I'd like to state I'm aware that there is a topic similar to this but it's closed.

Originally I was going to call the topic 'How do YOU sleep at night?' however I realized that there are people even if they are a minority that sleep during the day, so why be biased in a topic about receiving information. I’d be extremely interested to see what you people sleep on/with (I’m talking about inanimate objects here, not your wife.), a general time of day and duration.

Personally I sleep on a couch which isn’t comfy in any way, so I stack pillows on it (seven) along with a blanket and a sheet to cover. Usually I end up hitting the hay so to speak around 1am to 3am depending on what I’m doing/working on.

PS: If you have problems sleeping or have overcome them that would also be cool to hear as well.

11 years ago*

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I sleep on my side (usually right), with one arm over a pillow (or partner) and another under my head. The darker and colder it is, the better. I need some kind of white noise, generally a fan, and I sleep much better naked than clothed. I do suffer from insomnia, occasionally being up 2-3 days and nights without sleep. Nothing I've tried has helped, just have to wait until I get tired.

11 years ago

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On the left side.

11 years ago

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I don't.

11 years ago

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I sleep on my stomach with my head to the side, usually the right because my left ear is stretched and I have piercings that can make it uncomfortable to sleep on that side. My bed is a queen mattress on the floor, it goes alright. I only have a single doona though so when I make my bed it looks kinda weird. My sleeping pattern seems to be forever changing, right now I'm in a bad rut where I've been going to bed at 4-5am and sleeping til the afternoon.. I got woken up this morning though and was out of bed at 8:30am so hopefully I'll sleep much earlier tonight.

11 years ago

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i sleep at least 7 hours+, without any pillows, on my belly, with a straight spine, on a relatively hard bed, with my head turned left or right, in a totally dark rooom, with all electronic devices unplugged and/or turned off during the sleep, i say a prayer while becoming grateful, i do zen meditation/relaxation a while before sleeping, i silence the mind by observing the thoughts that come to the mind, detaching myself from them and of course i always try not to eat or drink too much liquids before the sleep. I mantain a balanced ph in my stomach by eating predominantly raw fruits, raw vegetables and raw seeds and I try to catch the midnight hour in my sleep cycle so the sleep is best and restful :D i spared very few details in order to explicitly lead by example.

If you fight for your limitations you get to keep em';
Perhaps it would be a good time to start being more flexible and just try it for yourself :D

11 years ago

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im sure youll live to 100 or longer, but ill keep my processed food and comfy bed and die at 60 regretting nothing all the same :)

11 years ago

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I sleep farting a lot, HO YEAH!! so relieving...

11 years ago

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Singleplayer spring bed, blanket, pillow, no other objects, no people or pets, no lights. Sleeping mostly on my right side but sometimes my shoulder hurts and I sleep facing up... and sometimes I wake up in a completly diferent and weird position. Most of the times I'm a light sleeper, but sometimes not.

I usually sleep 8+ hours, I think 16 is the record... because sometimes I stay awake more than I should (like now, 4am) and I fk up my sleep basically.

What I do to bring my sleep back to normal is to skip a night, get to sleep early since I'm drunk of tireness and wake up after more hours of sleep than usual, and usually fixes it... but sometimes I sleep either to less and wake up late night or too much and back from the start =)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by darko55.