I would join, but I'm not gonna make giveaways anymore(admins know why -.-)
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Well, the rules are why this giveaway group has been alive for 2 months already. Most others die after a week or two because there aren't enough rules and/or have bad organization.
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Sadly I haven't donated $100 worth yet. Group looks good though!
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Finally recruiting again, I would like to join and contribute please.
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Gotta say, pretty surprised this is still alive. Seeing as it was originally just an average leeching group lol.
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Yeah, one of the first admins actually was an exploiter and leecher. Good thing he was kicked.
I mean, you can't really make a giveaway group like this without some trail and error to start. You are going to have leechers and people who don't follow the rules no matter where you look, but the longer the group lasts, the less problems there will be. You'll have to notice that for each month that passes, the number of recruitment spots drop because the number of leechers drop.
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Forcing people to make giveaways usually has that effect on people. If you want a group to last, lead by example and make a nice amount of giveaways yourself. That way you can bring the best out of people and they'll start making giveaways without being told to. That's what makes a group successful, not that garbage I read at the top.
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Yep. I'm not in one group that does that(Well I was when I first came on the site, but it died quickly), and I don't plan on ever really being in one.
I like groups that can be creative though, chain groups are super fun. Because it means never ending gifts :3
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If I'm not mistaken, you're in SFK's group which has forced giveaways as well. Slightly different, but forced nonetheless.
You can call that fun, I call the giveaways in this group fun. It's all a matter of opinion.
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Uh forced giveaways? You win something you give something, it's a cycle. There is no entry fee or monthly fee like this leecher group or any other leecher group.
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You win something, you give something. That sounds like a forced giveaway to me.
There's not a forced giveaway at the start, but if you win, you are forced to give away something later. I think the main difference for this group is that you are forced to make a giveaway before you win something instead of afterwards (yes, I realize that there are some technicalities with my statement)
*Edited to make it sound less harsh. I don't mean to start a flame war here - just some constructive argument.
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I've made more contributions to steamgifts than both you and IgotElbows. Okay, okay, only by a dollar for now. However, one of the top contributors to the group, endo has made double the contributions that you have(spending much more than double you, considering he makes prerelease giveaways). Please do not use "lead by example and make a nice amount of giveaways yourself" as an argument.
I've won less from this group than I've given away this month, and I'm not having any second doubts about joining.
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It's saying things like that, that makes me want to avoid you and your group ;) For me, it's about meeting some great people and giving away games is secondary. Never once have I had to say "Oh I have given away more games or my friend has given away more than double you". If you want to measure your dick against everyone elses, go ahead, I just won't care. I'm not that age anymore.
You wouldn't ask members to make giveaways if you believed in "lead by example and make a nice amount of giveaways yourself". In that case our attitudes towards steamgifts are very different. It's not about how big your wallet is or how much you give, it's all about your attitude first and your generosity later.
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I'm sorry, but the only reason I mentioned that is because you mentioned it. I hate to go into the "you started it" territory, but you're the one who brought up making "a nice amount of giveaways" in order to "lead by example" and have the group last. Please don't push that on me.
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I think we'll have to agree to disagree here. People in the group are happy with the arrangement and many people do make more than the minimum required number of giveaways per month. The fact that there are so many vocal defenders probably means that something is being done right.
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Jonex summed it up pretty much.
I hate to be a party pooper but the group will die because of how it is set up. They always do.
Forced giveaway groups are a type of leeching group, and they never live on.
Everyone is in it for gifts only from the get go. It isn't about making friends or anything, it's about giving to get.
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Seems to be self defeating and pointless. Isn't a gift something you do to be generous? Not something you do expecting something in return.
This group is more like SteamGambling than SteamGifts.
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Sorry, badly worded. I agree as well, giving just to get something in return defeats the whole point of a 'gift'.
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Uhhh, what's wrong with gambling? I would fully support a site where you put $5 in and you get a random game out that is on the order of the giveaways made in this group.
In my opinion, there are few completely selfless people in the world. Whether you realize it or not, you do get something out of gifting a game. It could be the good feeling in your heart, or perhaps the contributor value you get from gifting.
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Gambling usually involves a big prize, like a lottery ticket that can win a million bucks. What's the point of gambling if you put $5 in, and then get a random $5 out?
Why not just buy the games you want?
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People buy random grab bags all the time. Like on woot.com, the "mystery boxes" sell like crazy. It's all about the randomness that is attractive.
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I mean, if there are 40 of you who like it, all the power to you. I'm glad you enjoy it :)
To me, a steam group should be a group of friends that like to chat and play games together, and can share games with each other if they want to.
