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Here's some more....enjoy :/
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There must be a typo in the answer, because 'awful' is the only possible solution :P jk
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so hillarious of you!
I thought till now, that BLACKLISTING here is only for kids that overdoing with using it, how damn wrong I was! You are the first winner and get the first place in my blacklist!
hope you enjoy your prize!
let's massive blacklist him now and massive report! :) as his award
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Funny thing, but in my country guy could have been send for a trial for such thing, there was a girl couple of years ago that said she would show her boobs once her page gets XXXXXX hits, so when it went viral, she had to show them - actually she did a troll thingy and showed some toy boobs, but yet again making a public statement that requires other people work and than not fulfilling that promise is punished by law
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Not really the same thing. We've no way of proving that he wouldn't have fulfilled the rewards, he just gave an impossible task to make the target unreachable in the first place. The only thing that was proven is that this guy jerks off to the thought of people disliking him.
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You're missing my point completely. Obviously I don't think he ACTUALLY had anything prepared, I'm just pointing out that from the perspective of that guys legal jurisdiction, OP hasn't broken that law. He presented an impossible task that no one was capable of completing, and thus had no obligation to provide a reward for it. Weather or not he actually had a reward is irrelevant. He hasn't done anything wrong other than being a complete and utter scumlord.
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you didin't get the point, if he didn't use any proxy, 5 answers from the same ip, even if it was a campus would solve the mystery that is one person, too much coincidence that 5 people from one campus were on this site, solved this puzzle in almost the same time. Anyway as i said yesterday to all, don't waste your time - seems i was right from the beginning, that's why i blacklisted him yesterday just waiting for a chance to prove me wrong, which he did not.
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As I pointed out in my other response to you, the IP is irrelevant. Yes it's an unlikely coincidence that all the solvers were living on the same campus, but you can't charge someone because of an "unlikely coincidence". There's no hard evidence to prove otherwise.
But yes, agreed, I never thought I'd need to blacklist someone, but hot damn is this guy a miserable piece of trash.
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it's easy, ip logs from its too hard (which would show the same ip) or just proof of sending the gifts to the solvers, he has none of that shit, anyway he did a statement that he will give away to first 10 people, and he would be obligated to do so, and if proven he did solve it that 5 times, he would actually get a major law suit <3 them laws
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And what if he lives on a college campus? Or posted from a business network? Hundreds of people can be sharing the same IPs these days. Of course it's beyond unlikely that every single person who solved the puzzle happened to be on the same college campus, but again, it's as possible as it is impossible to prove otherwise, so it wouldn't hold up in court.
Trust me, I hate this guy just as much as you do, I'm not trying to defend him, but he is in absolutely no lawful threat.
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ja nie studiowalem prawa - grafika komputerowa, ale pamietam tamten przypadek, i ktos podciagnal to pod jakies tam przepisy, na moje tez brzmi logicznie. Zresztą sam dobrze wiesz jak i ja, ze u nas wszystko mozliwe, mojej dziewczyny mamie jak miala sprawe z urzedem skarbowym kazali zaplacic w ciagu tygodnia 300tys zl kary (zaplacila - musiala sprzedac jedno z mieszkan ktore ma do wynajmu), po kilku latach sądzenia się jak w końcu doszło do rozprawy to obronca US mial jeden argument ktorego nawet nie bylo w zadnym kodeksie, a jej prawniczka (ktora wynajela) zasypala cala liste i po kilku latach w koncu dostali zwrot + odsetki noi oczywiscie pokrycie kosztów sprawy, niemniej pierw jej zaj... bezpodstawnie.
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It's the only thing I can properly type besides speaking a few sentences. Not being raised bilingual by my polish parents is a shame sometimes.
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Okay, but at least you understoff what I said.
It would be useful to speak with my relatives since they all reject to speak english but as you said, it's hard and I am lazy. :D
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ok so where is the 100 dollar steam wallet code?
i want proof it even exists, especially if no one claimed their prize, it moves on to the next person, therefore the first anonymous after faze should get it...but wait it never existed, cool thanks for wasting hours of our lives
i posted the image to imgur and added him nd will message him the imgur link, since i may be the first to do this, if i don't get my prize I'm reporting him, such scummery, also he can't say but you weren't the first solver, because to complete the puzzle you must be first to send him an imgur link and which i assume ill be one of the id like my prize sillibird, he said 5-10 would also be forfeited so you, the rest of you, better get on this quick but 1-4 still get a prize and i want whats promised, hurry friends :)
and if the other "fake accounts" added him and sent him the link and got their prize, i better see this sh*t..
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Yeah i understand, I just want him to be honest and learn, he shouldn't be able to do this to people, really scummy and annoying so there should be some consequence to his actions..."We can't start a witch hunt", but if he starts one himself, of himself then thats his own fault...
Yeah, I saw, i mean anonymous should count if they speak up and are real, I'm not registered on ITH and i was gonna mention your name but follow the instructions and make him pay on his prize to you :)
Last edit: if he never gets on here or goes online in steam again, thats fine with me
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Someone actually solved that thing?
Well, it was a scam all along, at least that is what I thought. Since there are already 10 people that won (I don't care about him solving it first as a test) the answer could be made public imo.
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the people who solved it originally were fake, but to complete the puzzle you had to be the first to follow his instructions which i have so i want my prize.. anyway he just wants attention and Tethnic below is right, he needs help, i feel sorry for him truly
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I am actually glad that people solved this so he has to give out the prices he announced. Now he is either screwed or gets banned (hopefully).
I don't even know why he would give out vouchers that don't add to his CV and why people believed that crap.
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I don't believe in miracles, the world doesn't work like this. >:)
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Didn't see it since I just jumped to the last page of the thread.
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I will never trust that person, there a history with a very very harassment reply on my thread here (the first comment), after i replied he/she deleted the post. That person play with your minds and im sry i was not here earlier to tell you about.
Also, i bought waveform 24cents to giveaway. here :P
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Well, this is a fun way to return back to SG after a few days. I couldn't even find the itstoohard link!
Haha. Forever lost.
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Are you saying, that I would be...wasting my time?
That's literally the song I'm listening too right now. Too perfect.
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