Sam we have talked this over a lot of times. While I like it that people want to improve this place, it gets frustrating to see the same idea keep passing by when discussions have already taken place for them and the issue was long ago put to rest by both sides (either by accepting the fact why it was not going to change or because Cg said he'd work on it).
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Then use the search function in the forums before opening a thread about something specially a suggestion. You could even find different points of view on the subject in older threads, which u hadn't thought of and which could give you a new perspective on the matter.
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Thanks for chiming in Sam... pay no mind to these two. I don't know why they feel the need to comment criticizing you for trying to be active and make a suggestion, rather than give feedback on the suggestion.
Maybe someone has suggested this before, but it is hard to turn up that specific post using the search on the forums.
Welcome to the forums.
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My mistake if I attributed a tone to "Then use the search function in the forums before opening a thread about something specially a suggestion" that wasn't intended. I saw the direction of the thread and assumed you were being critical. Sorry about that.
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We have a search function for the forums but I don't think too many ppl use it before making a suggestion topic. Here's a suggestion though; Mandatory tours for newly registered users. Like where the search function is and what it's there for, finding the faqs and guidelines and reading them carefully. Just an idea.
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I'm gonna say no
Cause people are gonna use this oppotunity(exploit) to enter games that are on sale, then leave after the sale
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Here's a downside that you never mentioned: If the point value of the game is decreased, then so is the amount of points you get when the game is posted. The current way it is, sales tend to result in an increased point gain which can then be used to get games that aren't currently on sale. This current system helps everyone on this site, not just the people who want to enter for a game that is already being made easier to get through Steam.
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A few issues. As KobaltKnight said, less points would be distributed since the game is at a lower price. Also, what happens if I enter to win GRID at 10P, then the sale ends, and now others are forced to enter for 20P. That doesn't seem fair. You could say the points are set at the start, but then if I create a giveaway for GRID today at 10P, open for a week, and you create one in a few days when the sale ends for 20P, suddenly we have multiple GRID giveaways on the site with a different cost to entry.
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Hello. My name is Sam and I was just browsing through steam and I thought of an idea that would help increase the amount of high end give-aways entered and such. Please hear this suggestion out and try to read it all. :)
As you know games are based on price and the price is based on how much "P" it costs on here. If a game is $20.00 USD on steam it would be "20P" But say that game went on sale and the sale price was $10.00 USD I think that the giveaway price should go with the sale price to "10P"
It only seems right to lower the "P" on a game if the game is on sale.
As of now GRID is on sale. It was reduced from £10.99 to £2.74 (GBP) But yet on steamgifts it still costs the full price of "15P" to enter. Yes I know it is only a low amount of "P"
Its just something I thought of and here is what I have outlined as the Pros and Cons (Good & Bad) Of this.
PRO's - Good?
Con's - Bad?
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