Well that's a type of thread you don't see every day, as other people said before me, he deserves a darwin award.
I don't get what motivates someone like him to have multiple accounts here, is not like he hasn't won a bunch of games on his main account. Just simple greed?
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that's wrong, on many ways...
people can't just insult people just because of suspension...
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maybe so, I cannot say one way or the other, but they were permabanned I beleive (not simply a suspension whereby they can come back), so I was justing stating a 'possible' position that they are no longer part of the site, and thus not covered by the rules of said site; wether it s wrong, on many ways (as you state), is not for me, or perhaps even yourself, to decide, and is indeed another matter entirely and perhaps something for the mods to decide (not us) - the mods having the power to close this thread at any point.
I believe my only comment was ban hammer (declaring a happiness at the speed of the mods) and posting a darwin award link (thus answering a question that someone had asked - not insulting in anyway), and so I feel no guilt at this point for having a sense of humour and providing information, as it was plainly a dumb thing to do - indeed perhaps leaving the thread serves as a warning that the mods are paying attention and dealing with these rule breakers? who knows? - I haven't read many of the other comments to know if they are bad or not, so cannot comment on those :)
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yes, but these jokes are not ok... i can't make a joke wich still insults the other site on a e.g. sarcastic way... there are two sides involved...
mods even warn not to make these kind of jokes...
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okay - but as I stated - saying ban hammer - is in my opinion part of my humour yes - but more the point was stating a fact - the ban hammer did indeed fall and my comment was in no way insulting to the OP (it in fact merely pointed out that they had been dealt with appropriately in my opinion)
as for the insults that yourself and the other person noted - I believe I have done no such insulting and found little insulting material when reviewing the rest of the thread - but that is my own opinion of course - mods and yourself will undoubtedly have your own opinons on ths matter :) - again, I cannot speak for what others have said about the OP, but a review of the thread reveals little that could be deemed as insulting (I am not sure about the other thing you mention, as I do not know what you mean by insultingthe other site - what site?)
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maybe i wrote it wrong... :)
Banhammer is not wrong... your posts wasnt my reason for this... but e.g. Darwin Award itself is used as insult... basing on that someone dies because of stupid acting...
time for bed here, cya tomorrow... :3
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perhaps to you this is used as an insult - but to me, and may even others, it is considered nothing more than humour based on the idiocy of the human race.
However, irrespective of this, and as I have already indicated in my prior posts, I provided nothing more than the web address to the Darwin awards website because someone did not know what other people were talking about - as such, I provided nothing more than information with which the person without knowledge could educate themselves as to the nature of the conversation someone else had enacted on this thread.
And I still stand by the point that there is little in this thread that is insulting, especially if all that is being argued that is insulting is the humorous merits, or lack thereof to some people, of the nature of Darwin Awards. Humour is subjective to all after all, and comedy that insults one person, clearly may not insult others.
Anyway, I have a crying baby to feed - which is never funny to my ears :P - chat later and hope you have a good sleep :)
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this is an insult per definition...:
humour based on the idiocy of the human race.
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im not easy to insult because people calling me words are just not worth my time... people that insult in discussion instant lose these because they have no arguments and try to make you looking bad to undermine your arguments...
i dont say we should ban black humor etc... BUT there's a big difference in insulting people directly with no or small way to avoid it AND movies, art and all the critic stuff... the last things can be avoided and controled in a ?good? way...
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try to make you looking bad to enpower your arguments
Although it sounds like a literal translation empower doesn't mean entkräften in english. Actually it means the exact opposite.
The word you were looking for is undermine ;)
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not to the english :) - we live by it as humour - not insult - as noted before :)
but that does not negate the fact that I myself did not insult - I provided a website as information to someone who did not understand the context of the conversation - and yet this is appears to have been ignored again :P
i'm off to watch black adder goes forth now, for some lovely death humour, and then bottom - for some purile humour and pain - giggle - gotta love British Humour :P
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still a difference between movies and a person... and you cant hide insulting behavior as humor or culture...
comming to the end of this, because we circle, i just wanna say im not much better but i think we all should do better... and i still think your posts were harmless... was about the others...
btw:i still hope to get some money together to buy a quilt from you... :3
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I agree in principle - but if we prevent the humour, then arguments will become all the more in my opinion - as through laughter we can break down barriers - even dark humour serves its purpose to some.
