Guys I need help. Is it ok to share charity fundraising link here? I alrdy made 1 campaing but since i didnt had any donations (it's about my father- his house is kinda ruined) i deleted capaign. The thing is - on that site, until u don't have 100$ donations recieved, your campaign wont be published on site. I though this great community would help me at least with sharing, so other people can see. And also, what fundraising sites can you suggest me?

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Yes my dad and his not livable house. its ruined cause all water pipes broke. that happened at the beggining of january. the house is in a mess. walls are still wet. i will explain everything in the campaign as soon as i make one. he doesnt have money for all that and it cost a lot. if there would be a way, i probably wouldnt think of this. so do u have answer on my questions? i really need answers.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I dont know where are u from, but where i live everything is expensive. and our situation is very.... bad... very. he doesnt have money to fix it, none of us does so yeah, this is a thing for help. and i will do anything to try get any help for him. cause he deserve it. thx for suggestion.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The pictures will be provided in campaign ones i make it. The pictures are from a month ago... now it's even worse. and no, there is no such thing as insurance here. I live in Serbia, not in Great Britain. People are leaving this country cause it sucks to live here.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I dint ask u to donate money... i aksed if i can post my campaign here and ask people to share it. and to suggest some fundraising sites. that's all.

8 years ago

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First of all, it;'s not begging. It's other will if they want to help or not. I didn't came here so u can judge. i came here to ask people something and i want answers. If your country suffered massive inflation in 90s, where sallary was enough to buy 1 freaking soup, if your country was bombed by NATO in '99 and if your country is in a complete mess in last 20 years, u would probably be in the same situation, maybe even worse.90% of people here work for 200 euros per month which is only for bills (if they are lucky to find a job). so maybe u should first learn some things before u start judging.

EDIT: i maybe sound rough, but the situation is really like that and even worse. we are helping sick children with SMS cause our health care is complete shit.... any many other things.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago*

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U started judging me first. I'm just trying to make a picture in your head about my country so u could understand my problem.

8 years ago

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Who said im spending money for steam games? I used to trade. A lot. And im using hrk for hrk drop keys for games. and im not even activating them , i mostly give them away. u are judging again... lol.

8 years ago

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You could have worded it a bit nicer in this chain, but I do agree with you. Even if he doesn't pay for the games himself, he could also try to get a job to earn some money instead of playing games all the time (86 hours in two weeks in not little).

8 years ago

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U dont leave your games idle for trading cards? Btw i lost my job today. Yes i do havee other job also. Which is enought o cover bills...

8 years ago

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there's this in the rules, but some people will say it's ok to ask for donations on sg.

Do not ask users for payments or donations for any reason. Fees to gain access to gifting groups, or attempts to raise money for lotteries or giveaways is not allowed.

best of luck, hope you can solve that problem and get enough funds. ❣️

8 years ago

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Thank you! ♥ I'm not sure if that would be ok to share it then... i mostly wanted to ask people to share campaign so people would see it. I think i will contact support.

8 years ago

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I have a friend using that site right now to help pay the medical bills for her baby (who was born several months premature). She posted the link on her Facebook and Twitter afterwards. I can't say whether or not it's a good site, but I've seen it around a bit for other causes.

Sorry to hear about your dad, and hope things work out for you and him somehow.

8 years ago

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Ty... i hope so.

8 years ago

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Put it in the Emergencies section. You can see quite a few home renovation/rebuild campaigns there.

8 years ago

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Omg ty!

8 years ago

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I don't think raising awareness to your problem/fundraiser is in any way condemnable, as long as you don't make it a requirement to join one of your GAs or spam it like no tomorrow. Kinda like people advertising their YT channels etc., as long as it isn't mandatory and people are free to choose whether they wanna participate/visit...

Good luck to you and your father, hope he can overcome his hardships... and kudos to you for doing this ;>.

8 years ago

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Thank you! I love this community... really!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Galibabinac.