Well, the remake is also a great movie because it's so hilariously bad, that it goes right into "So Bad It's Good" territory. It's an unintentional comedy, and if you watch it as that, it's good. :-D
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I read it in some Nic Cage interview that they knew exactly what they were doing. So that crap was intentional, and when you make a darn shitty movie on purpose, umm.. Nope. Ain't right to me.
Don't get me wrong, I love the man, and I enjoy me some campy movies, but this one had too much potential to waste it like that.
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Not really, you should check what these directors and writers have worked at.
He might be receiving a paycheck, but he is only brought up for his schtick when there is no hope for the movie.
If anything he makes a garbage movie watchable
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Go watch it. You're in for a treat. Just remember, it's a comedy. :-D
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No, I've googled it now and it looks like it would upset me even more than the remakes of Get Carter and the Italian Job...
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Nicolas Cage on a bear suit punching a woman does not equal a redeeming quality?
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The original was Christopher Lee's favorite film - the studio was falling apart financially (and was bought out while the movie was in production) and he worked for free to see it through. He had a successful run as Dracula in the Hammer films and wanted to do a more cerebral horror movie. It has an element of mystery and tension to it that I love. You can certainly re-watch it and enjoy it (and maybe miss things), but it's one of those movies you wish you could watch again for the first time. I was very fortunate for not having heard anything about it and not having anything spoiled for me - there's nothing like being surprised by a movie, and it's a shame it's so difficult now to avoid spoilers (with movies' own trailers often being part of the problem).
I think of it whenever I see a protagonist head out to a rural, surreal town...which is all the time. From In the Mouth of Madness to Twin Peaks to Northern Exposure and Dr. Martin, it's a common trope. It predates The Wicker Man (I think H.P. Lovecraft used it more than once), but The Wicker Man did it so well.
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I think H.P. Lovecraft used it more than once
Lovecraft really doesn't get enough credit. I mean, just to think of how much he had brought to the genre (along with other classics, of course, like Poe).
If you don't mind me asking, but have you seen Messiah of Evil (73)? It's a fine example of that moody, but somewhat overlooked horror/mystery flick. It does have a few absolutely mesmerizing scenes. Dead & Buried (81) is quite good too. And they all have that similarity with The Shadow over Innsmouth, all them common tropes over the years, just as you've mentioned.
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Too many to list. I'll say that one of my favorites is American Psycho. Hilarious, politically subversive, and I can watch it over and over and over.
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I'm only teasing. It's OK if you don't like them. :-)
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Oh, that's one I'm not familiar with. Being in the states, we may not have gotten a region 1 import with subtitles yet. Will have to track it down.
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To each their own, I guess :)
I personally find it incredibly engaging and thought provoking, but I'll be the first to admit it's not exactly for everyone. I have a friend that can't get past the first bit with the primitive men-- he calls it "that movie with the monkeys" cause he's never seen anything past it xD
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That gif looks fabulous. How have I not heard of it?!??!!!
Gonna check netflix now, add to my list.
EDIT: It's not there :'(
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It may not have been a masterpiece, but it deserves better than its metacritic score of 25. There's one bit they used in the trailer where Jet Li, who's character has become enormously powerful in the movie, picks up a motorcycle and just slaps somebody with it, just wham. I would put it over a lot of 90s action-effects movies - most Jean Claude Van Damme movies seem forgettable in comparison, while this had a concept that was pretty solid (it was the first thing I thought of on seeing the Council of Ricks episode of Rick and Morty).
I'd put Terminator 2: Judgement Day or The Highlander ahead of it for contemporary setting sci-fi action movies, but considering how many movies have been made in the genre over the last 30 years (wow, Highlander came out in 1986...), I'd definitely keep The One on the upper half of the heap and call it underrated. The same goes for The Hidden, which has everything you want from a 1980s action scifi cop buddy flick (except Joe Piscopo - for that you need to see Dead Heat).
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When physicists thought they had invented the idea and tried to work it out in the 90s they were dumbfounded to find out the system had already been completely elucidated in the 50s but classified.
The original Many Worlds Hypothesis paper by Hugh Everett was kept classified for decades because it was completely mathematically consistent and the implications were considered disturbing.
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I wasn't disagreeing with you, just laughing at the shade you were throwing his way. :-)
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hIs acting is just fine. People just dont make those movies anymore. They are all no name directors and.cheap movies
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Clockwork Orange
From your list I've only watched Zodiac, which is a very underrated movie.
Another movie, that I didn't see anyone mention here, is The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. It's not just the movie itself, but also the fact, that Heath Ledger (the actor in leading roll) died during the shooting and the way, they handles this in making the movie.
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Yes, Zodiac is very underrated. Fanboys are just now becoming hip to how good of an actor Mark Ruffalo is because of the Avengers, but he's been doing good work forever.
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Same here, it would probably be Fight Club. That, or Mulholland Dr. Or maybe Dogville.
Some others most worth mentioning: Antichrist, Dead Man, Only Lovers Left Alive, Blade Runner, Brazil, Pulp Fiction, Naked Lunch, eXistenZ, Flesh+Blood, Life of Brian, Trainspotting, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Barton Fink, Rosemary's Baby, Pan's Labyrinth, Valhalla Rising, The Return (I may be mistaken about the international title here), The Game, Velvet Goldmine, 2001: A Space Odyssey - and so on.
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nice picks, especially two Cronenberg movies, don't see a lot of fans of his lately.
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Excellent choices!
Mulholland Drive may also be my favourite movie. What a ride!
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Nice list, but if you haven't seen it already you should absolutely add Eraserhead to your backlog!
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Watched so many and can't remember which one is the best :D
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I know, i had friends who worshiped this movie, so i got used to disregarding/pretending it doesnt exist.
Nothing against the poster, or Burton for that matter, i'm just used to making fun of it.
The original is quite a trip though
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aaarrrrrrgh too many to choose um ..................... I can't too many fave Christmas movie is Bad Santa tho "wish in one hand shit in the other see which one fills up first"
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Hey, don't know what to watch tonight so, just wondering what is your favorite movie(s) ?
My pick would be Fight Club and/or The Pursuit of Happyness.
Also here is my list from last year for some not that well known good movies:
10 Awesome Movies That You (Probably) Haven't Seen
If the post gets some attention, I will make a new list.
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