... You're an idiot. Go read a little about the devastating effects of Lyme disease on the body. It's not something you can "just get over" or a case of "being lazy". It's a serious disease.
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You're on the Internet, don't take anything seriously, even if it is, I don't know.
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Unbelievable. The only thing worse than a brainless, uneducated troll is one that doesn't even have the balls to stand by their own words / childish jokes. You said "..so I sympathize", implying that you have the same problem the girl has. You were mockingly comparing her having Lyme to you being lazy, an inherently negative word. Don't try to twist shit now, candy-ass.
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... No, it's not. Especially since he's posting further negative / derisive remarks further down in the thread. If it wasn't meant insultingly / mockingly, tell me, how do you think he meant it? What was he trying to say in the thread, then? You're either stupid, or a troll late to the party.
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The only other things q00u said was to correct you and ask why this hasn't been closed for begging. I do wonder the same.
What his intention with the first comment was, I do not know, but the one thing he definitely didn't say is that Lyme is exactly like being lazy.
btw, for playing the moral card, you're rather insolent yourself.
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I didn't say he was saying having Lyme is the same as being lazy - he was implicitly comparing the two to mock her. And you don't need to act like the queens' messenger and be extremely polite in your verbiage yourself to tell others off. Me saying "dude, stop acting like an asshole" doesn't make me one.
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Really? Lyme disease is a serious illness with devastating effects on the body, moron. It's not "a cold" or a case of "stop being lazy, get over it". Go Google a little and inform yourself.
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And anyone can also make a negative assumption of something being untrue thus post needlessly negative and derisive bullshit because, well, reasons, right? If you don't believe the claim of someone being ill, just don't post. If someone really is ill, you're being a dick by posting like a dick. Which is more important to you? Making sure you point out the fact that "heck maybe guys, this is fake", or not insulting someone with a serious illness, kicking them while they're down?
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So telling someone off for acting like a dick makes you a SJW now? I don't really think you understand what that term was invented for, nor am I one. Nice going dodging an actual response to my entirely valid point by trying to insult me, though.
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I don't do nor support pointless crap like the ice bucket challenge. Nor does trying to insultingly associate me with that kind of "moral white knight" character in any way justify your constant urge to lean towards the negative on this issue, and imply this is all fake with derisive remarks and mockery, rather than show a shred of empathy for the very real chance that there's this sick kid out there.
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As for my points being BS? Really? Then respond to them, oh wise one. Show me how they're BS. Nothing I have said is BS - Lyme is a serious disease, this might be a case of a girl having it, and you don't need to act like a condescending, mocking, unempathetic dick to point out that it might be a fake ploy for cash / attention. Again - see kyleman1224's comments. You ignoring my points doesn't make them BS. It would sooner make your comments and constant off-tangent remarks seem the BS in this equation.
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Also, if you truly felt the need to point out that this might be fake or unwarranted, you could have done so in the same manner kyleman1224 did, a little bit further in the thread. He didn't insult the girl, he merely politely pointed out the possibility of this not being genuine. Instead you assumed the worst, and totally shoved the idea of you maybe insulting someone with a serious illness aside.
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Listen, fool, not everyone is so small-minded as to feel the need to elevate themselves above others, or make everything they post be about boosting their ego or feeling superior. I know that might be hard for you to understand, judging by your constant need to seem smarter than the rest of us, and the need to slam others down on their luck, but try imagining posting something simply because people acting like dicks pisses you off.
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Thats a bummer, hope she gets help, ignore the shit hateful comments you got and are about to get if you can, the internet is full of jackasses.
Personally I am having health issues and am flat broke or I probably would donate, good luck though...
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Are you still mad because of past comments I made? I am starting to see a pattern here with you, no matter what I write you have to try and start a fight with me. Nothing I wrote here seems very jackass like. Care to elaborate? Or are you just trying to start crap because you hold grudges?
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Nothing he said was jackass-y. Lyme diease is a serious condition that warrants respect and empathy, not derision and mockery.
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He sorta stalks me here now and insults me whenever possible, apparently I disagreed with something he said in the past and he can't get over it.
I don't get it...
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Sad how people make fun of things like this...one already suspended in this thread(and one calling me a jackass oh boy for having sympathy), kinda saw it coming...
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I said it below, I'll say it again. Can't believe people could stoop so low, and their morality, well...