But I do think this thread should have been closed - after all that discussion :P
have fun - chat later
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adding just in case, only if you want... thanks for the discussion, always helps to rethink with others views... was on a good level... :)
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actually having just had a skim through the thread, much of the comments appear to relate to understanding the api system, and an argument over wether card farming is legal on steam - there is very little in the way of insulting people that I could see - beyond the usual mirth at the stupidity of people being malicious enough to break the rules as badly as this person appears to have, and not expect to get caught when they make threads like this.
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told it a mod in privat and it seems that this is a decission wich has to be discussed with more mods/team...
he got punished by staff and thats fine, but now the hillbilly pitchfork mob apeared and that's a nogo... rules have to be enforced equally... there are posts in this thread that deserve suspension, maybe mine too now...
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Except the culprit for the calling him out was also himself so he can't be punished any more for that. He made himself and the problem public inviting others to comment on it. He was also the one insulting rules and other users here by his actions, others are merely pointing out at what he did, published and got punished for and saying that it's both stupid and morally wrong which it obviously is.
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only thing i read is, its ok to insult him and that's big bullshit...
people here are like a retarded mob... i dont care about suspension for this because its true... this forum became a witchhunt in many things... problem is that the moderation of this site is realy bad (lack of staff) and Cg does nothing about it...adding a few mods was a joke compared to the amount of users here...
in short terms...: People here acting like uneducated school folks... "hey its a joke..." this stupid sentence makes me angry because it shows at the same time what's wrong with all the people...!!!
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It's not an insult if it's the truth. Have you ever read news media with funny stories around the world where criminals are openly laughed at for being stupid and for example giving out their ID to the bank teller they are just robbing. Do you write angry letters to those media saying it's wrong to laugh at the criminals being stupid as well?
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i dont think thats ok... hey he is a bad person, lets insult him and lough about him... preschool minded nonsense...
it doesnt matter what a person has done... you have no right to insult anyone...
if someone is an asshole... then calling him so is an insult... is morality so broken today that people dont understand that...?
i feel like in africa where someone screams "thief" and the mob burns him without any proof etc...
it's realy sad that internet and TV desensitize humans mind about what is an insult and what not... in germany we had a TV show called TV TOTAL with a guy who made fun about peoples mistakes... whole generation absorbt this and now thinks thats ok... same happens in other countries too...
Morality down...
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What do you call it when a criminal walks to the police station to complain that the bag of dope that he just bought is only half full and cops should go get the rest from his dealer, he will show where he lives? Please find a non-insulting way of describing these actions and I'll use it instead of stupid.
What do you imagine is happening to him if couple people laugh here for a while, then whole thing is forgotten when new drama/comedy thread appears? You seem to take things bit too seriously, getting personally insulted by random words online is the preschool mindset as well. Adults should understand that if they do stupid things and publish them on the internet they will get called what they are.
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uneducated, not smart... there are many ways to say it... :)
just because the mass insults it doesnt make it ok...
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uneducated, not smart... there are many ways to say it... :)
It's also goddamn funny! :)
Although I do agree that making fun of less smart people is usually bad, this case is something special. So it deserves a special treatment. In addition, making fun of rulebreakers can be seen as a kind of deterrent against rulebreaking, so it actually may useful for the site.
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that is what i mean... people pulling arguments like this... but it's not valid, think about it for a longer moment...
even if i get insulted i have no reason to insult the other one... i learned alot about psyche stuff and i know where these reactions came from... but i await from todays mankind another standart... at the same time i looked at the world and realized how stupid i am...^^
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That's "political correctness" on his finest.....
or with other words .... far away from the REAL LIFE.
Oder um es in Deutsch zu sagen .....
