interested in knowing...
did it run ok?
how many times did you die on each lvl?
what stats did you lvl up?
was the hud/gui self explanatory
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Run ok.
Died twice in second level since im not accostumed with this kind of mobility.
Leveled speed.
Hud is fine.
Didn't notice pick ups at first you should definitely make them glow or something.
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what do u think, fire rate or damage? or maybe less cops around them?
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Nah they are ez to dodge when you know their position. But player's upgrade system is questionable: +0.01 fire rate per skill point sounds not worth to buy
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ya skill gains and caps will be balanced after more levels are done, no real point in working them now when skill points earned in the future is unknown. but for the fact that there is only 1 map after lvling up i might as well bump it higher next update. i will review skill gains further. ty 4 ur input. every point put into fire rate is actually -.2/sec but i used an equation to make the value represented look like shots per sec, that probably needs looked over. -edit- it is bad math, im gonna have fun figuring this on out.
rotation gain is too high i think. if you pore all the points into that it feels pretty uncontrollable.
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Well its pretty easy so far. The robots we reprogram should do something for the player, like fighting!? If it is possible you could make them into foes, instead of just neutral npcs, and when you knocked them out, use the resources to reprogram and upgrade the bots going from melee attacks to ranged ones. Since they are in a residential area and they dont seem to be war/military bots, make them only able to melee attack at first, higher levels maybe introduce some military bots, which fire range attacks. Anyway congratulations in making a game.
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i have plans to make the reprogrammed "workbots" hunt down the closest civilian and kill it, and afterwards it'll do donuts on their corps.
later in the game i plan to add enemy attack robots that you can reprogram after defeating and they will go on a rampage till enemy's destroy them. but for now the workbots are just health station(u get a battery when reformatted)
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The trails of blood left by the caterpillar tracks was a nice touch too.
About the "these are the gives in game
Blue Fire, Due Process, Möbius Front '83, Starbound", how to get them?
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at the end of the second level after you continue from the level up screen they will be shown. level 2 end is on the road, i know i gotta represent the end of the levels better.
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Totally skipped that when I pressed esc, to go to the "next" part. Thanks for info.
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oh ya and the next lvl i plan is going to introduce a secondary fire, most likely a rocket launcher. after that the difficulty will be increased as the government and corporation will be actively hunting the player, less enemy patrols and more ambushes. thanks 4 trying out the game
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The addition of the rocket launcher would be nice, since the ranged weapons that showed so far feel underwhelming.
No need to thank me, always up to try new games.
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next time i do this ill make sure to add a better game in the give. everybody and their mother has the Ukraine bundle. i just noticed how few entry's the gives have next to the number of downloads of the game.
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So just played it. Was a little confused what the currency was at first only until I beat the first level. I put points in speed and turn speed because the game just felt too slow to me. When playing the first level I thought at first I had to complete all things, but once I realized I didn't have to, it was both easier and faster to just avoid combat and get to the end.
Because of the slow movement you start with in the first level, the best strategy I found was just to get my PP up, let police come to me and hold down shield while stationary. Because I leveled up speed in second level, circling around the enemies also seemed to work.
Everything is kind of small (especially the drops on death) do id make those a bit larger I think.
The citizens that run away always seem to run away to the exact same place, which got a little dull after a couple of tries on the first level.
I did quite like the destructive environment and especially the blood trail when driving over a dead enemy.
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i will definitely fix the icons, i had transparency set on accident.
ima add pickups to the tutorial.
civilians have pre set hide spots, they pick the closest one when running, i should make them semi-random.
ty 4 playing and the input
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lol, i just saw this comment, i used the term "power points" for this very reason.
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I suck at this game, I played for 10 minutes, the slow rotation on the sentient was a downer for me but I just read here you can upgrade. Need more time on It to give real feedback. I like the humour 😁. "Let's get shit faced" 😂.
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someday if i keep making the game i was thinking i would have a part with a outdoor bar and 2 of the civilians would be the scientists. make them sway when they run and give them special lines to say
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ran fine but i'm kinda shit at it. i found the npc dialog to be pretty humorous. the tank seemed a bit slow, especially the turning. still way better than i could do. keep at it and you'll have a genuinely fun little game.
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if you try the game again try circling around the enemy's, keeping your movement direction 90 degrees from there firing solution.
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bump for final update. i will be moving on to a new project. but this didnt turn out to bad for 25 days part time work from mostly the ground up.
