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Most people are usually cool with that if the creator asks nicely, but as you probably know, there's no actual obligation to accept deletion and if you're not willing to give the winner a working key / gift, then they'll be in their right to mark as Not Received. I'm telling you just in case you find yourself in the case that someone enters a GA of yours, ANY (not just these) and such a case happens.
Now, I personally wouldn't care if as I said earlier I get asked nicely, like I think it's the case here. I would do it probably even if the creator tries to act like one is obligated (like those "YOU ACCEPT TO DELETE BY ENTERING THE GA" ones) but I'd be much less happy about it and depending on my mood I wouldn't.
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It only works if you already have the game.
If you don't have the game you can't check.
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What you say is true (and basic knowledge that robilar sure is aware of), but have you actually read his post? He's not talking about trying it on a normal account but a banned one that can not activate anything, but still might show an error message that contains useful information. Wether what he says is working or not, I don't know, and Valve might have fixed it or will fix it.
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I'd just say something like "there's a small chance the key may not work, please understand and if the key doesn't work, please allow me to delete the GA"
Most people are cool with that. Just in case you want to account for the jackasses who aren't, you could instead say: "there's a small chance the key may not work. If so, please allow me to delete the GA and I'll give you a random key instead", and hold a few keys back for that purpose. Most jackasses will accept an alternative.
(even better, don't offer in advance, but if someone won't delete the GA, offer an alternative game)
And for the one or two people who won't accept either solution, screw them and just take the hit
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Your other alternative would be to use a group like lootboy_sg (or start your own, I guess) which has a rule stating the winner should agree to deletion if the key is invalid.
Either way, the risk is getting a "Not Received" in case the winner decides not to comply.
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I've never had an issue with letting someone delete a giveaway when they've needed to do so. I look at it like this - I'm not actually losing something I never had to begin with. No one is taking anything from me, and I'd rather avoid unnecessary hassle.
However, some might not be so easy going about it, but a NR or two isn't anything to fret about, IMHO.
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I think a majority of users have no issue, but if you're giving away 600+ keys, I can understand you'd want that extra security. The thought of dealing with one user is bad enough, but dealing with multiple at the same time is an unnecessary hassle for a guy giving away 600+ keys for NOTHING in return.
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Thank you! Can't say I noticed until you pointed it out
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It happened to me before, as a gifter and as a winner and it's sometimes a bummer but I would never consider forcing anyone to buy extras to replace dupe keys. SG is a community before anything and it's not exactly civil to go around twisting people's arms when they obviously had no intent, or interest in deceiving you.
I honestly don't get people who would disagree with deleting. It's a free site we spend points, hoping to win freebies. Nobody is getting injured by a dupe key.
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Yes, Join request sent. I've had it happen both ways. I have both allowed another to delete and had to delete one myself. It happens, its not always possible to fix a mistake easily, so a deletion is fine. I don't think most people are abusing this. The couple times I was involved it seemed fine, no abuse.
Its not a site rule but its always my personal policy to allow a delete if it looks like an honest mistake or like in this case someone who is not 100% sure but mostly sure.
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I'm fine with your proposition more chance to win more game is always good than no more chance XD
as said above you can give them by the steam lootboy group because you do not deprive yourself of giveaways of 1 person (can be more dissuasive than creating your group ...) if not for the games you already have the message n is not the same if the key is already linked to another account or not (if it is not linked it just tells you that you already have it!)
PS if you give more key on keydrop thread can you use this please : https://www.dcode.fr/code-morse or https://www.dcode.fr/chiffre-cesar or other code obfuscated?
PPS sorry for my bad english and thanks for your maybe very very very big giveaway
PPPS I can't join your group (I think it's because I have limited steam account (I can join group where I don't need ask to join)
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If the giveaway creator says he's unsure that the key works before the giveaway, I would have no problem accepting a deletion, although it never happened to me. I don't really feel entitled to a giveaway win just because the RNG chose me, so if I can't receive it because of something that's out of the gifter's control (eg. expired/invalid key) I don't want to pressure them into doing something they don't want to (like buying me another copy/key of the game)..
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Tbh, I have a very similar situation ongoing... I hope the community is understanding!
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Personly I don't have any problem with it and I was even ok with deleting 3 giveaways that I won and turned out to be used, but be warned that there's no rule on SG that allow the deletion and the winner can still say "no I won't delete the giveaway" leaving you with red mark on your profile.
I learned that the hard way. Even tho I wrote: "allow me to delete if dup", the winner didn't agree to delete the GA, SG moderators didn't agree to delete the GA and I was left with a red mark on top of the winner toxic/childish behavior with him throwing tons of insulates at me and even my religion for creating GA using used key
So yea be careful
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While rare, it does happen that a winner will refuse to accept deletion. Unfortunate, but there you have it.
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Yea, it really sucks. There are a lot of good people here who would accept deletion and the comments here prove that but there are always some bad apples.
I was just pointing out about the no rule thing :D
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What really sucks is that people believe that troubling support just to delete giveaway is fine. There is no harm in game marked as not received, there is no punishment for this, but still people believe that they can, no, even should, delete the giveaway just because of some "red mark". And there is reason to do this other than OCD.
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So. Just a question for now. I have a big bunch (600+) leftover game keys saved over few years. I would like to create giveaways here but would you be willing to enter (win) and DELETE giveaway if key turned out to be not working? i am like 99% sure most (or all) keys are working but I can't be 100% sure. Just want to know if there would be any users willing to do this in this way since I just can't buy 600 games if keys turn out not to be working
If you are willing to participate in this, send join request to this group
You can check running giveaways here
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