Tbh I sent them 3 emails so far in grand total, I feel a bit uneasy to constantly nag them to, not to have my queries basically guaranteed ignored/filtered altogether
What comes about the refund period: i understand that but it doesnt serves me a lot if the company isnt willing to help me. Not trying to sound obnoxius or anything and I appreciate your reply, its just that this whole thing frustrates me. A LOT.
It feels like all my plead for help falls on deaf ears with them and im stuck in a neverending loop of waiting for them to 'maybe' actually get something done.
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How did you pay? If you used a credit card, then (politely) tell them that if they don't resolve the matter you'll do a chargeback. That usually gets their attention as they hate chargebacks.
"Hi guys, please let me know what is happening with my refund request, as I'm reaching the time limit for which I am able to lodge a charge back from my credit card company, and if I don't hear from you within the next 48 hours I will assume that it's ok for me to file a chargeback, using this email as evidence that I have tried to resolve the matter reasonably with you."
In all my years of online shopping I've never had to do a charge back, as the company will always make a plan rather than get hit with chargeback fees.
Seriously though, don't feel bad about it, they have a refund policy because of the law, and this is absolutely not you abusing the system, it was a genuine mistake and you've not used the key. If anything this is a classic case of why the laws needed to be changed, mistakes do happen.
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I bought it through paypal (i dont like using my CC straightaway to buy things), so Im kinda stuck with their system
Basically Im not sure which category should I open a case for, as misleading product description feels a bit icky so to say, and I dont feel like making a bloody idiot of myself and pretend that someone made an unauthorised purchase on my behalf.
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Yeah hopefully you won't actually have to file a chargeback, but do mention you are thinking about doing that and it will usually have the desired response.
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gave them 2 business days to reply, which imho is more than reasonable considering the amount of time I already waited.
Never doing business with that site ever again, thats for sure.
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Yeah I really don't get companies who take a while to respond to queries. Yes maybe they would be able to get you to drop the enquiry and they'd keep the money, but you'd never go back there. Whereas if they helped you out within a day or two, you'd not only keep going there, but you'd also tell others that they are a good store.
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your CC company is your best friend when dealing with internet sales disputes... I personally do not ever use paypal unless I have no other choice for them to process my CC charge... but even then I can dispute the charge with my CC company directly and also get CC rewards!
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Had the same problem year ago... traded the key in forum for more then i paid for... but i don't think you get 40$/€ for it... :/
Like poster said above... canceling the payment is best way to force them...
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Mi volt a baj a Rockstar Social verzióval? Mindenképpen használnod kell, ha futtatni akarod a GTA V-öt, a steames változat így meg dupla DRM-et kap, ami miatt eleve nagy hülyeség ott venni (MP meg működik így is, úgy is).
Amúgy ha 14 napon belül jelezted, hogy elállsz a vásárlástól, akkor csak kitartóan csesztetni kell őket, amíg vissza nem utalják. Másfelől ez a GamesRepublic csak egy G2A v3.0, mert zéró kapcsolatuk van a kiadókkal és terjesztőkkel, csak ők Máltán jegyezték be magukat és egy ír szerveren futnak, így nem tudnak kibújni az EU hatásköre alól. Szóval ha nagyon húzzák a szájukat, fel tudod jelenteni őket az EFK-nál.
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jobb szeretem a játékaimat egy helyen tartani, ezalatt értem a Steam könyvtáramat, dupla DRM ide vagy oda. Tudom, hülyeség, de ez a személyes preferenciàm.
Igazából addig nem nyugszom míg vissza nem szedtem tőlük a pénzemet, mégha több heten keresztül is fog a Paypalos ügy elhúzódni velük. Nagy tévedésben vannak ha azt hiszik hogy náluk hagyom azt a pénzt.
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One other thing you might do is include some details in one of your emails. Mention that your buy was a mistake, mention that you were told by their company to request a return for the unused key, mention the dates involved, and clarify that you have done everything in good faith. Hopefully, they will tell you something along the lines of "don't worry, your request was initiated in time and will not expire." You can then use that response in any litigation as an admission of their responsibility to return your money.
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Tbh this is like a third or 4-th email i keep sending to Gamesrepublic and still getting radio complete silence on both their twitter page and support email adress, to be precise ever since my original email of 14th august I havent got any and by that i mean any reply from them.
May I add in those emails I explained them the situation multiple times and asked them as politely as humanly possible for assistance with this.
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I was just thinking about what would be useful in a court of law should you decide to take it there. The judge would want evidence of what was sent, when it was sent, and any claims made by either party. (You'd also have to show "damages" to file a lawsuit.) Most countries have laws in place regarding business transactions.
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Ah okay, my bad then ^^"
To be honest I dont think I would take it to court, as while 40 bucks is a big bucks for me as a university student, its not high enough to open a class action lawsuit over it either. especially since i cannot affors to hire my own lawyer.
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In the U.S., we have "Small Claims Court," where you simply argue your case in front of a judge. (No lawyers.) Even so, it probably wouldn't be worth your time, but it's always nice to have options.
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Right now Im thinking about waiting till friday evening and only after then opening a dispute with Paypal because quite frankly I would be surprised if they suddenly started reacting to my mails after having literally ignored me for 12 days.
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They had enough time to respond. Get pp involved. Maybe it's GRs inofficial policy to ignore people in the hope they eventually give up.
Whatever the case they had more than enough time.
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Basically what happened is: I bought GTA 5+ Shark Card from Gamesrepublic, mistaken it for a steam version while in fact it was the Rockstar Social Only one. Admittedly I was a dumbass and should have read the description before buying it but thats a different story
Having realised this issue and since I had no desire or use for such version of the game, I immediately wrote to their support, explaining my problem and asking for some help. The guy who replied was really nice and understood that I was having a genuine issue and not just trying to game the system, he told me that according to their own policies I have 14 days to return unused codes if I live in EU (which is fair enough and I certainly do live in EU, more precisely in Hungary)
Now that said and done, I waited so far 10 days (and around 9 workdays, if we dont count in the weekends), no reply so far, which is quite a long radio silence, especially considering that we are slowly reaching that 14 days product return period they have set in place. As a last resort I wrote them on twitter, they said they will apparently look into it and give me an answer (wrote them a PM there as well, explaining my problem again, though Im really not holding my breath for any results.)
My question is: what do you guys think I should do? "Sucking up" is not a viable option, because 40 bucks is still a lot of money to just throw away nilly willy, and having an essentially useless copy of a game (at least for me its useless, since I have the steam version already). Im considering eventually getting Paypal involved, as much as I dont want to resort to this because it would be very much assholish, but i dont really know.. The game is still sitting there untouched.
TL;DR accidentally brought the wrong version of a game, support is not giving me any further reply despite them having a product return option.
any advice or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
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