I've been on SteamGifts for a while but I've never been (actively) involved in any groups, I thought it'd be nice to join one and try to get to know people a bit more. ^^

Ideally, I'd like one that has the following:

  • active chat, either steamchat/teamspeak/other group messaging thing, since I like talking to people
  • people who actually play games with each other
  • not too big, more than 50 members is a bit much for me
  • has pretty steady members, not loads of people joining/leaving/getting kicked all the time
  • has bundled games banned for giveaways, most are junk

I'm happy with whatever group rules for giveaways, either keeping wins/losses to some ratio or giving away a certain number of games a month. I prefer to do group wishlist giveaways too, since that way it's more likely the game will actually get played.

So yeah. =^.^= If you've got a group, tell me why it's amazing and why I should want to be part of it.

9 years ago

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you just did in the reverse what most of people are doing here when it is talk about giveaway groups :D nice

9 years ago

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Seems like reverse recruitment is in style, first llama now you xD

Anyway, I can recommend some, can't really invite since I'm not admin/mod.
Note: Getting a lotta people telling me this; these groups don't ban bundle games. They're pretty nice groups and bundle quest has some pretty cool non-bundle games frequently (just look at my current GAs :P) but yea, you'll see bundle GAs too (look further down my profile :P).

  • Heretical GAs
  • Bundle Quest
  • A Gamer's Journal
9 years ago*

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I'm also in bundle Quest, and i think it's nice, but its focused on Bundled games.
Larren said: "has bundled games banned for giveaways, most are junk"

so, i'd advise against joining :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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Well, bundled games are not banned in Heretical GA or Gamer's Journal, so I doubt she'd like that :p And I suppose "Bundle Quest" has that name for a reason.

9 years ago

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join mine and donate something to me HO HO HO

9 years ago

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ho ho ho very funny

9 years ago

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enjoy your suspension HO HO HO

9 years ago

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stfu man

9 years ago

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Everybody Love Everybody is a pretty solid group, personal experience. You might have to see if recruitment is open though. Here there are regular competitions, annual santa events and moar fun stuff

9 years ago

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The groups I've seen listed on here so far have are solid groups with good faces in SG. I mean, I'm not part of these groups but I've seen their members around enough to say that the group seems to have nice people in them. Or maybe the ones who are active here are at least.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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eh, there seems to be a lot of drama with Golden100, I'd rather avoid it. :x sorry

9 years ago*

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Join the Original Traders Group. We have active chat 24/7, tons of free giveaways sponsored by big name publishers, plus other benefits. Usually 30-50 members in chat regularly and the chat is monitored and kept clean & friendly. Be sure to tell your friends :-)

9 years ago

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i can vouch for the chat, since that is first on your list.

9 years ago

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I too am looking (and probably making if I can't find) such a group the Op has posted. I am currently part of outcast giveaway. Except that they allow bundles and most giveaways are bundles. Might quit it if I find a new group.

9 years ago

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Just happened to notice this while checking group recruitment subforum.

If you're still looking for a group such as the one you posted above you can drop in on The After Party's chat.

  • active chat, either steamchat/teamspeak/other group messaging thing, since I like talking to people

Check. Not nearly as active as S.Gifts but a steady flow of chatter throughout the day

  • people who actually play games with each other

Check. The group's main (read: original) purpose is for co-op and multiplayer gaming (and chatting). We have weekly "game night"s where we play a particular game (which changes every week). we have pretty good turnout for those and there is generally co-op going on weekly outside of those "game night"s. Nothing is mandatory or obligatory, but there is a bit of a rewards system in place for those who participate.

  • not too big, more than 50 members is a bit much for me

Right now we stand at 58 members (4 of which are steam bots). At peak time we generally have a bit less than half of that in chat though.

  • has pretty steady members, not loads of people joining/leaving/getting kicked all the time

Check. In about 2 years, only 2 people have left, we also "trial" new members just to make sure the new members get along okay with everyone (and by trial, I mean have the new person join chat for a few days and hopefully play something with us)

  • has bundled games banned for giveaways, most are junk

Sort of check? We don't disallow them but we aren't really a giveaway group at all, we have a few giveaways here and there but they aren't often.

tl;dr - small community group that focuses on chat and co-op/multiplayer gaming. I generally don't like to advertise the group at large, we keep things low key, but based on your requirements it seemed like maybe this is the type of group you are looking for! If so, just hop on into chat sometimes, it's open to the public 99% of the time.

9 years ago

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Wow. I'm interested in joining! :)

9 years ago

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as I said above, just jump on into our chat sometimes and hang out :rbiggrin:

9 years ago

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You should organize an audition for groups. Like, you should put a table in a big room (like a school gym or theater stage), and you with some middle-aged judges will be sitting at the table and taking notes in a notebooks while group representative will come before you one by one and make short presentation for their groups. You may make them also do musical numbers or something.

9 years ago

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Record that and edit it professionally to sell to a tv.
My future site would put it on the youtube channel :-)

9 years ago

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Fancies (easy to find on my profile) for the chat and giveaways.

Bundelicious (now divided on platinum few members and base, a lot) for the gaming events (weekend) and talk during or post them. And special seasoned vents, puzzles, quizzes, games, non bundled giveaways,.. The activity from premium membeers is during weekend. Sorry it's focused on bundles but you can not join the giveaways and just participate in the events and throw there those bundle games you don't want. I'm still recommnding it even with your "requirement" so they have something ;-)

Never been a member of the other groups mentioned but have a good image of all them :-)

Now I realized this thread has been necroed, still would be nice to meet you ^^

9 years ago*

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