I can't see this Upgrade pack, but all you should care about is whether the From Ashes DLC is included, as this adds a lot to the game. The rest is just artwork and MP items (which you can unlock anyway by playing).
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That's the one:
and yes, it does seem to have the "From Ashes" DLC
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Well then it seems to be more reasonable to buy both separately as this will have the same contents as the digital deluxe edition.
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Okay, That's what I did now. Seems to work that way, at least my receipt shows that I got the same content als the Digital Deluxe Edition. Let's just hope this account hacking problem mentioned here isn't all that bad. So far it worked smoothly for me, I had a few issues getting rid of that stupid localization showing me the whole store and account in German instead of English but otherwise it seems fine.
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Just get the game. It's completely amazing and the multiplayer is really where it shines. Still nothing else like it.
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Umm okay, but it's worth it for singleplayer too, I hope? I really don't like multiplayer games ... I don't like people and I don't like the fact that they will know when I'm online and how much I play. I usually block out my Steam client in singleplayer unless I farm cards, or update my games. I do like the sinlgeplayer content in Mass Effect 2 though.
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Yeah ... I think I read something about the ending before... like there's no happy ending at all. That's actually what made me postpone getting ME3 (along with the fact that's on Origin only) ... at least until I finish ME2. But at this price I might reconsider. So it's safe to say Standard edition + Digital Upgrade should work?
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Lack of happy ending isn't all bad - there's bunch of great games with sad ending.
Plot holes, Deus Ex Machines and general stupidity is what's wrong with ending. Maybe if they wouldn't hype us for it for few years it wouldn't be that bad, but unfortunately they hyped and hyped and hyped and boom, turns out it's simply bad.
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Since you're playing on Origin, no one will know you're online. The story is great, but I've spent hundreds of hours on the multiplayer.
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Well, Origin would know. I don't like that with Steam either, that it tends to record my playing hours, which games I like and whatnot, all of which is none of their business. That's why I prefer singleplayer, where I can just block all outgoing IP traffic or unplug my network switch.
Moreover, there's the issue with people in multiplayer. As I already said, I don't like people ... and I don't competition. Not sure what the multiplayer in ME3 is about, but if it's anything like pvp, I'm pretty sure, that after a long day, in the evening, the last thing I need is to get shot by some 13 yr old with no life. Well, I guess I'll figure it out, it's not like I spent anything extra on multiplayer, so I may or may not give it a shot. Probably I should finish ME2 first anyway, which could still take me a few months.
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The multiplayer is cooperative. You and 3 others take on waves of enemies. You collect money and buy weapons and powers. If you like the combat and strategy of ME2 then you'll love it. ME2 has the best campaign. I'm not sure if you can hide yourself on Origin, but I do know that you can turn off the overlay (which actually boosts the speed of the game a little).
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Okay thanks, good to know, hopefully I can play it completely offline once activated with Origin, like with all my other single player games on steam. I might give the multiplayer a try, but I'm not really in a hurry. As I said, I first need to finish ME2 anyway.
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Okay, my first impression with ME3 and Origin wasn't so good. Seems like I can't even launch it without disabling the Origin in-game overlay (it get's stuck on the load screen otherwise). Took me a while to figure that out and also seems that a lot of people have that problem. People also claim that you can't play mutliplayer without that Origin overlay. Not sure if that's true, since the multiplayer option is still there in the main menu. Also it crashes hard, when I try to get back to windows via Alt+Tab. I don't have any of these issues with my Steam Version of ME2.
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No idea about any of that. All my ME games were on PS3. And I've never tried to play a game without Origin overlay, quite the opposite I've tried to get rid of the annoying steam overlay which loves to trigger whenever you alt tab, come back, and press shift.
Hopefully you figure it out. I know my friend played it on origin without any issues.
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Well, not much to figure out, it works without the overlay, it's stuck at the start screen, at "press any key to continue" when Origin-in-Game is enabled. Guess I'll survive without that overlay. According to EA's forums quite a few people have that problem ever since some patch. I cannot say if it would have worked for me before the patch since I only bought the game yesterday. Doesn't look hopeful they patch or fix it either. At least it's possible to play singleplayer when I disconnect my network, so it's still better than Uplay.
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Take the one with From the Ashes. It gives a lot of additional background - should have been part of the main story line imo.
Also, the alternative ending and MP DLCs are free of charge. You would be missing out on only 3 relevant DLCs, if I am not mistaken. Final info is a bit sketchy.
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Yeah, the Origin support is amazing. That's actually not sarcasm.
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Okay, my first impression of Origin is okay. Not as intuitive as Steam, but definitely much better than than Uplay. The language setting sucks a bit as I first had to find out how to set everything to English. Now let's just hope that the hacking issues aren't as bad, as you say. Good support is fine, but still better if I won't need it.
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I know I seem to be in the minority but I actually like origin. Better support that will actually call you on your phone and talk to you. They had refunds, sure I can't gift games but that's hardly an issue for me. I can gift games on steam, and origin has such a small library that it doesn't matter. I've never actually had a problem with someone stealing my account and if you don't want to put your credit card information, like Steam they do have cash cards. Even if you can only get them in 20s. The only problem is the small library.
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Well, I would agree, but those issues with the Origin overlay and ME3 (see above in this thread) really are annoying. Calling support probably won't help much, as it's tagged on the forums as "solved" by disabling the overlay, so I very much doubt that even phone support could do anything about it. Fact is it's not working as it's supposed to while I never had any issues with ME2 on Steam at all.
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I have ME3, I played it when it came out, sort of waiting for ME4 and DAIV at this point, and I have never had an issue with the overlay, in fact I don't think for ME3 I needed to be in origin to actually play. DAIII yeah you do. So I mean it depends I guess. I mean I don't even think I activated the overlay, I barely do it with steam either. There isn't really any issues with ME3 except for the ending, and they did give you an extended ending for free. My biggest issue with DLC and bioware has to do with the fact it never goes on sale and we had to buy bioware points which also never went on sale. Problem solved with DAIII no more bioware points.
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Yes, the problem may or may not have to do with my system configuration - I am not the only one with that problem though, according to EA's forums. If everyone had this problem, they probably could remove the game from their store - not because the overlay is that important (or maybe it is ... some folks on the forum said somethign about not being able to play multiplayer without it) but it's absolutely annoying for someone new to Origin, when you have to deal with that kind of stuff.
Also, I heard that the problem only came up with one patch earlier this year, so if you played the game when it came out, there's a chance you don't even know.
As for DA ... I totally loved DA:Origins, it's one of the best RPGs ever, and I absolutely hated DA2. I haven't tried Inquisition yet.
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Inquisition is gorgeous and it's more in line with DA:O, however I'm not a fan of like most of the NPCs
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Mass Effect games on Origin are constantly on sale because they dont have any of the important DLC, to get most of them you would have to pay retail price levels.
Lets hope with Mass Effect Andromeda they release a complete triology remaster something something with all the DLC included.
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i have me trilogy but i wont play this on origin, if i will play it again i will download from a torrent site with each dlc FOR FREE
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Hi guys, I am hoping some of you could clarify this for me, even though this is SteamGifts and not OriginGifts. I just noticed, that Mass Effect 3 is apparently on sale at the Origin Store. Even though I am not really fond to install yet another DRM-system, the price seems fair and from what I hear it will probably never come to Steam anyway, so I am considering buying it. What bugs me though there's the standard edition for €4,99, the Digital Deluxe for €9,99 and the upgrade pack from Standard to Delux for €2,49.
Can somebody confirm to me that Standard+Upgrade is the same as Deluxe, because that would actually be chaper than buying the Deluxe Version, aye?
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