Well, people will always abuse the privilege of having a brain, but they shouldn't do so on a such a forum.
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You can't really blame people for being a bit suspicious. I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, cuz it may be true or not. I guess it just depends. It's a real disease and it's serious, so if it is true, best of luck to her.
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Exactly, no reason to be a jerk is all, could be a scam, I would like to think its not. Some people have 0 respect it seems. At least you aren't being mean about it...
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I cannot believe the level of idiocy in this thread, dude. Seriously, have people had something put in their local water supplies? What the hell is going on? People don't even seem to know anything about Lyme; that it's a serious illness. I am facepalming so hard at most of the posters here... Thank god for some sanity dear Ms. Clinton.
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Well I won't donate any money either but I have a suggestion.
People are usually very superficial and are more suggestive to donating money if the girl is cute.
Well if she isn't cute atleast she should make some effort to look like someone worth donating for. Her picture is like....I'm lazy....I don't care....
So why should we care?
Sounds harsh, but that's how the world (sadly) works.
Now run along and tell her to change that picture.
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One of the later symptoms of Lyme Disease is that you have chronic fatigue. Means you look "lazy" because every single thing you do takes a ridiculous amount of effort. That's why she has to sleep every 3 hours, as the OP said. Oh, and when she wakes up? She doesn't feel any better. It's chronic fatigue, she feels exactly the same as when she fell asleep. So I think that asking someone to not appear lazy, under those conditions, is a bit insensitive, don't you?
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well there's an easy solution....use a picture from "before" oooooor just suck it up for 5 seconds which it takes to take a picture. It's not that impossible and if you look at the small picture she is using for the profile, you can see that a better picture IS possible.
That big picture is just making people close the page....first impressions usually stick and are the deciding factor in many things.
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I have to agree, unfortunately. It's a sad fact of society but it is what it is. Marketing works. Even if it's a charity, money's not going to come in unless you do a bit of work; and for her that does involve investing some energy into a better picture. Even if we consider that she is sick, first impressions are first impressions and the majority of people will only take a second to judge her then click off. Sad but true =/.
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Well, you decide if she's hot https://2dbdd5116ffa30a49aa8-c03f075f8191fb4e60e74b907071aee8.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/1052835_1392962777.3265.jpg
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You say that like there is any difference between trolls and really dumb children.
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Lyme's disease sucks. I hope they caught it early enough to be able to avoid the long term effects.
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Nothing against her, I did not even click the link, but I hate beggers. So I hate you. Call me an asshole, but before: Think about your own egoism in this western consum-world.
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Haha, you have 185 video games and you're really going to start some rant against consumerism?
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I'm part of the system aswell as you are. That is what I wanted to say with the last (two) sentences.
Also, y u use ad-hominem arguments?
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Well, he isn't the one begging. You must likely didn't understand the argument.
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.. That's because he didn't post any form of argument. Only a statement with vague allusions to one.
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Imagine- even me as an "brain dead, or just incredibly low on education, [...] unbelievable idiot, wanting to feel superior" person has an own meaning which is not put into an ad-hominem statement. ;)
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No offense, but she's trying to get help for a friend who's very bad off, and you're going on about her ego? Sounds to me like this is the OPPOSITE of ego. Besides it's pretty cold to go on about consumerism when people die every day from disease and other causes.
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Are all of you jackasses posting nasty, negative or rude crap here brain dead, or just incredibly low on education? Lyme disease is a serious disease that has horrible effects on people, it's not "being lazy", you unbelievable idiots. Go Google a little and inform yourself, before posting insanely idiotic and insulting, judgemental crap here out of prejudice and the want to feel superior. What's next, when someone says they have Chagas disease you'll also just call them lazy? "Brush it off man, get over it".
God, the stupidity of the internet is rising day-by-day. Unbelievable.
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... "It's a gaming forum" and "it's the internet" defences / explanations are so piss-poor pathetic and wildly irrelevant, any time they're used as a justification for dickish behaviour. It's still a case of people - real, flesh and blood human beings - typing horrible, insulting comments at someone with a serious disease, mostly due to their own ignorance or outright asshole-y demeanour. And I'm not the one in the wrong for pointing it out, and telling them to piss off.
