I don't think the deals page has an RSS feed ,i did look but couldn't see one pop up in my Firefox bookmarking tool-bar .
Is there a good way to make sure i get notifications for things like Humblebundle and other stuff that pops up here.
I've been using the Brief addon as an RSS feeder.

I was asking because i missed getting in early on the new humble bundle .

8 years ago

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You can use https://isthereanydeal.com/ for a personalized RSS feed. This will inform you about bundles and your wishlisted games being on sale. It isn't very fast with those news though.

8 years ago

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Thx. ,i didn't think to check that site for RSS.
yeh , these sites are only as fast as the person maintaining them.
Probably best to sub to as many as poss.

strange ,it's greyed out when i go to 'bookmarks - "sub to this page" in the Firefox menu (using the Brief addon).

8 years ago*

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\r\gamedeals would be your best bet.

I also use ITTT for notifications, but it's somehow a bit off.

8 years ago

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Cheers man ,another good one to try.

8 years ago

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I found a way to make RSS for the Deals forum specifically.

This is an official RSS-Bridge instance. It is a software that offers bridges (custom generated rss) for services without a feed. It has a lot of bridges for social networks, but also provides a bridge that you can use on any site: CSS Selector Bridge. This is the RSS feed link I was able to create there: https://rss-bridge.org/bridge01/?action=display&bridge=CssSelectorBridge&home_page=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.steamgifts.com%2Fdiscussions%2Fdeals%2Fsearch%3Fsort%3Dnew&url_selector=.table__rows+%3E+.table__row-outer-wrap+%3E+.table__row-inner-wrap+%3E+.table__column--width-fill&url_pattern=&content_selector=.comment__description&content_cleanup=&title_cleanup=&limit=25&format=Atom

CSS Selector Bridge settings that I used to get that link:

Site URL: Home page with latest articles

Selector for article links or their parent elements
.tablerows > .tablerow-outer-wrap > .tablerow-inner-wrap > .tablecolumn--width-fill

[Optional] Pattern for site URLs to keep in feed:
(leave empty)

[Optional] Selector to expand each article content:

[Optional] Content cleanup: List of items to remove:
(leave empty)

[Optional] Text to remove from expanded article title:
(leave empty)

(it hangs on 100, which is the max visible posts per forum page here)

You probably can do a feed from any forum category here, but don't forget to sort by New before copying the URL.

RSS-Bridge is primarily a self-hosted service, so I'm not sure how stable is its free instance. You can also try other instances https://rss-bridge.github.io/rss-bridge/General/Public_Hosts.html, or self-host it on your server/pc.

You can also try using other services to pass this feed to discord/telegram/wherever you like.

I also plan to create a telegram channel from this feed for my personal usage, I can make it public in the future, but not sure where to get a permission here.

1 year ago

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