8 years ago*

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You can say about Minecraft what you want but it's a solid game and great for kids' fantasy.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Minecraft is a fun game, i like it too. People say they hate minecraft but most of the time they just hate the fandom

8 years ago

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Yeah, or they never tried it and think it's shit because of how it looks.

8 years ago

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That's pretty impressive. I never had any interest in Minecraft and I doubt I ever will since it's just not my kind of game, but I can see why people love it.

8 years ago

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no wonder, MC became part of those games everyone snd their dog plays and instantly recognises

8 years ago

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GTA V still beats it :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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nice roast over there m8

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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now look the prices of both games. :)

8 years ago

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GTA V made $800 million on launch day, way more than minecraft...

8 years ago

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it costs way more than minecraft... /facepalm

8 years ago

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It's a better game, it deserves a higher price tag...

8 years ago

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in singleplayer its better, but in multiplayer? no way, whenever i tried playing multiplayer in GTA V, there was always hackers in every session.... (and also noone ever joins any jobs i start -> no way i can lvl up fast -> never see any content besides starting stuff.... :/

8 years ago

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Play with friends only then.

8 years ago

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give me friends lol.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sure, if you can even compare the two. It's open world... that's literally the only thing I can think of that they share. Of which case Minecraft wins, because, you know, it's infinite.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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read Finxert's comments you frickin noob https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/oNZHk/minecraft-is-officialy-the-2nd-best-selling-video-game-of-all-time#hDdT023 he starts talking about how gta v made more money

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8 years ago

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GTA V has sold the most pre-orders or games on 1st day, I think.

8 years ago

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Tetris beats both (⌐■ᨎ■)

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8 years ago

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But it's not a video game, it's a tool.

8 years ago

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Have you ever played it?

8 years ago

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And you're absolutely true. Just like Garry's mod. It's not a game. You're the one that creates it.

8 years ago

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Have you ever played it?

8 years ago

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Do you even get what they're saying? ...

8 years ago

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Do you even get the purpose of my question? ...

8 years ago

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I have played it and i can agree Shikinami I would not count it as a game so much as a tool to build your own world and the reason it is so popular is you can create what you want.

It does have survival but i am sure most people use it to just build things.Anyhow at its core it is considered a "video game" though i still think it just a program to create your own world and not a traditional game.

Another example would be Visual Novels,they are so far from being an actual game but since they still could fall under the term "video game" it is marked as a game but i do not count them as one.I just see them as story time on steroids.

Video Game

a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

In short pretty much anything that uses a computer or the sorts to display images and lets you push a few buttons falls under that definition.So i could make something with one object on the screen and just use one button to move it and bam it is a game because now the

In the end Mine Craft is classified as a game but i do not see it as one but that does not mean its not one by definition so in the end it is technically a a game.

8 years ago*

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Is Simcity a vidya game?

8 years ago

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Yes by definition it is,but just because i do not count some as not being a video game does not mean they are not i was just sharing that i do not think some games are video games.

Video Game
a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

So pretty much if you make an image and you use the mouse to change the position by that definition it is a video game.So Sim City would fall under that because you're manipulating the images on the screen.

8 years ago

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A game is more of something with a story.

Minecraft along with games like Garry's Mod, and countless tycoon games are more considered as "tools" as you technically create your own story and game.

Minecraft is just simply create your own world and that is more on the side of being a "tool" than a game. No story to follow. just building and digging :P

8 years ago

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Exactly. ;)

8 years ago

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I strongly dispute your argument by just saying that the first video games ever released didn't have any story at all.
I love good stories in gaming, I just want to point out that a game doesn't necessarily has to have a story to be a game.

8 years ago

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You've just said that almost no grand strategy games or 4X titles are games.

8 years ago

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Tetris and Pong are tools? Who knew.

8 years ago

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No. I would never play it. Do I have to play every game that I don't want to play before finding out if I actually want to play it? xD Anyway, I've seen gameplay videos of it with many mods and maps.

8 years ago

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Of course you don’t have to play it. Also you don't have to like it - without even playing it, it’s a respectable opinion/fact. But saying that it is not a video game without playing it, that is oblivious to the fact that the “creative” mode is only a …mode (as the word is indicating) and not the default game. How popular is this mode doesn’t change the fact that Minecraft is still a game and this is a mode of it.

8 years ago

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The game has combat that requires a degree of skill, with consequences for failure, a progression system and an endgame with a big baddy. While it's not the main draw of the game, I would still call it a game based on that.

