I applied for almost every giveaway of that game until i won it. As an aviation fan, i was thrilled to have it in my library, 17gbs of data to download was promising too!

And i couldn't be more wrong.

First impression in the menu was literally horrible. Rushed to video settings and corrected resolution, set 3D to 720p and standard to 1080p, which is my native. So i start with tutorial, how noobish. Game seemed laggy, graphics were satisfying and the audio was better than expected.

Then i head to campaing. A storyline began following with drama about your dead father, which really wasnt neccessary, as this is a simulation game if i recall correctly, and if it would have at least been better made. You don't get told what your father's company is about or what will you be doing, you just enjoy the view and listen to how important is to have you here, and how glad they are. Once you exit the helicopter, you realise you are handicapped, because walking is so ridiculous. Im told to call an instructor, who will show me how to fly, but i already finished the tutorial. I guess its enough if your father's friend gives you a few lessons, for you to be capable of flying, and this game was supposed to be a simulation, realistic? I kinda gave up there, felt like i was losing my time, so i quit.

Hope i hurt noone's feelings, needed to spread this one out.

11 years ago*

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Bumpy bump

11 years ago

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didn't play it but it sure sounds fun as hell

11 years ago

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Hmmm. I have yet to try it out, but this does not make me optimistic about it.

11 years ago

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Didn't try take on, but if you like helis try DCS black shark.

11 years ago

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lol Steam says I already have the game....but from where? xD I don't remember :S , is marked as bundle, but what bundle?

Edit: nvm found it on Humble Weekly Sale: Bohemia Interactive!

11 years ago

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I bought it with the humble bohemia bundle, mostly because 1$.
To be honest, i'm a bit afraid to try it out myself, considering it was on par with arma tactics (crappy as hell after playing something like X-COM), and me being a bit of an aficionado when it comes to flying simulators (last one about helicopters i played was Apache vs Havoc, and that one was thorough) i seriously don't even know what to expect. I might give it a try later today.

11 years ago

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I only got this because it looked like arma 2 flying to me.. I loved zipping around on dayz in the huey :3

11 years ago

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You could have spent 1 dolar to get TOH on Humble Bundle.

The game is not that bad. The helicopter simulation model is pretty damn good.

It's by Bohemia, so it's pretty much Arma-like.

11 years ago

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Well, I was pretty excised, as I always wanted to have some serious sim in my game library. Now please not, I own all the armas (including original OFP).
What did I get when iinstalled TOH? A crappy arma 2 mod. It uses same menus, same sounds, same controls. Funniest part is, I have A2 and A2AO installed and I get missions from those games listed in TOH! I could even launch em and drive a tank.
And the worst part is, the map is just texture from google maps with random box-like houses on top. It looks so bad, it hurts my eyes.

11 years ago

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Great game apparently, i traded it for civ 5 and i am very happy.

11 years ago

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I give it a meh. I didn't put too much time in it though.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by buhcore.