Once again Humble Bundle is offering this to people who are currently not subscribed and all the loyal Subscribers get nothing. Typical Non Humble Move if you ask me.

Not every non subscriber got this offer. only a select group. the full criterias are of course not known but i guess people who bought monthlies in the past and have potential to buy it.

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5 years ago*

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Is Humble Bundle even Humble anymore?

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Thanks, IGN!

(Which page on HB this appear btw? :0
Been considering resubbing since mine is on its last month. But if its not for old subs, then rip)

5 years ago*

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Some folks who are not currently subscribed got this email. its a special offer.

5 years ago

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Oh, thank you! Thought it was on their site.

5 years ago

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Don't be so disappointed, don't forget that next year they are going to run that one for new subscribers:

Get 12 months of Humble Choice Classic for just $99


(p.s. no I don't forget that they have also a premium and classic should be for previous subscribers; but sure they'll find a way to do it anyway)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Humble Bundle is offering this to people who are currently not subscribed

Currently unsubscribed; no such deal in sight.

5 years ago

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same here. haven't heard anything from humble monthly since i let my yearly subscription end over a year ago. guess they know i'm not coming back!

5 years ago

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They don't need a bait for fish they already caught. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5 years ago

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It's bait, everyone does it, free months, cheaper etc.

5 years ago

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Nice I haven't subscribed in awhile and no email for me

5 years ago

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My subscription ran out last month. I am not going to renew. I have a feeling they are going to be getting worse than ever.

5 years ago

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Humble Monthly going to Humble Choice is claiming they will start offering 10 games per month for active and paused members under the Classic Plan, which is historically more games than most months this year.

5 years ago

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I believe we are going to get 2-3 good well known titles and everything else is going to be indiegala level so who cares?

5 years ago

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so classic < premium right? would be a no from me :(

5 years ago

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No, Classic is much better. Classic costs less ($11-$12 per month for Classic vs $15-$20 for Premium) and Classic get all the benefits of Premium plus an extra game each month.

5 years ago

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Premium is more expensive and gets less stuff than Classic. Classic can still get multi-month plans at the old prices vs Premium's more expensive multi-month plans.

5 years ago

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Depends, are you using the < symbol as an arrow, or a math operator? If an arrow then you're correct that classic is better, if a math operator then no premium is not greater.

5 years ago

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haha, must be a math operator. my logic says that premium sounds better than classic, but nooo

5 years ago

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I paused this month, am subscribed to all emails, and haven't gotten anything :/

5 years ago

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if you are still subscribed you will not get it and there are probably other variables like how long you have been unsubscribed etc.

5 years ago

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Humble knows suckers will suck so loyalists don't get any promos but hey we still got the rest of the year to hope for one for the subbed.

5 years ago

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typical corporate business model.
that happens with every subscription-based payment. 🤷

5 years ago

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^ this

Television, phone, and internet providers do this all the time for example.

5 years ago

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I try to cancel my internet every time my 1 year period over so they reoffering a 1 year period for the decreased price again and again. No clue about TV, I don't have such subscription and i don't watch TV.

5 years ago

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I am doing this too. I have no remorse at all against all these capitalistic services.

5 years ago

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There is no reason to entice people into the deal who already got swayed, likely multiple times.
Also in this aspect humble never was 'humble'. Charity is still there as before, as humble as it was.

5 years ago

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For me, and I think many of us, I only have the next month payed. I need to subscribe one year again as I always did, and always found a good promotion at the time. If I'm not wrong last year there was a promotion for those already subscribed and don't want to loose it.
I want to continue always subscribed and get Humble Choice. So I hope that in the next weeks a new deal for us (subscribed) appears(?)

5 years ago

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The deal is that if you stay subscribed you will keep the Humble Choice "Classic" which is the best of all the options (all games, better price) and will not be available for new subscribers of "Humble Choice".

As you correctly guessed, due to last years' promotion there are a lot of people in your situation (me included). My yearly subscription ends next month and I will be billed $132 for the next year. It's not a bad deal for the Humble Choice "Classic" but If they offered me to renew my subscription for $99 right now I would do it. But I guess they already now that I'll stay subscribed so... Nothing for me (us).

5 years ago*

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Basically this has turned into sh-t:

To show our thanks, we're converting existing subscribers to our best plan yet! If your subscription is active when we switch to Humble Choice, you get to keep 10 games every month, up to 20% off the Store, and access to Humble Trove. All for the same price you pay today ($132).

...Unless you were never subscribed before because if that's your case, to show you our thanks you'll get the same thing everyone else does but for $99

As a loyal subscriber (from month one, never paused or unsubscribed) I felt special. Now I don't (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

5 years ago

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Yes, I am in exactly this situation. I will probably keep the year subscription even without any special deal though.

5 years ago

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I was early with my resub... Not that I would have gotten a year anyways.

5 years ago

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yeah fuck me for supporting

5 years ago

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I fulfill all criteria, but didn't geht the offer.
I'm hoping for a 9$ offer at the end of the month. I get these rather offen for the monthlies.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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If I could have had the deal, I would have extended my sub.
That's one lost customer lost for them, at least for now.

5 years ago

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They're just trying to stock up subs before they launch Humble Choice, which could be either a good sign because they want some good basis for negotiating with devs to get great games into Choice, or a terrible sign because they already plan on doing crap bundles and they want to lock in as many people as possible before they launch...

Depending on who you ask lol

In any case, they already have a preference discount on Choice for people who are currently subbed so they don't need to give anything else.

5 years ago

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Remember when Humble Bundle first launched? They were actually putting "Humble" in the "Humble Bundle"

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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nope. it expires exactly at the moment the bundle is revealed.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I expect gaming will be soon subscription-based, especially after EU will force companies to let players resell digitally purchased products.

This means no point to keep buying humble bundles anymore, backlog enough until 2022-2023 and by that time gaming will be totally different I believe.

If not well, most of the time on sale cheaper to get the game what interests me from the bundles. Real TOP games not get bundled this way, or if it does it comes without DLC and the base game+DLC pack cheaper than the DLCs alone.

5 years ago

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Just wondering - how do I get this offer, via email? I was only subscribed from a gift for a month and that was in August already... does that mean I'm not eligible for that offer?

5 years ago

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I got an offer to gift a free 1 month to a friend who'd subscribe for monthly...

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5 years ago

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Huh. Spiffy.

5 years ago

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