
Hahaha, I bet there are 0 people who care about Starbucks. But seriously, my peeps, you've gotta wonder....
How many of you actually pay $5 a day for a coffee that's worth $0.90?

9 years ago*

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I've never been to Starbucks, although a hotel I was at served Starbucks coffee for their breakfast.

9 years ago

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...What's a coffee?

9 years ago

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It's a type of cheese.

9 years ago

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what kinda alarm do you use in the morning?

9 years ago

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I live rural so my local internet is, naturally, terrible and has a crazy low monthly limit. So my interest in Starbucks is free wifi.

9 years ago

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I don't go regularly.. and I never get "just a coffee" I tend towards the blended drinks or espresso style things (wich to be fair... are probably more sugar than coffee but whatever). I own an espresso machine but so far every time I've tried to find a good local source of beans... their coffee always tasted like piss. At least at starbucks their medium roasts are "ok". Back east I had some amazing coffee from some local roasters (they're actually how I got INTO coffee.. since I worked in a giftshoppe that was attached to their building and the roasting smell would waft through and they got offended at my dunkin doughnuts chai one day and told me to try a real drink)

Anyway, short of it is, I've never tried starbucks regular coffee, their espresso drinks are "ok" for the price. and their medium roast beans (for the love of all things coffee don't do dark roasts ever) are decent... at the very least they're consistent until I can get my hands on something better that doesn't require me to spend an arm and a leg in shipping.

9 years ago

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once. to see what all the hoopla was about. it's a fucking apple of the coffees

9 years ago

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Well, I am from The Netherlands.
Our coffeeshops sell better stuff than starbucks.

9 years ago

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Different kind of stuff alltogether.

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9 years ago

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Only thing thats worth buying at Starbucks is a frappuccino.

9 years ago

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I think that's whAt I normally get when I go in there

9 years ago

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Frappuccino's are god damn Delicious

9 years ago

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Why you make me want to get one :(

9 years ago

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I did a few times.. Just to see on my own that the expensive it is, the worse it is..

9 years ago

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I have no Starbucks here, but I have HELL EXPENSIVE "Coffeeshop Company", same shit I guess, but at least they are making delicious coffee.BTW they stole SB logo I guess ( Wikipedia )

AAAAAAAnd I prefer to cook coffee for myself at home w/ stove top coffee maker (if I named it right)

9 years ago*

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I have never been in a Starbucks and have no plans to. That's like buying a pair of $400 sunglasses because it says Gucci or Oakley on them.

9 years ago

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I don't drink their sugary water. Or better, I drink it, but just for the sugar and not for the caffeine (or lack of it).

9 years ago

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I'll pour myself another cup of coffee.

9 years ago

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It is more expensive, so it must be better

9 years ago

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Starbucksclosed all ( at least as far as i know) brancheswhere i'm from.
Expensive crap coffee' i like to think we have good taste buds :-) but probably we are too cheap, today you get a coffee for about 1.25$

9 years ago

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I mostly go there with friends and such

certainly not for their coffee

9 years ago

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I don't drink coffee.

PS: where is the poll?

9 years ago

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I'm from Italy, so here Starbucks isn't popular at all. Italian coffee is really different.

Actually I know there's a restricted amount of shops on the territory, but I only got once to a Starbucks shop and it was in Spain.
Even then, I just bought a mug.

EDIT: I guess it doesn't even count. xD

9 years ago*

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Brodaglia style!
In realtà fuori dall'Italia sono incapaci di fare un caffè come si deve...

9 years ago

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Beh, ci sono (pochi) paesi dove sono capaci, ma decisamente non da Starbucks. >_>
È sempre divertente vedere stranieri che nei bar stanno per ordinare un caffè, si bloccano e ordinano un cappuccino. xD

...In tutta sincerità, conosco parecchia gente, nel nord italia, che anche in casa beve acqua sporca in tazzina.
Vivendo in Lombardia, ma essendo di origini campane, è sempre brutto vedere tanta gente stuprare il buon nome del caffè. :(

...Sempre meglio che in Giappone, dove conoscono quasi solo il caffé freddo in lattina. D:

9 years ago

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Si hai ragione, io ho generalizzato troppo in effetti... :D
In UK ad esempio iniziano ad esserci delle aziende che ti consegnano a casa i sacchetti con i chicchi di caffè di varie qualità, vendono anche l'attrezzatura per macinarli...devo dire che è un'ottima idea, anche se i prezzi sono abbastanza alti e non alla portata di tutti...

