This should help now to limit spamming from bot accounts as it will not be so cheap to do any longer, More details here.

9 years ago

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Just another Valve money-grabbing method masquaraded as the usual "combating phishing and scam" like the other non-sense they have been pulling lately (trade cooldown,cross region trading ban etc).

It will affect a lot of legit users negatively since they just play Dota or have their games from physical copies.
It will reduce the bot amounts hopefully, but not worth it to screw over the legit userbase.

9 years ago*

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too late i think

9 years ago

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Good for most people, but many people I know can't afford 5$ just to add friends. Its a good strategy for keeping the bots away but they are loosing a lot of customers

9 years ago

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They don't lose much if people can't afford 5$. How they even bought a PC?

9 years ago

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"can't afford 5$"

I don't think they care about those kind of customers.

9 years ago

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Well a lot of people would want to try out the steam service with F2P games before they randomly go and fork out $5 to find out that it wasn't worth the money. I know that's the way I felt when I started out on steam. By restricting the users further, I don't think it is going to really effect the people making fake accounts especially if profit exceeds that.

9 years ago

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Let's see if it works.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Hah! Fuck you, bots and phishers! You won't be bothering me again!

9 years ago

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I think this is lame. Scammers and spammers will still find a way to scam and spam you. In the end it will hurt people who are new to Steam or who only purchase retail games. This is about money, not our protection.

9 years ago

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Think about it. There are people running hundreds of thousands of bots. This will sucessfully hinder them and greatly limit the number of bot accounts. People who run bot accounts ain't going to be giving millions of dollars to valve to validate their bots.

9 years ago

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If they can get $1000 from one phished account, then they can create 180 new bots and still have $100 for themselves.

Which means that The Big Question is, how profitable whole steam phishing business is...

9 years ago

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I think this update is very bad for all the genuine DOTA2 and TF2 players out there (or other popular F2P game).

I have steam for about 3-4 years, but started buying games only 1 year ago. Before that was only TF2 and I was happy about it.

9 years ago

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Its only $5. That's a very modest hurdle for any legitimate account.

9 years ago

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Why though? You can still play those games and can still use the friends functionality, you just can't send friend invites.

Maybe I'm missing something here but it really doesn't sound all that bad. What you get without paying seems reasonable to me.

9 years ago

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I was thinking about making new friends. It would be harder if you can't send invitation. That's all.

Don't get me wrong, I am loving this new update. All the phishers will think about investing money lol

9 years ago

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You should be able to accept friend invites, though. And you should be able to post to their page, I believe.

9 years ago

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Friends I had recently who made new steam accounts didn't even have access to the friend functionality until they had games in their libraries. Even when I attempted to add them. Now its $5, not sure if it applies to existing accounts.

9 years ago

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Im glad theyre trying to cut down on bots, but I have a feeling this is just going to lead to bots using stolen credit cards to get over the 5$ limit..

9 years ago

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Their having access to stolen credit cards is a different matter. Its not as though Valve restricting bots is going to be the thing that pushes them towards a life of crime.

9 years ago

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I still get SO many bots..

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I wipe my on $5

9 years ago

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I still get bots.. F-A-I-L V-A-L-V-E..

I think Valve should implements something like no private profile until you level up to lvl 20 / or you cant send friend request while your profile is private.

9 years ago

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It should be you can auto block requests for a specific level and under profile and/or block private profiles.

9 years ago

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I've never been able to figure out why that isn't an option. I'd rather have friend invites simply turned off, if nothing else.

9 years ago

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Exactly. It could be a money thing as Valve thinks they will make more money doing it this way.

9 years ago

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If there was an option to disallow people to send you a friend request with a private profile that would be amazing :O

9 years ago

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same here

9 years ago

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Woot! Had three try to add me today. Burn them with fire and drain their wallets!

9 years ago

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I was about to make a thread asking people what they thought about this but noticed yours. I have a few friends that just joined steam and I can't friend them or add them until they have games in their libraries. Now because of this change not only does it have to be a game, but the game has to be $5 worth. I'm glad it may slow down the amount of scammers but we all know it won't stop them, especially if there is still profit to be made with fake profiles. I have mixed feeling about this :P

9 years ago

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Can't you send the friend request? I thought it only limited them from sending the request.

9 years ago

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Steam makes it so the 'unauthenticated accounts' don't come up in a search, even if you enter in the profile URL it doesn't work o_O. There is a glitch where if you use steam family sharing, the unauthenticated accounts come up in the accounts list but their names are blanked out with only a check box visible. I'm pretty sure steam did this intentionally.

Even I can't find them on steam. They don't have access to the search function at all on the other hand.

9 years ago

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Hmmm... you should be able to add them without a problem

9 years ago

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When I started out on steam you could do that, but not anymore from my experiences.

9 years ago

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Can they leave comments on your profile?

9 years ago

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Actually I don't know. I've never tried that.

9 years ago

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If so, that would be an easy way to link back to their profile and add them as friends. Afterwards, you could always delete the comment.

9 years ago

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True.... I see a loophole XD hold my beer :3

9 years ago

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Always a good start to a story. Usually followed by "Watch this!"

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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When will this take effect?

I just got another level 0 invite. I'm about tired of this sheeeit.

9 years ago

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