8 years ago

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best game ever ;_;

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8 years ago

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that remained me that I can use shaders on my new pc, ty xD

8 years ago

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i always found it very boring, but it has something, thats for sure

8 years ago

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It's a great game. Admit it - you all loved Lego as a kid and you still do.

8 years ago

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that's not the same. i want my legos back! xD

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8 years ago

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Ouch! I think that would hurt!

8 years ago

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Not surprising. It's a great game that's still constantly being updated. I find myself going back to it every so often (currently playing with a modpack).

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You should have bought it some years ago, it was a lot more cheaper.

8 years ago

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To the time machine!

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8 years ago

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why would you think that it's overpriced? :o
I probably payed less than 10ct for every day of playtime :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, multiplayer with friends does help log hours.

8 years ago

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Same here. It's fun enough, but I'm not gonna pay €23.95 for it.

8 years ago

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I would never buy it, even if they would threaten me with a shotgun. xD Well, at least, Tetris is still winning. ^_^

8 years ago

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And people said Microsoft is mad when they bought it. It will only get more popular from there, seeing VR version is already in the works as Hololens killer app.

8 years ago

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Its a great game, wish i had something like that when i was younger to let my imagination go wild. had to use LEGOs... and do it irl, :c

8 years ago

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It should be, I bought it nine times :)

edit: Eight times... I can't count to potato.

8 years ago*

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wtf lol why?

8 years ago

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I bought 5 copies for PC when Notch launched first alpha version. One copy cost 10$ at that time and Notch was talking about selling downloadable content in the future but those with alpha accounts would have all additional content for free. That of course never happened and those plans were erased by presence of mods on PC. One I redemeed and rest gave away to my friends. Last year I bought another three copies for PS3, PS4 and PSVita. They were for the price of one so good deal ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks to the myriads of mods, I'll come back to MC every few months. Currently waiting for a good modpack on 1.9

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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How is that sad? It's a great game that is still being updated regularly. The community might not always be great, but the game itself is very good.

8 years ago

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Each to their own.

8 years ago

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lol at number one. Regardless, I can understand why Minecraft is popular. All my younger cousins are playing it on their family's tablet.

8 years ago

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Tetris is a great game. Any idiot can pick it up and instantly play it. And it's fun for everyone

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8 years ago

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I see that most people here are very strongly against Minecraft, but personally I love it and I've played it more than any other game. If I had to guess how much I've played it, it's probably been between 2,000-3,000 hours, which breaks down to about 200 hours in vanilla, 600 in mod packs, and 1,200+ in various servers.

8 years ago*

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i am not against it. i just don't like it. not my type of game. but if others have so much fun with it, that's great.

8 years ago

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I said the same thing for years... then I played it and got addicted.

8 years ago

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Man, when it was in alpha I would get stoned and play for hours. Always got lost too, until I started leaving a trail of torches. The mods like FTB and Tekkit add a ton of depth, but man what a timesink.

8 years ago

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I never played it

8 years ago

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This calls for a celebratory sale on Minecraft... hint... wink... sigh... the last sale was years ago when Notch got married.

8 years ago

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I hate playing it alone but if it was with a group of friends on some active server or something it would be awesome, almost like an MMORPG or something like that, anyone know any servers like that? I'm too lonely to play with irl friends Q_Q

8 years ago

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Just look at some forums. There are plenty of threads with people looking for people to play on private servers (at least last time I check, which is a while back now).

8 years ago

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Vainilla minecraft = boring after some time

It's like garrys mod, thanks to the community and the mods is fun.

8 years ago

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I think it's a good game and deserves it. I played the crap out of some Minecraft back when it was in beta with a couple of friends. We didn't build anything as fancy as some of the stuff I've seen. We started out living in a hole we dug out of the side of a mountain, but eventually built a castle, a tree fortress, a snow/ice castle and setup a rail network to travel between them and all of our mining sites. When the official 1.0 release came out, we decided to start over, but it just didn't have the same feel to it. I think part of it was that we started out in a crappy place and part was just starting over with nothing and no desire to rebuild what we had. It's a totally different game now than it was back in the beta and early 1.0 days.

I bought another copy for my niece when she wanted to play it. She doesn't like survival and I don't like creative. I like to build things, but I like the challenge of survival and building. She's built some pretty impressive stuff though in creative. I suppose it's this generation's LEGOS. When I was a kid, I played with LEGOS, but back then they came in boxes of just build pieces. They would sometimes come with an idea book showing you some things that could be built with that set, but no instructions, you used your imagination to build what you want. Now they're glorified model kits.

8 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Kirikagure.