Alla fine dalle mie parti con 0,60 cent si ha un ottimo caffè con schiuma... XD

Caffè freddo in lattina??? D:
Io già rabbrividisco al solo sentire caffè americano, quei tazzoni con acqua sporca e zucchero...

9 years ago

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Seriamente, è il peggio. :(
Beato te che hai prezzi buoni, qui i caffè vanno da un minino di 0.80€ a un massimo di 1.50€.
Più frequentemente 1€ è lo standard. :(

9 years ago

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I remember years ago. Probably close to 10 years. Starbucks slowly popped up and someone who was around at the time told me "Dude you gotta try the frappucino, it's so good!" and it was, but paying close to 10 bucks for instant diabetes is a little much. I never bought it again.
I really enjoy a good coffee, but only drink it black and when they hand me coffee out of a big coffee machine, premade and heated I'm very disappointed. For the price I'd expect an americana made fresh, just for me.
Been there maybe 4 times but it has always been for the people I know, never went there because I said "Oh, wow, I really want to go there now!".
I can pay way less and get the same thing at every freakin' little kiosk I see.

Edit: Oh, I think I have been there alone once when I was travelling and used it for WiFi when I didn't have internet access included in my phone contract.

9 years ago*

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+1, if it would be really good coffe the price would be okay. i dont drink coffee, but it's the same with tee and i have more the attitude of 'oh 5 € for a tee?! ok, at burger king i get a burger and fries with it. bye'... (not really going to burger king) :D

wegen internet am handy... check mal netzclub aus. je nachdem ob du nen vertrag oder nur prepaid hast oder evtl 2 sim karten slots, könnte das interessant sein. nutze ich selbst und kann nicht meckern, allein schon weil umsonst :)

9 years ago

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Exactly. I think Starbucks is mostly the name anyway. Kids that feel 100 times more special when they're holding a Starbucks cup in the city.
I really enjoy quality goods and respect the craftsmenship of some products and am willing to pay more (when I have the money) but you're right. I'd rather get a full meal at Burger King than one shitty coffee at Starbucks. For the same price I could even make myself dozens of coffees of the same quality. :D

Danke für den Tipp! Aber mittlerweile hab ich Internet für unterwegs. Hatte immer gebrauchte Handys die für'n Arsch waren und einen ewig alten Base Vertrag. Hab dann vor einem Jahr den Scheiß gekündigt und mir ein neues Handy mit allem drum und dran im Vertrag geholt. :)
Das Beste daran? Die haben am Anfang zu viel abgebucht. Dann habe ich die darauf aufmerksam gemacht, fast 3 Monate nichts bezahlt und zahle jetzt weniger als ich eigentlich müsste, weil die einen Fehler zu meinen Gunsten gemacht haben.
So much win! :D

9 years ago

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I went once, the coffee that I've got was 60% milk and 30% sugar and the rest was coffee I think, it was horrible for that amount of money.
I have my own coffee machine now, but I'm enjoying tea more recently.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I can't drink coffee, but I've gone a few times with friends, and their tea is alright, as long as you ask for no sugar.

9 years ago

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I do in USA.. but when i got back home to canada.. It's always tim horton.

9 years ago

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i think i had a frappucino once in a starbucks while waiting at the airport to pick up some people. its nice but wouldnt go to a starbucks in general.

9 years ago

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I like how a lot of people in the thread tell that they go there for free Wi-Fi, but where I live they don't even have free Wi-Fi, you need to pay for it.

That said, yeah, the best coffee I've ever tried at local roasters (who sell roasted beans and also serve coffee), being kinda religious-experience-level-of-pure-awe good, costed me less than Starbucks coffee.

9 years ago

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I purposely limit myself to 2 cups of coffee per week to avoid becoming addicted to caffeine. My wife and I have been trying to use up her gift card that she received for her birthday 5 years ago, but we just don't ever go to Starbucks. :D Brewing a cup as I write this...

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Keohookalani.