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So, the world's turned upside down now? Assholes can act like assholes, and that's just fine; the rest of us should just shut up and accept it? I don't give a rats' ass whether people think I am a morally perfect person, nor did I post to try and farm karma, or reputation, or anything else. I posted because I am sick and tired of assholes running their mouth, and insulting people with a serious illness. Nothing more.
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As I already said to Aboow, yes, maybe this is all fake. Maybe there is no girl with Lyme disease out there. But the mere possibility that there is a real person out there with this terrible illness means that an empathetic, sane human being would rather not take the chance that they're insulting and mocking someone who's seriously ill than post jokes, insults, or derisive remarks. Look at the user kyleman1224. He politely points out that this may be fake, yet shows empathy towards the girl, in case this is real, and she is really ill. Nothing wrong with that, as he's still accounting for the very good chance that there's a sick kid out there, who's friend is reading this thread.
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Also, how was I twisting words? Are you referring to my first two sentences? Because those weren't twisting your words, at all. They were a comment on the fact that it seems you can't simply want to stand up for someone who's fucking sick and being mocked by jackasses on the internet without people instantly acting like you're some moral white knight, karma whore, etc. It's annoying as shit, and makes no sense.
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I'm pretty sure that EVERYONE in this thread (And probably EVERYONE registered on this site!) knows of at least SOMEONE suffering from some disease or another, although how many times do you see us posting it? Never. We don't. Because that's how things work.
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"Because that's how things work." Congratulations on posting one of the most idiotic, say-nothing sentences humanity has ever coined.
And that also has nothing to do with the incredibly insensitive, dickish way people respond when someone does post something about a sick person. It doesn't make it OK.
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I could go through the list (And every other list), and paste some new cry for help 5 times a second. It's redundant, and considered spam. Everyone is suffering in some way (I'm unemployed in a third world country - Life sucks).
So, how about you withdraw all the money from your bank account, and hand it out to random people - I'm sure they could find something wrong with their lives to complain about that money would help with. So, why wait?
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Read my comment again. Nothing you say is a valid justification for acting like a dick in a thread like this. The fund-raiser might be a scam, yes, there might not be a real person sick, there might be billions more dying of hunger worldwide, blablabla, but none of that has anything to do with what I am saying - there is potentially someone sick with a serious illness, and acting like a dick in a thread about that person is akin to kicking then walking past someone lying in the street begging for help because they're in pain, and dying. You know, because they might be faking it, and even if they aren't, there's many more in the world with problems. Why would you bend over to check on that guy and ask what's wrong, or even treat him like a human being, right? What right does he have to dare ask for help, or some fucking sympathy / empathy? Your entire case is pointless.
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I'm pretty sure that EVERYONE in this thread (And probably EVERYONE registered on this site!) knows of at least SOMEONE suffering from some disease or another, although how many times do you see us posting it? Never. We don't. Because that's how things work.
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See, the point people are failing to understand is the fact that while this may be a scam/many others are also suffering/no one posts it on forums and so on, but whatever it may be, doesn't give one the right to act like a jerk about it at this forum. And you can see that some people are acting quite the assholes. Other than the constructive criticism, mostly it's ridicule of the lyme disease. And that's what Ansatsunin seems to be irritated at, I think. Other than that, you're absolutely right.
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Anonymity makes people more honest about themselves, because "it's just internet brah don't take it so seriously" excuses they always throw at you as a scapegoat for them being assholes. Insulting random strangers on the internet boosts their little egos and they can feel better about themselves.
I don't really feel anything thing for strangers, even if they have horrible sickness. I have no other reason to care for them other than their constant pain and only thing I can offer is my sympathy (or donation if I really wanted to) and go my way, it doesn't help their situation if I started calling them names or anything, so I won't bother wasting time creating a fight for the hell of it.
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I wish everyone would stop jumping on Ansatsunin. With due respect to everyone here, he does have a point, and all the rest of you are doing is helping him prove his point. Also, there's a saying that I think fits all the rude people in this thread that he's talking about: "The person who knows the least says it the loudest."
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To OP - hope she can get treated quick enough to avoid lasting effects; I hope she recovers quickly!
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good to know so many assholes are coming here, need an badgae or what?