Er bescheisst mit MINDESTENS, einem weiteren Account, nutzt Bots um zu farmen, aktiviert Gewinne nicht auf dem zweiten Account der die Sachen gewonnen hat und verkaufte/tauschte sie, sehr wahrscheinlich, weiter. Hat also GANZ KLAR gegen zig Regeln verstossen.
Ist dann noch so behämmert und rückt sich mit dem Thread ins Rampenlicht und du regst dich dann drüber auf wenn man sagt das so jemand nen Darwin Award verdient ?
Wenn man sagen würde "was für ein Arschloch", keine Frage wäre nicht ok (obwohl es zutreffen würde) aber man kann es auch echt übertreiben mit dem "beschützen" bei Personen die sich GANZ KLAR nicht an die Regeln gehalten und ihr Gehirn nur zu wenigen Prozent genutzt haben wenn sie solch einen Thread erstellen (ja ich kann super drum rum reden und genau das gleiche aussagen... macht es das irgendwie besser ?).
Man muss sich die RECHTE verdienen indem man sich auch an die PFLICHTEN hält.
Und meiner Meinung nach gehören viel mehr von den Autojoinern -möglichst mal die hochstufigen damit es auch richtig weh macht- und sonstigen die Exploits nutzen, ÖFFENTLICH abgeschlachtet/hingerichtet/aus dem Verkehr gezogen/gebannt/ausgeschlossen etc. (such dir eins aus), von den Mods, damit es eine abschreckende Wirkung hat.
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it's about that people try to tell me it's ok... these people have to be punished by autority (SG stuff) and not to be hunted and insulted by mobs... i dont protect him, i just want that this stops completely here...
and that you now bring up too kill these people is so wrong that i think you need alot education in humanity or german language... you talk like a NAZI and i will stop the discussion with you now because you are not able to think on a smart level...
have a nice day, will set you in my block filter so i never have to read this nonsense again...
Und meiner Meinung nach gehören viel mehr von den Autojoinern -möglichst mal die hochstufigen damit es auch richtig weh macht- und sonstigen die Exploits nutzen, ÖFFENTLICH abgeschlachtet/hingerichtet/aus dem Verkehr gezogen/gebannt/ausgeschlossen etc. (such dir eins aus), von den Mods, damit es eine abschreckende Wirkung hat.
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on a ONLINE site you take WORDS as the same like killing people ????
You try to tell the people what is ok and not ok.
But other's cant have a other opinion ?
Very adult behavior.
I used different words and say pick one for yourself to show you that you can take a lot of words that all are the same result (on a online site).
That you are so "not smart" that you don't understand that a "sacrifice" (from the Mods) on a ONLINE site is not a "kill people" came not up into my mind. I never thinked that anyone can misunderstand my words in so many ways.
All behind that with nazi, not able to think on a smart level shows how less discussion ability you have.
I don't fit into your "wanted" people/behavior/language use and you INSULT me with talk like a NAZI.
And for you is this ok because YOU do it and not others....
Thats double moral from it's finest.
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This is like the default fallback against Germans when people are out of valid arguments though. Can't measure yourself against them in a battle of wits? Call them a nazi. (Bonus points if you remind them they lost a war and all.) I've been called a rule nazi on a site I was moderator on solely for doing my duty and enforcing the rules, lol.
And a twisted political correctness attitude that has turned into the political absurdity of #TheTriggering. Hypocrisy at its finest.
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Might be worth pointing out that the other person is german as well (despite it saying Japan on their profile).
But yeah... you're not wrong.
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That a lot of german people use the nazi word stuff too if a discussion not follows the path they like is not "new". It's -from my line of sight- much more worst from a german then from other ones. He/she should learned much more because we are confronted with it very very often.
From other nations it is "normal" (sick but it can always expected) that they call all germans nazis when they don't get from us what they want (mostly money). Thats sick because 99% of the people are no nazis and too young for having anything to do with the WW II and all the cruelty and stuff (from each side).
So all in all i not expected a great discussion with him. Most of the online people don't have good abilities for discussions. The most can't accept other oppinions that's a sad fact :o(.
But what i don't expected was that he come around with killing people when i write from sacrificed/banned and so on from the mods on a online site.
