That's too already exists. Kind of.
No skins so far, you might win the bet and have a Skyrim from cg! :D
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True, this is the sort of stuff that is easy for people to mod, there would be tons of stuff like this in the Workshop, guess thats why it doesn't have one.
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Yeah, that would be pretty awesome. Might see some official Custom Maya skins then.
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The store descriptions for the season pass have always stated it was only going to be 4 campaign DLC packs. In the end season pass owners got 5 pieces of DLC so you came out ahead. Seriously, people need to stop complaining that somehow the Season pass was a ripoff simply because they couldn't be bothered to read the very first sentence in the product description.
Anyways, this is just cosmetic so who the fuck cares.
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They made it clear that the Season Pass would include four campaign DLC, and that any other DLC (characters and costumes) would not be included. The only people are bitch about the DLC are people who don't even own it. Those of us who do are fine with it.
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Waited for this response, its a needed part of any thread like this, the post that just doesn't get the point.
Nowhere did I say the season pass was suppose to include this, I said it should. People can complain all they want especially about bad business practices, welcome to the internet.
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I think they already said what they were including, and have no complaints about the others not being included, as I already saved a significant bit of cash. A pack with all the cosmetics would be nice, but most people won't give a damn about them, and can save money just getting the one or two they might want.
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I am a but OCD I guess, if my games not complete, meaning everything it annoys me, thats why I would prefer a pack.
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So after a game is released, you basically don't want the devs working on it any more, because any DLC will make the base game incomplete without it? :sigh:
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You don't even own the game. I bought the game and the Season Pass and I don't care how many costume DLC they release...more power to them! If people want to spend money on cosmetics, so be it. It has absolutely ZERO impact on the game. Some of the skins look cool, but I'm perfectly fine with my badass Minecraft skin.
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Now I need another Siren skin. And I might want the skins for Krieg as well.
What is the US price anyway? The previous lot are $1.75 here, the new ones $1.99, I'm wondering if they are still 99 cents for US gamers.
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Honestly, I was surprised when they gave us Krieg at the US price. Every other DLC for Borderlands 2 gets 20% - 100% extra on their price.
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Borderlands 1 > Borderlands 2, especially with DLC.
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Borderlands is great, but so is the sequel. Honestly, much as I miss playing as Brick and Mordecai, the second game is more enjoyable.
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You're not the only one who feels this way. As much as I liked Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3, they were both massive dissapointments for me last year. But BL2 was the bigger dissapointment, against all odds. BL1 is just a better game. It's more fun. It's not anti-solo gamer.
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Anti-solo? I've practically played the whole game solo. As much as I enjoyed BL1, BL2 improved just about everything. I did miss Mordecai, as Zer0 just wasn't as cool without Bloodwing, but once Gaige was released, all was forgiven.
While the classes are subjective, BL2 is bigger, has more enemy variety, more varied locations, and multi-attribute nades!
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^Probably the best DLC campaign for any game I've played (though I haven't finished it yet, so no spoilers!)
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Never played it, wouldn't know. But nothing could compare to the fun I got out of BL1. I played everything about 5 times over, both on Xbox and PC, and I don't regret purchasing it at least 2 times.
I bought BL1:GOTY for a very low price, but I got BL2 for around $40... and I just didn't get as much fun out of it. It just kinda... didn't do it for me.
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I think this sort of silly cosmetic stuff is great. It's like price discrimination, i.e. how do I charge the rich guy more than the poor guy for the same exact thing...
Anyone who wants to pay for hats can queue up over there, I'll be over here looking for those 75% off deals... :)
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Also, Ultimate Vault Hunter mode (New Game++) to go to with the increased level cap. Between Normal and True Vault Hunter (New Game+) the enemy patterns do change along with damage scaling, if the same holds true for this it could be worth the price. (I've not completed True Vault hunter yet, so I can't confirm)
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Not only is it sadistic, but it's incredibly annoying because in BL1, the level cap was raised free with one of the DLC (General Knoxx, I believe) so they're clearly trying to see just how much they can nickle and dime us now. I bet with BL3, they'll charge 5 bucks for the extra playthrough and another 5 for the level cap increase.
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That is not true at all. The BL1 level cap was raised twice. First was in Knoxx (from 50 to 61) and you DID have to pay for that. The second was with Claptrap, and that one was given for free to everyone, thus raising the cap to 69 for those with Knoxx, but only 58 for those without Knoxx.
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They are scaled to the level of the highest player. Just don't play with someone using the DLC for extra levels, and it won't be any harder than usual.
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Here's the thing though. They're going to keep doing it, because people are going to keep buying it. Hell, probably a lot of the people that complain about there being too much DLC or how the DLC costs too much are still buying it anyway. Until the DLC system becomes a losing investment, developers are going to continue to employ it.
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meh. skins. I'll skip'em, game has enough to collect for free anyway
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I dont like seeing games with massive DLC lists, it is instantly off-putting. They should maybe actually break it up into distinct blocks for story and cosmetics.
My (non)-favourite still has to be Tomb Raider though. There's just so much rubbish there
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Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row 3 are others like that, honestly would not own SR3 if it was cheap in a complete pack and would not own Sleeping Dogs if I didn't catch the 91% off glitch.
