drumsticks are life <3
the way I justify to myself why I'm not spending money on fully priced no discount releases is by constantly reminding myself of my backlog, which has grown massively (I have yet to play several SP games which would alone account for 400 hours of gameplay, and that is when I'm not giving consideration to the time I could spend on MP)
So I just end up spending a bit here and there on cheaper games with discounts, and otherwise end up with enough money to get the occasional pizza, and mainly because of college life I end up eating outside, mostly. :$
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According to some online tool I have 673 Days and 11 Hours left of playtime in my "backlog" at this moment without even considering some games they don't have a record of. That being said, I still like to get every game I think I might enjoy sometimes, be it sooner or later according to my spare time. Gaming is always an investment with no return other than enjoyment. So you'll always lose money no matter what, the difference being the lost amount.
I fully agree that getting a no discount game while having hundreds of games waiting for you in your inventory is complete nonsense.
If the discount is big enough and you consider you might get a couple of hours of enjoyment out of that game then it might be worth it even if you lose money as long as you intend to play it.
But in no way, shape or form, gaming should ever interfere with real life. It's there to complement it not take control of it.
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Well said. I see why they call you UltraMaster :)
I subscribe to the same philosophy.
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No discount for games already owned as it's not a bundle :(
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Sorry about that. That is true, I guess it really isn't a bundle. Package would probably be a better term, I think? It is a shame that they don't have a Bundle option for people that already own some of the games/DLCs.
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Strange, I just bought the Endless Legend Collection (owned only Dungeon DLC) and got Tempest DLC too, but now as you mentioned, I don't see it in the list (in the store page).
Dungeon DLC is there because it was a part of some special offer historically, in support of release of the Endless Legend, probably pre-purchase.
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Interesting apparently it's an error on the store page not showing Tempest. I guess I should have cross-referenced the steam.db entry which does show the Tempest DLC included in the package.
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Endless Legend has never been in a bundle and especially its DLC's had no "big" discount up until recently - yes this should be the best discount for this so far. Last time I checked on this package was about 6 months ago, when one of the bigger DLC's had been just released- think it was twice the price back then.
Endless Space has been bundled a couple of times and Dungeon of the Endless was in a HB Monthly, but without two DLCs (looks like one of those is also missing in the collection, too!!). Those games are a lot of fun. I can highly recommend them!
To me it already looks like a good deal just for the EL dlcs.
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Endless Legend was the IGN Prime game of the month in Oct 2014. I signed up for a month for like $5 just to get it.
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Thank you all for letting me know. I think I will definitely pick it up before the sale ends, as there are a lot of games and DLCs in it.
If anyone is interested in it, the sale ends on January 23rd.:)
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I'll have to check on that when I get home from work tonight. I like in-game events from time to time. The Long Dark had a nice one for Halloween, even though there were a fair number of people that wanted it to be an optional event rather than mandatory like it was. The cool thing is that the developers for TLD acknowledged that and any future events like that would be optional.
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Details from last year: http://gonewiththewin.com/endless-day-free-heroes-and-new-content-announced/
The bonuses appear to be the same each year [and apparently are based on your own computer clock, so you can actually unlock the bonuses any day of the year].
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Well, it's a better approach than most seasonal events. Short of MMOs, where actual organization is often required on part of the devs, and where yearly event appeal is a benefit to the game, timed events in games are always a bit dubious a concept. Expecting you to play a non-MMO for nearly a full year, or to remember to pick the game up again in that time.. it's really just not feasible. :X
On the other hand, the devs utilizing holidays as an excuse to add more content to the game is always a plus, so there's that. Still- where there's no reason to limit its activation period [ie, MMOs], it doesn't make sense to be strict on such things.
Heck, even on MMOs, I much prefer games that incorporate seasonal events into their default roster of modes. Brawlhalla (despite how heavily downhill its community and server integrity went [due to developer neglect] ) is an excellent example of that- they've plenty of holiday modes, and they all get added in permanently when they get added in [often getting minor style tweaks when they're 'in-season', to add a bit more distinction to them during those time periods].