If others want to play SteamCasino, then have fun! :)
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What's the point gambling money at a casino? What's the point of giving away games on this site? There are additional factors at work here not related to monetary/game gain or loss.
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The problem is, there is always a group of people, giving away as little as possible to stay in the group and trying to benefit from it. Those f*n gamblers. They won't be giving away interesing games. Mostly some cheap bargain, you can easily buy yourself if you want that.
And there will be people, enjoying the gifting spirit, but hardly ever winning, because there is nothing worth winning.
Finally, the generous type are pissed by the group (and by SG in general). They won't be hoping much to win something in a public giveaway and will be ok with that, giving away on desire. But they were promissed to win on private, and they don't win anything sweet against all expectations. So they leave disappointed and never giveaway. They are lost to the global SG comunity due to the private group.
And when there are only greedy giters left, they understand, it is not profitable anymore to be in a group. So they may either leave or find some naive gifter around the forum, invite into the group and profit again.
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I respect your opinion. The only way to test this theory is to see how long this group lasts, I guess.
There are several points that I can poke at in your argument, though.
A) Based on your statements, I don't think you've seen the giveaways being made by this group. Hardly any are "cheap bargain" games. And most people that make these types of giveaways offer more than a single giveaway. You can look for yourself.
B) "the generous type are pissed by the group (and by SG in general)." I think most of the people in the group understand that there will be some people who can't afford to give away AAA games every month. One of the founding principles of this group is exactly that - some people may receive less than they give.
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I'm at work right now, so I'll make it simple.
Let's say everyone is greedy cheap bastard, they only bought discounted game and made one in the group each month so they can stay.
Even if this happen, 1 discounted game for 40 chance(2.5% chance each) is not that bad.
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if there are 40 people buying crappy games as cheap as possible (or the games, everyone has already) and making giveaways once a month, there is totally no point in the group. i better don't spend my money on some crap, noone likes, that is bought just to stay in group. but there are always generous people, making some better odds for you, greedy pals.
Let's have a look at your last month life on SG. I'll use the price of some recent good deals for those games.
You gifted:
Razor 2 (w$3)
Orcs Must Die! ($3.5)
Binary Domain ($10 or even $3 in RU Steam if you know the right places)
double Rome: Total War ($1 each)
and Crysis Warhead ($5)
around $20 total. Those are 2 cheap games for 2 different private groups. One for September and one for October. And 2 random private giveaways (maybe private giveaways is some rule for another private group, who knows?) Wow! you are so generous!
And now for your winnings:
HBA3 BTA (~$6)
Just Cause 2 ($4)
Hydrophobia ($1.25)
Divinity II ($10)
Tiny Troopers ($8)
HBA2 ($1)
The Basement Collection ($4)
Orcs Must Die! 2 ($14)
Section 8: Prejudice ($4)
BioShock ($5)
The Ship ($1)
Doom Pack ($9)
Trine Collection ($9)
Sequence ($2)
Kaptain Brawe ($1)
Swords and Soldiers + DLC ($1)
Robin Hood ($2)
Chrome + SpecForce ($1)
Wich summs to around $80 per one month.
Ofcourse you are profiting from such a group and will defend it. 80-20=60! That's enough profit to gift a Skyrim or Borderlands 2 or anything big once a month:) That is if you are feeling a gifting spirit and want to return what you get. But you are not going to, you've spent those $7 and you are done for this month and gonna have all the benefits of naive generous people, entering this group through this exact thread.
And you desperately need those generous people. Because once, the group is 40 greedy people like you are, you will have to buy crap to win crap. That makes no sense, so the group will die.
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we have really really good members, dont worry about our giveaways mate :)
plus you cant calculate all the sale prices i guess especially not the russians, all members are from tier1 maybe a very few from tier2, none of our games are cheap russian keys, maybe its the expensive european keys if its a key at all :D
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Whoa whoa whoa, hold it right there. Are you being serious about if I won games, I should give back the amount I won? I think you don't understand the meaning of giveaway. I won a lot from some group, and I also made a giveaway to a group which I never won anything from. I made giveaway whenever I feel like it and it is never based on what I won.
You also said about "buying crap cheap games?". This is the most stupid things I've ever heard, what makes you think cheap games is crap? I'll have to tell you that Witcher and HIB5 is the best $2.5 and $6 I've ever spent and it is better than repetitive Skyrim IMO.
You also forgot that contribute isn't the main reason to get invited in private group, active in the community is the main reason to get invited in private group, all of private group I'm in doesn't have the giveaway / months rules except S.Gifts Private and most of private group I'm in(Souls, The No, Takish) is because I'm being active in forum(I guess).