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Agreed. With Sleeping Dogs especially it's really hard to tell the story and cosmetic DLC apart thanks to how close they are in price. I checked, like, 4 times to make sure The Year of the Snake was actually the one that added gameplay before adding it to my wishlist so I wouldn't forget.
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I still have to play that DLC, got it for real cheap.
Yeah I forced myself to ignore the cosmetic DLC for that one, though 1 of them has a sword in it and my first thought was "Oh come on, this really should have been in the game".
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Damn, thats one of the few I am missing! Yeah I hated the DLC insanity, but a friend gifted me all the current (at that time) DLC when it was 75% off. And much as I hated the DLC sheme, the game itself is AMAZING. Kinda like SR3. Amazing game, horrible DLC structure.
Oh and the Island fight DLC that's name eludes me for Sleeping Dogs, while short, was a lot of fun actually.
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I enjoyed it a lot, really well done world, better then SR3 I would say.
I hope for a sequel though, would be nice.
Don't think I have that DLC, game has to much dlc lol.
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Jesus. That Tomb Raider list is awful, especially since it all seems to be cheats of varying sorts.
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Not the first time cheats were sold as DLC, happened with SR3 and probably others.
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@dovecoon, Sleeping Dogs has cosmetic DLC? Don't all of those outfits have different stat bufs?
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The only reason I'm pissed is because I pre-ordered the game for the Season Pass. I paid FULL PRICE and they aren't adding 90% of the DLC in the season pass or giving people who pre-ordered much. All we got was the four dlc stories and some dome thing on the map and the Mechromancer. I would like the Psycho, I'm not going to pay $10 for a character, though. The skins are just completely useless and fucking stupid to add as dlc... I'm starting to hate GearBox... or I already do and don't know it..
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this is my main gripe about preordering/day 1 content,
the makers always have the option to sell the bonuses much cheaper later.
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You know, the season pass pretty explicitly said what it included. I don't see why people are hating on Gearbox for providing completely optional skins that do not affect how the game plays at all. They are simply there for those who want to buy them. What you think is "completely useless and fucking stupid to add as dlc" may not be the same sentiment shared by someone else. Perhaps using that self-centered brain of yours to think about WHY you seem to randomly hate Gearbox would reveal that it is a pretty irrational hatred.
Also, Gearbox has released some pretty lengthy and full featured dlc's compared to most other companies that do the whole season pass thing. You are already getting a discount on the dlc's by getting the season pass in the first place. Wanting MORE for the same season pass, quite frankly, makes YOU look like the greedy one.
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"What you think is "completely useless and fucking stupid to add as dlc" may not be the same sentiment shared by someone else."
Irony anyone?
How about this, some of us grew up in a time where you bought a game and it was full, they didn't decide to release a 10 dollar add on character basically day 1 out of greed, this must not be a sentiment we share.
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Although, conversely, if you wanted more of the game, you had to wait for the sequel (if it ever was made). DLC allows us the choice of adding on to our game. Granted, a lot of companies take the sleazy road and sell original bits as "add-ons", the fault lies with the consumer. Purchases dictate businesses' behavior. If it didn't sell, they wouldn't keep making it.
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Is BL2 not a fully featured game? There are the same amount of classes as the first game, a campaign that lasts 100+ hours by the second playthrough, and the DLC does not contain any story elements that are integral to the main storyline. I would say that makes a pretty solid game. The dlc is purely extra stuff made for fans who wish to keep playing.
The types of consoles that we grew up with did not have internet connections. Thus, there was no way for them to sell us dlc. It is really quite that simple. Also, there was no infrastructure or even a word for DLC back then. On the flip side, there was no way to fix glitches and game breaking bugs back then either. So I guess we get game patches and support in exchange for seeing a DLC page full of extra stuff that you dont need to buy and arent required to get the full experience of the base game. If BL2 were released on the consoles of yesteryear, there wouldn't be any extra content in the first place. Kind of a bummer for those who really like the Borderlands series and will happily pay for content so they can enjoy their game.
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No, instead we had to wait and pay $20 for expansion packs half a year later or longer. Yeah, so much better than DLC.
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People who can't read shouldn't make purchase decisions.
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or if you have the Season Pass, you get it for free, as a bonus. Yeah, Gearbox is so evil :rolleyes:
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I find skin dlc's pointless. You're better off buying some sort of booster pack.
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I suspect the Amazon pack doesn't have these either? I was really on the fence (of not getting it, still think it's a pretty steep price and the first game on Xbox was really boring for me), but this might actually throw me over it. Not like those cosmetic craps are worth that much for me, but it would be nice to be able to get a full pack that is, you know, actually full.
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I think that only has the Season pass which is the main DLC mission packs. Not the extra characters or cosmetics.
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Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I would have probably skipped it even if it had it anyways, I already spent too much and Steam's Summer Sale hasn't even started yet...
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9 new packs
Now the DLC alone adds up to about 100 dollars, I realize this is cosmetic stuff but its still extreme, they could have added all of this crap into one cosmetic pack alongside the Season Pass or hell I don't know just put all of it in the season pass.
Sorta glad I didn't break down and buy it on GMG yesterday, morally my head says no to this company now, this kinda crap didn't happen with Borderlands 1...
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