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i was stuck on the helicopter boss since it was bugged and i'm too lazy to restart the game from the beginning, so here's some feedback:
some longer feedback
i died quite a lot at the beginning since i didn't know what to do with the shield. snipers also damaged too much in the second level so i had to tinker around and increase max pp (was increasing my movement speed before, but the speed was still too slow for me). i dont like moving around my bot to avoid the bullets since 1) i'm suck at aiming while moving, 2) the bot is hard to move with the rotating control, 3) the bot's walking speed is too slow. the area is also too big so i was more annoyed with the slow walking speed.
the helicopter boss was too much for me though. i think their shot pierce through my shield, which is weird since the shield is made exactly for that - tanking damage. and again, the boss' walking speed is too slow, so i'm too lazy to move. after i realized that i had no choice but to move, i pumped all of my stats in the movement speed, but the game got bugged: i couldn't hit the boss, the boss won't move and hit me aside from the first missile. i can't go to the level exit either since 2 police cars blocked it. restarting the level doesn't fix it. i'm too lazy to restart from the beginning (especially with the slow walking speed), so i'll stop playing for now.
on the plus side, i like that you can reorganize your points if you die.
bug (aside from the helicopter boss):
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object Oworkbotpath:
Unable to find instance for object index -4
at gml_Object_Oworkbotpath_Step_0
gml_Object_Oworkbotpath_Step_0 (line -1)
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thanks 4 giving it a shot. i stopped working on the game because of the movement of player vrs human movement, it made combat suck.
idk why it would crash in tutorial. are you running win 11?
if you want give links let me know ill get them to u
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you're welcome! i just noticed it after i posted that actually, hahah. i saw the thread a few days ago but i didn't have much space left on my device, so i was planning to do it later. i only remembered about it after the thread was bumped today, and since i already freed up some space, i decided to give it a try.
also, yeah, i completely agree with you - humans run very fast, hahah. that's also one of the reasons why my complaint is mostly directed to that. i have to chase the civilians around until they are stuck in a corner since i couldn't catch up with their speed.
yes, i'm using win 11. is it the culprit?
sure, i was interested in entering for blue fire.
anyways, good luck in your next project! :)
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ya win 11 was probably the crash. gml2 hasnt been updated for it yet.
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ah, i see. i thought there weren't any issues with those things. thanks for letting me know!
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i just looked over the game, the tutorial crash was my bad, i didnt check it after i added the workbots hunting humans.
but path finding in general seem janky on win11 and thats probably why the heli boss was messing up, i honestly havent tryed the battle again with speed buffed but if it isnt a compatibility issue its bullet range, need to get closer or balancing needed if i was still planning to work it. i did fix the tutorial and uploaded
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if it helps, the heli boss was doing well before i increased my speed. i'm not sure if it's the number of retry or the speed that causes it though. thanks for fixing the tutorial btw!
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One error encounter in first level after the cutscene: ############################################################################################
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object Ohud:
Variable Ohud.lvlbots(100213, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_Ohud_Draw_64
gml_Object_Ohud_Draw_64 (line -1)
Another in second level after I killed all civilians and reprogramed a bot to kill the sniper
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object Osniper:
Variable Osniper.deathangle(100144, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_Osniper_Step_0
gml_Object_Osniper_Step_0 (line -1)
For now I quitted the game.
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r u using win 11?
if your interested in the gives let me know ill get you the links
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game maker isnt getting along with win 11 right now, as far as i know win 11 is still a beta so gamemaker probably wont update for it till win11 1.0 comes out.
ill get you links in a few min
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tutorial crash fixed 3/30/22
i have decided to end work on this project. in the end i dont like how the player moves like a tank and the enemy's have full 8 way movement. it makes combat lame, when a person starts it may seem hard but there is only 2 viable strategy's and when you figure them out combat get boring fast.
this was a good learning experience and will be starting a new project soon.
you will have to download the new game file, it does not update. 20mb
change log:
-fixed cop on the fishing pier
-pickups made more noticeable and bigger
-rate of fire stat shown as tick rate between shots(dont want to spend time turning into rate of fire per sec)
-added a helicopter boss
-added a rocket launcher pickup at end of boss battle (only use is to clear blockade on boss map)
-reformatted robots now hunt down and kill closest human
-when you die you will be sent back to the levelup screen so you can reallocate your points if you want
known bugs:
heli boss can get pinned and stuck in corners of map(good luck doing that without god mode on) preventing player from getting rocket launcher after defeating it.
reformatted bots have twitchy movement(i didnt notice until after i uploaded file, would be very easy fix)
it is a top down shooter, nothing new or exiting. work in progress, about 15min play time give or take. the view window is square, not widescreen. no sound.
You play as a sentient AI in a war bots chassis who is bent on saving his fellow robots and killing their masters, the goal is to finish the level while freeing as many bots as you can and destroying all humans in your path.
any input is welcome. if there is a game breaking bug i will fix asap
windows only, 19mb.
if your not familiar with, it will say name ur price but you can just skip and DL for free
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