crew members - the boots were almost like a cheat, insanely speeding your 1 character up "hit and run"... didn't know you could also win them at the bunny-race late in the game
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My brother came to hate FF6 because the game erased his save 3 times (that's SNES for ya....), and each of those times he'd gotten near the end of the game. I don't think he ever managed to beat it as a result. :p
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I never once had that problem. My best friend at the time had a save that was right before the ending because he loved to just beat the game and watch the ending. He would do that, and then watch the ending while eating dinner or whatever. Seriously, the ending to that game ruined game endings for me for the rest of my life. Everything else pales.
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FF7 was the first one i played ... loved it also FF8 - but revisiting those? hell no :D
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I haven't revisited VIII yet. I plan to revisit VII when the remake comes out. I always thought it was super ugly, even when it was brand new. People thought it was pretty, and I'm over here thinking "Have you people not seen Donkey Kong Country!?"
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I have more the best RPGs I have ever played and I cannot decide which is the best one. First a couple of them:
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Out of the ones you mentioned. I would go with Fallout 2.
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CRPG: Arcanum, Fallout 2, Morrowind. Huge game worlds and a variety of character builds available (although I mostly play the same ones all the time :x ).
JRPG: Final Fantasy VI (and Tactics, if it counts), Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana. Easy to get into, good characters that aren't the full-on emo kids the genre is plagued with, amazing soundtracks.
Also Dark Souls (but it's more of a Diablo-something to me) and roguelikes such as Tales of Maj'Eyal or Dungeons of Dredmor.
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No idea what I'd say my favorite is, but the ones I've most enjoyed were (all on their original platforms):
Final Fantasy 6-10
Grandia 1-2
Skies of Arcadia
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Parasite Eve
Persona 4
The 90s and early 2000s were amazing times to be a console rpg fan.
I've actually never really gotten sucked into an games I'd classify as an 'rpg' on PC. Undertale was fun, but didn't leave that much of a lasting impression on me compared to most people it seems.
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For old times sake I should probably say "Ultima V - Warriors of Desitny" (back in 1989 on DOS).
Though "best" is relative, it's probably the one I spent the most time with (I had I lot more time back then), also probably the best RPG of that time. Also Neverwinter Nights 2 is pretty good and "Dragon Age: Origins", of course.
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I just got done playing through Planescape:Torment for the first time. Amazing game. I would put it in my top 3 RPGS maybe even my top pick.
What is yours?
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