Still after a day i can't follow this thinking from my words. I don't see how my words can misunderstanded this way.
Complete miracle for me.
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What can I say, having had to waste almost all of my high school history classes on WWI and WWII and post-war Germany, it just really baffles me when a German of all people is so easily flinging that word around. Guess they should have been made to suffer through grade 11 to 13 Geschichte LK lmao.
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Aber nur wenn sie im Gymnasium waren :-P.
Ich war es nicht aber hab mich massenhaft mit dem Thema auseinander gesetzt (ich mag Waffensysteme auch wenn ich z.B. nie bei der Bundeswehr war -ich wäre der letzte der in irgend einen Krieg ziehen würde und garantiert nicht freiwillig denn mit Ehre hat kein Krieg zu tun... das ist einfach nur "legitimiertes" ermorden von anderen um irgend etwas zu erobern... Land, Rohstoffe etc.-).
Für mich ist besonders der WW II spannend aber ich habe auch schon Personen gepflegt die ohne ersichtlichen Grund anfingen zu weinen oder aggressiv zu werden und von Momenten erzählten in denen sie in einem UBoot waren, nicht weg konnten und die Wasserbomben auf sie einhämmerten etc.. Im Alter kommen solche Erinnerungen wieder hoch egal wie gut die Leute das ihr Leben über verdrängt haben (teils verdrängen mußten um zu überleben).
Und da ich z.B. als einziger Deutscher hier in dem Haus wohne wäre es etwas ungünstig rechts zu sein :-D schmunzelnd
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Naja vom Gymnasium mal abgesehen hatte ich da noch zwei Opas im Krieg. Mittlerweile aber beide tot. Von der Familienhistorie her gab es da doch recht viel Spannendes. Nur so Geschichtsunterricht wird halt nach so vielen Jahren Wiederholung dröge... hätt ich mal lieber was andres als LK genommen, haha. XD
Ich selber bin jetzt kein Waffenfan, aber mein Bruder ist da der Spezi, haha. Wir wohnten früher nah einer Kaserne, da hat er sich früh mit dem Bund angefreundet.
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um aber einfach auch mal was nettes einzustreuen....
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Good thing social triggering has risen to the level where I have been told that it's not polite to call people like that **tards, even if it's a correct medical term. Just because the innocent people with real disabilities don't want to get associated with people even they think are not very smart or educated.
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Wenn ein Drogi, wegen sowas, zu der Polizei geht dann ist er nicht ungebildet -das beleidigt Leute die niemals eine Schule besuchen konnten etc.- sondern blöd (oder voll auf Drogen).
Und das darf man dann auch sagen weil es, schlicht und ergreifend, die Wahrheit ist.
(Beleidigungen sind meiner Meinung nach Sachen die weit über das hinaus gehen)
Es ist nur was anderes wenn man diese Geschichte über dritte hören würde und es somit nicht erwiesen ist das es tatsächlich so war.
Davon abgesehen sollte man, mindestens online, ziemlich wenig drauf geben was irgend welche, einem völlig unbekannte, Leute sagen/schreiben.
Auch da man es niemals allen Recht machen kann.
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know him a bit in private... and normaly i dont do it, just asked him how things like this will be handled... ;)
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What is the freaking point in permanently suspending the OP, but leaving the topic open and allowing every random user and their mother to keep trashtalking him?
I don't know about you, but I actually logically and productively explained some important matters in this thread. Besides, this is a discussion, if users are breaking rules by trashtalking then report them and get them suspended too.
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Seems to be OP is more of the problem then the guy he's talking about.
150 card farming accounts? -_- Dude...
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I have about 150 BOTS that I use to drop cards. It turns out that today, a guy added me asking me if I wanted to sell the API's keys of these BOTS.
I didn't understand why he wanted to buy them. According to him, it would be for "research".
Then it came to my head: What can a person do with the API of an account in his possession?
P.S .: He offered me 25usd for the API's. The guy's account is level 233 and has more than 13k of games in the account. It doesn't look like a fake account.
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