I'm also be glad to be proven wrong :)
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1.I meant some very particular leeching in terms of giveaway. Not something bad. Just recieving more than giving (in terms of giveaways only). I have no valid way to measure you other contributions and i Have no point to offend you. Sorry for confusion. If you really want me i'll use the phrase "very lucky guy" instead.
2.Anyone entering a private giveaway group with rules on making giveaways expects to win. Am I not correct? Do you have someone in your group not entering giveaways?
3.I do contribute in some communities. I know what you are talking about. And that's good for you. Maybe you deserve it, i don't know. Yet it does not change your gift/win ratio, i was talking about.
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1.I don't understand, what are you trying to say. Giveaway is when someone gives something real cheap or for free, according to my dictionary. And I don't see a problem with that.
2.I try to judge a group, according to my prior experience with private giveaway groups . I'm trying to see, if there is some difference and don't see any... your posts are misleading.
3.By contributing to some comunities i meant something different from giveaways. I made lots of FAQs, translations, contests... I understand, there are other ways and that is also important and sometimes more important than some bunch of money. Also I agree, half of SG are leechers. I would even say at least like 80% of SG are leechers. And that's not a good reason to change a name:)
Also note, I never called giving away a loss:)
P.S. It's kinda flamey here... I would prefer to stop now...
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Also note that English isn't my native and I don't really understand what you are trying to say especially "I never called giving away a loss", what does this means?
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1 giveaway to have at least 40 chance to win games.
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With somewhere around a 1 in 40 chance of success?
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Like I said, there are other factors at work. It's a combination of various factors. People give because it makes them feel good. When people win, they feel good as well. So you're trading this 100% chance of winning a game for entertainment and pleasure. I see nothing wrong with it - it's somewhat like gambling at a casino, except with a much better chance of winning and no bias.
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believe it or not, 1 : 40 (usually around 1 : 20 in the grp unless great games) is pretty good unless you are badluckbrian.
What I got last month :
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I love the sound/appearance/presence of your group. It really does stand out from all the other giveaway groups out there.
In particular, I like the last line (including the grammar): "if youre in all the other leecher groups youll have a hard time getting an invite..." Implying that your group is one of those leecher groups and people should feel privileged to get an invite.
Am I interested in joing? Fuck no.
Have a nice day.
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Oho, nice one. kc doesn't have exactly the best grammar.
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Haha I know, I asked the question earlier, "what counts as a Leech Group"? Reply: "our imitators" :P
If the other guy is imitating you, and he's a leech, he learned it from you!
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Imitations? Uh you do know that your group isn't unique at all right? These groups have exited since day one pretty much.
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a couple of months ago I was denied because of saints row dlc but kc gave free game from summerseal.
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A couple of months ago you didn't meet the $100 contributor requirement, after subtracting what kc sees as exploited keys (includes Darksiders).
The rules may seem arbitrary to you, but they are there for a good reason. Even if you did meet the requirements, think of it as an interview. You may meet the minimum requirements, but there are perhaps better candidates who are unlikely to become leechers and thus keep the group going further.
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Hello there, what exactly does this group do? Give private giveaways to group members only? I might be interested if so.
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It's a gift cycle group. You have to 'buy in' and give away a game every month to stay in. Or you can just take that money and buy YOURSELF a game; Then find a group that is interested in more than forced giveaways.
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No forced giveaway groups are good. I am part of a few groups that are about more than just giveaways. We chat, play actual games; and when we feel like it, throw a game in as an actual gift to the group. Something you WANT to do, not are obligated by the group's rules.
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Yes, I am "Mad Bro", lol.
Pointing out the silliness of your group is why I'm here!
Also, bump.
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sillyness? i doubt that, we did run about 200 giveaways including a few AAA titles like Skyrim Sleeping Dogs and others... you know that every group has a chat and forum since a few ? just because our discussions are set to private it doesnt mean they dont exist :/ but yeah hate something that you dont know , that always went good in the past ;)
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Lol, no hate. I just think any group that demands contributions is more like gambling than an actual group of friends.
But whatevs, do your thing; but I still think it's silly <3
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A lot of people think gambling is a perfectly fine activity. Except that in this case, for probably 3/4 of the members, you have a net increase in value - these 30 members tend to win more than they put into the group. The other 10 members enjoy giving out games more than winning, so it's win/win in both directions.
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Still existing, still not beeing shady,
we had to depart from a few members lately so we recruit again :D
yeah thats us
post here if interested
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