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you can call me an as*hole or anything you want but potato salad anyone :D
I am really scheptical about this and angry too, my sister got scammed with this thing in real life not on the internet a guy camed to her school and said if someone wanted to donate for a sick baby he said she has some money and she donated 40 euro (which is alot of money in my country atleast for kids under 18)that money was almost half of the money she got from her birthday ( if this is real i wish only the best for you and hope you get well but if you are a fake as i am inclined to think root in hell )
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The potato salad guy is a bad example. He wasn't trying to scam anyone. He was upfront about his kickstarter from the start. I think it is hilarious how much cash he made off of it.
I hope the girl gets better but there are so many scams out there people's reaction here in the forums is not a surprise at all.
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It's always been like this, nowadays it is just more noticeable as the speed information is spreading is practically instantly. Giving up the last stand of anonymity we have (even though it is not total anonymity) wouldn't help anything or anybody.
Having said this good luck to that girl, even though I doubt enough funds will be raised.
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I'm not at all sure about that. Most jerks have no problems being jerks in real life, with people who know them. The main difference is that if say 1 in 100 people is a loudmouth jerk, you'll meet a few in real life and hopefully be able to avoid them, but on a forum with 10000 users you'll have 100 such people who will easily dominate a thread. I don't think that lack of anonymity will change that. These people just think they're making funny jokes, and in fact to similarly minded people they are.
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anonymity doesnt make people assholes, anonymity reveals how a person would be in a world with no consequences, that's why we have laws, imagine our world with no laws (only the natural laws: moral and ethic) like in the pre-history. The internet is a place where people can reveal themselves with almost no consequences (to an extent) and I agree that the human nature is the worst we know by far
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My {INSERT_FAMILY_MEMBER_HERE} is currently suffering from {INSERT_RARE_DISEASE_HERE}! {SHE/HE} has been suffering for a long time, and I cannot afford to treat {HIM/HER}! Please help! I only need ${INSERT_NUMBER_HERE},000 more for the {OPERATION/DOCTORS FEES}! Please help, as I cannot raise this money on my own, as {INSERT_VAGUE_REASON_HERE}, and {INSERT_ANOTHER_REASON_HERE}, so really need your help!
I thank you for your time, and any help that you can offer.
My deepest thanks!
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not sure if this is the best forum to bring this tbh. Better ways to get attention for the cause but maybe thats me.
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My girlfriend also has Lyme and she doesn't need to ask for money to treat it.
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I wish her good luck, and I hope she'll receive the treatment she needs.
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Wishing her the best of luck! Sickness sucks! Ignore all the hateful comments, it's the internet, ya know?
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my cousin did that, she redid her bathroom. Pissed me off so much.
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I thought Lyme disease was just a bite or something? From what I know of it, and I obviously don't know a lot, I thought it was just a disease caught from a bite, and could be treated pretty easily with antibiotics. I didn't know people needed 25,000 to go to Germany for it.
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If memory serves me right its easily treatable early on but as time goes on and if you don't catch it it can get serious? I might be wrong.
Skimmed it, pretty much what I thought, can be quite bad.
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Yeah seems you're right. I just thought it was like a rash from a bite or something. Had no idea it could be that serious tbh.
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Nature can be a pretty big ass sometimes, scary that a bug bit can do stuff like this...
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Yes, humans are apart of nature and can be destructive, you are correct. Not everyone though. Same goes for things in nature, some things are, some aren't, also depends on perception.
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Humans are a part of nature, my first statement was "Nature can be a pretty big ass sometimes" which totally included people, since we are part of it obviously. I never said to what extent or what percentage of humans do things to destroy nature, also it comes down to perception.
But yeah Humans can be very very destructive, I just like to view it from a different angle, I guess what I mean is it seems that there is a bunch of people that DO really destroy our planet BUT the normal everyday joe doesn't have much an impact, as a collective maybe but average joe isn't doing it on purpose most likely.
Conclusion: Worlds complicated, so are the things in it, many times those things(People included) are indeed destructive and that's a shame but that's kinda life sadly.
I hope I didn't waste my time writing this and hope you aren't just trying to start an argument for the sake of it, in the end I feel we are both on the same page here, just expressing it different maybe...
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Here is the link http://www.gofundme.com/718mkc Please even 1$ is appreciated im a good friend of her so... help her :) Please Spread this to your friends... I really feal sorry for her she have to sleep every 3 hours and i want her to get better ): Its just 2 seconds to copy and paste do what you can <3
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