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Endless Dungeon is the one I am looking forward to the most out of all the games, but I figure I'll give the other ones a shot as well. Endless Space would probably end up being the one I'd be least interested in, as space-related games aren't super-high on my list.
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This is a little tricky to find unless you know what you're looking for so it might be worth adding the Store link to OP.
I'm more interested in Dungeon of the Endless (which has a good deal on the Collection as well) but Endless Legend looks cool too but even at 85% off it's rather pricey. I have to think about this.
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It's right there on the front page like every other weekend/midweek deal.
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What I ment is when I initally saw this thread I didn't realize it's an Endless (Legend) Collection and thought it was some game I haven't heard before and wanted to check it out. But when I entered Endless into Steam search I came up empty, followed by The Endless and Endless Grand Master... Only after I realized what it was I was able to find it. Also I didn't know those 3 games belong to the same franchise.
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Master and Grand Master collections are terms used by strategy games (notably Total War) for indicating packages with multiple games included. From the perspective of those familiar with the usage, the association seems normal enough that clarification doesn't seem necessary. =O Of course, listing/linking extra information is typically to be desired, regardless. ^.^
As far as the games belonging to the same franchise, the dev actively promotes them together, and they share some interesting traits past just their similar naming.
I guess that means one day we might get a Endless Space Dungeon of Legend game? :P
Hmm. A roguelike 4x game with utterly random unit inclusions..
Y'know, it's zany enough it might work. :P
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If you don't own anything from that pack and are at least a little bit interested by those 3 games.. don't think twice.. go for it !!
I paid more than that and got all 3 games and DLCs on their best deals (except for last Endless Legend DLC which I'm missing).
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Can you even own DLC on Steam without having the base game or did they screw something up ?
Endless Legend Collection
has 1 DLC for Dungeon of the Endless but not the game itself
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I'm not sure what you're referring to? The base games are properly listed in each package.
That said, the listed contents of a package don't actually have to match to the actual contents the package gives you, so sometimes a base game will be missing from the listing or its DLCs will be missing from the listing, but they'll still deliver upon purchase [though the omissions often play havoc on SG allowing users to enter giveaways for the package properly].
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Well now you got me really confused. I was referring to the fact that the Collection I liked above does not list Dungeon of the Endless under Items included in this package but it does list Dungeon of the Endless™ - Deep Freeze Add-on.
So you're saying that it DOES contain Dungeon of the Endless but it's just not listed ?
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Oh, I misunderstood and thought you were referring to Endless Legend.
No, the Endless team just likes doing cross-game promotional throw-ins. This throw-in made more sense prior to the release of the complete collection for Dungeon of the Endless, but it might still be useful for those who got DotE from Humble Monthly.
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Ok, now we're on the same page again :D So it is intentional as madjoki pointed out.
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Which brings me to my old point "Never buy it unless it's the GOTY / Complete Edition" but with all those Franchise packs (where the same applies) this is getting more and more difficult :(
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Thank you for the heads up buddy, it's a really nice deal and it was difficult not to go for it. :O
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So... I just failed in my attempt to not buy new games and grabbed dungeon of endless myself xD 3e for whole pack is nice xD
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I bought it during winter sales as this pack was on my radar for so long, i thought it wouldn't go lower than that (70% i believe ?) but it looks like i was wrong after all. No regret though, Amplitude deserve my money. :)
So for anyone hesitating : Trust me there's no way it's going to be lower than this price, go for it !
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i think its glitch, because in indonesia just get 37% discount
or price in indonesia is glitch...?? xD
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The Endless Grand Master Collection is currently 85% off. Does anyone know if this is the highest discount this has ever had? I know SteamSales shows the highest discount of individual games, but it doesn't show bundles such as this.
I don't own any of the Endless games, but they do look interesting. The price also seems really good, but I did want to make sure if it was the best discount since it will pretty much take the rest of my Steam Wallet funds if I purchase it.
Thank you for any information on this. Have a wonderful day everyone.:)
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