I actually fall asleep on my keyboard a lot. :| I have my laptop beside me in bed practically every night/day/whenever I'm sleeping and due to other sleep issues, sometimes get hit with exhaustion, put down my head to relax a minute and pass out.
But like I said, other sleep issues involved. I tend to sleep during the day more than at night for whatever reason, have severe night terrors (which used to be stopped by sleep aids, but have since come back), and I'm on prescription sleeping pills for my insomnia. :/ If I don't sleep enough after taking them, I can potentially wake up really messed up.
Like on April Fool's someone thought it would be a brilliant joke to wake me up after only 3 hours sleep, harassing me until I got out of bed for their annoying prank. I fell over 3 times walking down my hall. First time hitting my head on a wall, second time catching myself before I fell down the stairs, and the last time having someone else grab me before I fell face flat on a hard floor. I had pretty much no coordination at all. "Hilarious" prank, I'm sure.
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THAT suuuuuucks, did you at least hit them for such a, pardon my language, retarded prank?
When I used a laptop I would sometimes fall asleep with it on my bed (when I had a bed) but since then I never use my laptop.
Since I have a much more powerful desktop at my disposal.
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Believe me, I wanted to. lol I was so dizzy, I just glared, wandered back down the hall, and fell back to sleep bullshit, which then landed me with some strange dreams again.
My laptop's the most powerful thing in the house. The poor thing gets dragged everywhere with me. lol
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Mine goes everywhere I do, whether around the house or wherever else I'm staying. I know a good desktop + netbook would've been cheaper, but I couldn't bring myself to leave my games behind. :P
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I pass out on the keyboard. Had one time when I was down with fever way past midnight talking to a guild, and head hit desk for at least 20 minutes before I came to and had to delete 300 chars worth of asdl;fkajhs;ldkfja;lsk .
For reference, I was using a crappy laptop-like default Mac keyboard, so the cushy keys weren't that uncomfortable.
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I don't sleep often, when I do though, I have to wrap my quilt around myself like a cocoon. Buying a sleeping bag would suffice, but that costs money.
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So long as you're careful not to over use them. Don't won't to make the sleeping worse.
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And someone mentioned my problem. It seems that randomly (around 10 times a year) my brain don't make my eyes close completely (just +90%) and thinks they're closed completely. You described what happens when I get up: they burn and I have 40-60 hours seeing bad.
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I had a waking nightmare once, I was trying a technique of lucid dreaming, and basically I was in a dream state while fully aware what was going on around me physically.
Basically you have your eyes open, and your fully conscious of anything or any one around you but your mind will play tricks on you and you'll see "things".
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I used to get those a lot, and I wasn't purposely trying to dream like that. I couldn't move or scream, and there'd be these... things around my room. Terrifying. :( Found out sleeping on my back seemed to trigger it, so I stopped and that sort of nightmare stopped at least.
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Well it's like a morning conversation with someone at your house,
"Oh I see your eating those cheerios for breakfast, they any good?"
"Oh well then, how did you sleep?"
"Fine, that bed in that guest room is pretty comfy."
There isn't anything wrong with it, now if I asked people where they live, then it might start to get creepy.
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Are they?
One's asking how they sleep in a past presence, the other is asking in a future or current presence.
I'd rather not ask people how they did sleep because they might think 'oh well, when I was 6 I slept like a kid because I was a kid and naps and stuff.'
I'd like to think the way I phrased my question I'm asking people how they currently sleep rather then how they used to sleep.
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Before I finally went in and got my sleep problems diagnosed, I used to sleep like a half hour or less before work. I literally couldn't fall asleep no matter what I did.
...And then I'd fall asleep working occasionally. ._. I was very lucky that only happened on the newspaper route with my mother, who often left me alone since she was likely suspecting something was wrong if I was dozing off like that. I'd never been one to ditch work for anything.
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Oh wow. Well half an hour of sleep is a perfectly reasonable reason why you fell asleep while at work! What do you mean when you said you "literally couldn't fall asleep no matter what I did." Basically, if you don't mind me asking, what was the diagnosis?
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What it boiled down to mostly was anxiety. I was constantly stressed and my mind wouldn't relax because of it. And even when I would sleep, I'd be so tense it wasn't restful at all, and I'd wake up feeling like I hadn't slept. Plus the horrible night terrors had me terrified to sleep. The sleeping medicine's actually an anti-anxiety medicine. Seems to put me at ease so I can doze off without being tensed up and I guess being calm like that helps keep me from having nightmares (I actually don't seem to dream at all more often than not now. whereas before I woke up screaming and/or crying every night).
