I'm not entirely sure, but I think you'll remove the DLC as well.
(quote from the bottom of the page)
"Do you own a game you absolutely despise, and want none of your Steam friends to know you actually stumbled upon the likes of a video game as vile and revolting? Rejoice! Steam has added a new feature enabling you to remove any game you do not wish to ever exist in your Steam account. Try it out for yourself on Steam's help site.
It should be noted that this feature DOES NOT grant you a refund, and part of bundles can’t be removed individually, meaning the entire bundle has to go. This includes Steam bundles and games that shares the same key (like the ones you get from bundle sites). "
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i think they would be deleted since steam won't let you attach them in the first place without the base game.
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Go to your account details and check your subscription. If the DLC's are listed separately, I don't think they will be removed. Your copy of CoH 2 will be listed as CoH 2 - Multiplayer only, if I remember correctly.
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Yes they will be removed. Had a harsh fight with the steam support about that.
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Can't really remember also took a look into my support account, funny thing, that ticket got deleted o.O
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Haven't tried it but read many stories here and on Reddit.
When you buy a game, you basically hold single license whichever that Steam Game Sub offers. You can use SteamDB Extension that tells you which is included (more if you login SteamDB). So if you buy a Steam Bundle/Pack/GOTY, you only get a single license for that whole Steam /sub/.
When you try to remove a game, you are basically forfeiting a license and everything associated with it. So if you bought all the game and DLCs separately, since you hold licenses for all individually only removed item will be gone. But if you bought a sub (check account history) then Steam will tell you that it will also remove affected bundle and if you accept that, all bundle will be removed.
As far as removing a game but keeping its DLCs is pointless since you will have no way to access them. Although single vs multiple licenses rule applies, Steam may choose NOT to show you owned DLCs since it is designed to show them via (removed) game's page interface.
Search more and some have been claiming you can revert back recent removals without need for Support so if it fits you, you can try having examined all your possibilities.
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Well, frankly, it is everyone's fault. Alienware's and the publisher's, because they wanted to give away CoH2, but probably the publisher backed out or Alienware didn't want to pay that much (any company with that level of overpricing and profit margin tends to be the stingiest when it comes to any cost), so they settled on a full version… without the campaign. And Valve's, because they didn't just make a separate hidden product page (it is more than possible and there are several games that use it) but some weird ID that points to a totally unique depot, which itself is slapped onto all CoH2 products.
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Actually you see it but do not recognize it. It is one of the "Retail" entries under a different name. Having activated a bunch of AW promos I knew that they can came up in lots of different/unrelated names (check dates). But they are basically a sub that contains only that DLC (unless AW states otherwise).
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Personally I didn't bother to remove the Alienware stuff. I just redeemed the key for the CoH 2 game I bought and it added the missing parts of the game. So now I have base game and everything.
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The alienware key isn't the base game, it's considered DLC, the same goes for "the base game" which is added as dlc when redeemed due to the way the game works (everyone has to have the same full game for MP purposes)
Any piece of dlc enables you to have access to the full game in steam (all expansions every single standalone entry included) but locks certain stuff behind a paywall for you, I myself just dlsabled the dlc entry called demo and haven't ever bothered with it since, but if it's something you really want removed you should make sure to request the DLC called "demo" to be removed.
-edit- just compared the date the DLC was activated and it does indeed show up as "Company of Heroes 2 - Standalone Multiplayer" in your activation history.
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How did you disable it? not through "I want to permanently remove this game from my account" ?
Nah, I just unchecked the box in the list of dlc you see when you've got coh2 selected in your library.
there is no COH2 demo entry in account details, just multiplayer entry.
No you're right I thought my edit clarified that part a bit but i should have formulated it better, the DLC entry called demo IS in fact "Company of Heroes 2 - Standalone Multiplayer" that shows up in your activation history, I'm 100% sure of this since I got that demo key a long time before I even bothered trying the game and after trying it my first coh2 related purchase was the expansion when it came out.
But the most important part might have gone unnoticed, your concern is losing access to the DLC after having it removed right?
Coh2 is set up completely different then other games on steam in terms of access to content, you could even remove the real base game without losing access to the DLC since all the DLC that matters (OKW/USF/UKF factions & AA campaign) already give you access to the game regardless of you owning the base game upon purchase, so simply put there's no way that having either the real base game or the demo key removed from your account results in you losing access to all other DLC, it's just set up in a real weird way which kinda works in your favor in this case.
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Oh I did that when troubleshooting a bug in COH2 (warpoils not dropping after a match post patch) thinking the game might think I'm using the demo version, turns out I was wrong but I never bothered to check it again since I already purchased the base game at that point.
What you see in my library is indeed the base game, but to be clear that entry you see there when checking my profile is the same entry as any other person has even if they have one of the seperately sold armies that have their own store page and art etc.
They show up as separately owned games but if you play an hour with say the british army it shows that you have 1 hour in COH2 base game, not the british forces despite them being 2 seperate games on steam.
See it as the same model f2p games have most of the time, there's a free base game (in this case not accessible nor visible on steam) which is added to your account as soon as you purchase/activate the base game or any of it's DLC, then it adds the base game as a dlc entry to that f2p game giving you access to it.
To answer a question you posed earlier as well; just checked again and both my base game purchase as the activation of the alienware key show up as seperate entries, so the base game does not replace the alienware key:
3 Sep, 2014 Company of Heroes 2 Retail
23 May, 2014 Company of Heroes 2 - Standalone Multiplayer
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Thanks! didn't realize i was around for 3 years already :P
OKW is visible in your profile btw, it's just that for some reason they listed the western front armies as "coh 2 faction X" instead of writing the game name in full like they did with the British faction.
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It was the first game on Steam that was really that bad and that cheap. Steam used to be a quality store with quality product back then, believe it or not, not Bad Indie Games and Some Other Stuff like now. (Where the entire AAA game library can only fit in one corner of the "other stuff".) And, well, its infamy survived all these years.
The same psychology behind it as the one behind shaky cam movies. If you ask a random person to name one, they will either say Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity, but will have a really tough time to say another one without thinking. Those two are known because people talked about them for a long time, and were new in a sense. Same with Bad Rats at the time of its Steam release. It was the "first" bad game the Steam community knew about widely.
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