Official response:
Since the keys are listed as "ROW", it's likely Raptr had no idea ahead of time that there were region blocks in the Steam database.
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It's not about those countries being 3rd world or not, because I do live in a 3rd world country and I activated my key:
I read a quote from Raptr which somebody posted on Playblink's shoutbox, and They said it wasn't supposed to be like this and the keys were supposed to be region free.
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Either they beg Steam to let us activate the keys or they're totally screwed.
I mean I was using Raptr before giveaway, but after seeing this fail I think they only care about America.So I don't think I'll use it anymore.
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Blame the game publishers. Region locked keys already existed, and that is what they were given for their giveaway.
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Should have checked out the keys first hand, they usually region restrict the giveaway when they can only be activated by certain countries.
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The way I see it, people are getting angry with them, when they gave free stuff. Oh no, they so mean. I'm not happy that my friend can't use the key I got for him, but I'm not going to blame Raptr, wouldn't even have it if not for them. Just means it won't be used for its original purpose.
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It's not region locked to america! I activated mine outside us, there only some countries which can not activate it. here's proof:
and here's list of countries which can't activate it: DE NO SE FI DK PT ES FR IT AT CH LU LI BE NL IE IM JE GS GB IS MT LV LT EE CZ HU PL SK BG GR RO SI HR TR
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Boohoo, they gave me free stuff, now I don't like them since it turns out I couldn't use it myself, they are mean.
I'm finding these statements ridiculous. You people got it free. It sucks people can't use it, but you didn't pay for it. You lost nothing. Just give it to someone else who you know and move on with your life.
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Don't get me wrong, i don't care about not being able to claim it, i was even gonna buy another Dead Island for my brother if i got to win this ga (seems like now i'll have to wait for riptide and buy 2 copies :p)
It's just the lack of info they gave out which pissed me off.
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Well, as mentioned below, even Raptr wasn't aware.
I'm just getting POed with people who blame only Raptr, rather than the game publishers who gave the region locked keys, and act like my above example. Now, if they had paid for it, I could see being pissed off as fair. In this case, not so much.
Easy for me to forgive people who give me free stuff.
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I said America whole two continents, not USA.
And the reason I'm mad about Raptr is because of that giveaway, I didn't go to my course.I mean it was 20:30 pm here and I had work but I gave up my work to get a key for a game that I really wanted to play.So stop being annoying and think about peoples feelings.I mean they disappointed us man, It's not only about a game you know ...
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Just like Psyko said, that's a sign of serious addiction, I'm not trying to be mean, just please think about that.
And still, I'm gonna tell you it's not restricted to America or USA, I live in a 3rd world country and activated my key very easily.
Plus you got it for free, true it sucks you can't use it, but you can't be mad at Raptr and blame, they didn't even know it was region locked to SOME countries, it was supposed to be region free completely.
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Raptr just posted this on Facebook;
"Raptr members, if you're experiencing region lock issues with today's Dead Island GOTY reward codes, we want to assure you that we are on the case and will update you via the email address associated with your Raptr account. Until then, hold on to your codes – thanks for your patience and understanding!"
Now the problem is, a lot people gave away their keys.I saw so many keys on Facebook posts and forums.If they manage to fix the keys, the people who gave away their keys will hate Raptr.That's why I said its their fault, they should've checked keys before starting the giveaway.
I just said my opinions on that giveaway and it seems like some people can't stand it.
P.S. For some people; trying to hide your stupidity with sarcasm won't work here.If you don't agree with my opinions just don't write anything.I'm not trying to start an arguement here but you're just being annoying.
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Your comments just make me shake my head. As had already been said, they had not been aware, and as for saying they should have test the codes, assuming they were willing to use up codes they had for one purpose for their own personal use, what is to say the region lock would have effected them?
People are hating them for something that isn't controlled by them, but the publishers who made region locked keys in the first place. They are doing what they can to fix the problem.
Anyone acting as stupid brats over the region lock imposed by the publishers doesn't deserve the free game they got in the first place.
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Bloody well sucks. I got a key so I could give to a friend with two games, but region lock prevents him from using it. Guess I'll need to find someone else to give to.
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No begging. I'm giving this to someone I know, not some random.
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Someone you know you say.... #coughcough#
I kid, also what time did you have to be up at to be able to snag a key?
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I woke at 6:30am to be safe, it happened at 7:30am.
As for you nabbing this copy, I won't just give it to you, but I'll give you a link to the forum giveaway on GameFAQs if you want it. In Steam chat though, since I don't need a bunch of random people visiting the awesome board where I got half my Steam games.
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Haha, I was just joking, I already have the base game anyway. :D
For some reason I thought it was at 2am but 7.30 am isn't so bad for us.
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Yeah, decent enough time for it. Might have been better if I went to bed before midnight though.
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Well, /shrug, that's your opinion. I did nothing malicious or greedy nor did I break any rule. I wanted it to gift a friend. I think your /butthurt is misdirected just because I was able to wade through the site meltdown and you weren't. Additionally, you might just retract it entirely since it actually seems raptr did not know they were locked and is trying to fix it. If not, then my statement stands since I entered in thinking there were no locks. /wateroffaducksback
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I did the same, grabbed for a friend. He currently has a total of two games, and I wouldn't mind getting him here and then forcing him into my giveaway group. Unfortunately, he is in the UK.
Not willing to risk trading keys, so I just started a forum giveaway on another site. Got people taking photos of three items in their zombie survival kit. :P
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Lol. You were owned not by some shitbag but raptr himself. Does it hurt less, now that you know it?
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Damn, how are all the keys gone already lol. Just found out I applied for this :/
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seems like its available on my country but i didnt get any key, yay me! (its rare to see a giveaway that works for Uruguay, thats why im commenting :P)
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There migh be hope for those keys, so one shoudln't be in a hurry to give it or trade it way for now.
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I'd much rather give it to people who are my friend without bribery.
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Sorry for another thread with this, but i got my key, but now i must know with who i can trade this locked shit.
Actually i know, locked countries are:
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