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Aww sorry to hear that :/ I'm glad the medicine is working for you, sleep is so important. I sometimes have a hard time sleeping myself, but I've attributed that to what I'm doing before I get into bed. Online gaming for example, is a big no no now.
When I was younger, I used to have this dreamcatcher that I kept above my bed. It was always there no matter where I went and for the most part, it kept out the bad dreams. I don't believe in any of that spirutual stuff, but it was a nice reassurance for a 12 year old who was scared of so many things. (sorry, not really related)
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Oddly enough, nothing I did seemed to have any impact on how I slept. Cutesy games led to nightmares, and things like Amnesia led to... pleasant dreams. :S Music, however, seems to be disruptive, no matter what kind it is or how quiet it is, and often forces me back awake even now.
...I actually keep a dreamcatcher above my bed despite not actually believing it does anything. It was handmade by my mom, and I just like to keep things I care about near me. It's kind of soothing I guess.
And speaking of those sleeping pills, I think they're about to take me out (it's nearly 6 AM here). If I don't reply anymore, no offense. lol
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I takes me about an hour to fall asleep, but I keep my kindle with reading light handy to keep me busy until my eyes are so tired I naturally fall asleep. Once I do fall asleep however, there ain't nothing in this world that can wake me.
In fact, this one time, my wife went out for the night and I went to bed early. But she forgot her keys and she didn't have any credit left on her cell, so she rang the doorbell. Still sound asleep. She proceeded to knock on the door, no reply. Then banging on the door, still no reply. She finally gave up and went to find a night shop to get a prepaid card for her cell, when she did she rang 4 or 5 times, before I finally heard the damn thing and picked up. You can probably imagine how frustrated she was on the other end of the conversation, while I was just awake, still drowsy, no clue what was going on.
So OK, I got the message, she's coming back home and I'd be waiting for her at the door. I opened the door and waited for her in the door frame. I heard a car pull over and some people talking to each other. Still not entirely awake, I was wondering who she would take home at this time of the night? Suddenly, I have a gun pointed to my face and a police officer telling me to hold my hands over my head... Now imagine how I felt, dressed in nothing but my shorts, leaning in the door frame, slowly bobbing back to sleep. After 5 seconds of awkwardly doing nothing I managed to tell the officer that this was my house.
Obviously after seeing me dressed in my pyjama and piecing everything together he believed me. He then explained that someone in the neighbourhood called the police, because of a loud banging noise they heard coming from our house, thinking someone was breaking and entering.
Then my wife arrived, and she got promptly scolded by the police for not bringing her keys with her and I got back to bed and didn't get shot. All's well that ends well.
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I can fall asleep whenever I'm in horizontal position, I sleep very tightly and I can sleep for very long periods of time (record is about 16 hours I think). I don't even need pillows, but I have 2. I sleep in that big L-shaped bed that gets placed in room corner and can be expanded to be even bigger.
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Sleep is for the weak.
But when im vulnerable i sleep when im awake for more than 15 hours. Have really trouble to sleep.It takes me like over an hour on the bed to fall asleep. Im sleeping on a single bed with two pillows, sheet under, blanket on top. Oh and my best sleeping time is during the day. Dont know why :)
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I sleep like a boss: Inside an underground facility somewhere in North Korea, on a cold stone floor with a nuclear warhead as my pillow.
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It's difficult to fall a sleep. At night - when the lights dim with the daily noise. I lie in silence. Kept wake by the mistakes of my past and present. Right when I close my eyes they sweep in like whispers - What I could have done differently and what should I be doing right now. Eating away at my conscience. So I end up sitting behind my screen till 4 am; when my eyes close shut on their own.
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This. I slept today while standing on a moving tram. Told it to my brother. He offered me a baseball bat and when I asked him how would that help he started to explain what are the pros and cons of a "smack on da head".
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I'd like to state I'm aware that there is a topic similar to this but it's closed.
Originally I was going to call the topic 'How do YOU sleep at night?' however I realized that there are people even if they are a minority that sleep during the day, so why be biased in a topic about receiving information. I’d be extremely interested to see what you people sleep on/with (I’m talking about inanimate objects here, not your wife.), a general time of day and duration.
Personally I sleep on a couch which isn’t comfy in any way, so I stack pillows on it (seven) along with a blanket and a sheet to cover. Usually I end up hitting the hay so to speak around 1am to 3am depending on what I’m doing/working on.
PS: If you have problems sleeping or have overcome them that would also be cool to hear as well.
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